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At this point there is only One that can intervene on our behalf and fix this broken nation; and that is God. Our way of life is being threatened by those who are supposed to protect it. We need God more than ever.
2 Chronicles 7:14
"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face,and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
I believe that within this verse lies the only solution that can help us as a nation. Many churches are failing. The ntcc has their priorities all mixed up. They would rather focus on their own image than making things right with the many people they have wronged. Instead they continue to oppress people. They are more interested in erecting buildings and collecting money than they are in praying for this country. We really need to pray for each other and pray that God would restore this nation to the great country we once were. As a nation we think we are the only Super Power on the planet; but we have let our guard down. And the enemy knows it. We have freedom to vote; and everyone will vote for the person they believe will do the best job running this country. That is a personal decision that we all must make. I'm not thrilled about either of the choices; and politics is going to reach levels of hate that we've never seen.
God Bless The USA by Lee Greenwood on YouTube
We believe that the only effective thing we can do is pray. When it's all said and done, the only thing that matters, and the only thing that we can control is our own relationship with God. We only have one life and one chance at securing our own freedom in this life. You can mend your relationship with God by talking to Him. God doesn't want us to fail. He doesn't want our nation to fail either. If you don't know anything, know this: God is Love. God loves us. All God wants is us to Love Him and each other. Pray that it may be so.
Mark 12:30-31
"And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these."
America as we know it is over. We're going to destroy ourselves by voting for a ghetto culture.
Anonymous said...
America as we know it is over. We're going to destroy ourselves by voting for a ghetto culture.
DNA said:
It seems like that, but I respectfully disagree. God can change it if Christians would pray. It might seem like an empty promise but if you believe the bible, God has changed the fate of nations in the past when his people prayed. Things look gloomy and that is no lie. We have forsaken God as a nation. Groups like the ntcc have made a mockery out of the gospel. They accumulate wealth while they oppress the poor. They run people off for less evil than they commit. They convince folks that they have a monopoly on salvation, and they become two fold more the child of hell when it's all said and done. It's true. They all want to be just like Davis and just like Kekel. They want to place people in hell for not paying tithe, not attending every function and not dressing according to their man made rules.
Christianity is real. God is real. Jesus really died for us. Not so we can lord over a bunch of weak minded slaves while we exploit them for their money. If people could just unlearn what they were taught in the ntcc, and start all over with God, they could have a clean slate. People think that this is impossible. You have to realize that God is more than willing to help us and save us. It's been pounded into our heads when we left the ntcc that we were leaving God. People feel hopeless and helpless. I did. I didn't think I could ever be saved. That's what religion does to you. That's what cults do to you. That's what the ntcc does to you. People think that they have to change their lives and live perfect but nobody does that. Davis was lying when he said he could not remember the last time he sinned. That was sin in itself, just saying that.
We choose to believe that God is capable and willing to deliver this country from all the evil we have brought upon ourselves. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. (Heb. 11:1) We all know that. Hope is where it all starts. We don't see it, but we have faith God will bring it to pass. We believe that there are enough people out there that God cares about enough to answer their sincere prayers. God still can say no, but if enough people raise their voices to Heaven, anything can happen.
I'd love to believe you are right. I just don't see it.
Now Clarence Thomas might retire. AHHHHHH
The military could stand to "decay" (as in downsize) quite a bit more--we have a war machine that's out of control and far beyond what we need to defend ourselves. So we use it to meddle in the affairs of other nations, and then we wonder why "they all hate us." Meanwhile young people are dying for the protection of corporate interests while we go broke, and all the fearmongering candidates can do is bloviate about how we need more guns and bombs. All the war materiel in the universe won't protect us from our own decadence.
Hilary and The Donald are two sides of the same coin, and both will just continue the status quo. I don't think I'm even going to vote. If I do, it'll be a blank ballot. The system is so broken that I don't want to validate it by my participation. What if no one voted? At least the next warmonger couldn't claim a "mandate."
During the Cold War, we used to mock the USSR with their one-party "elections," but what we have is no different. Preselected candidates are dutifully trotted out every four years so we can pretend to have a meaningful choice. Government isn't going to solve anything. Better to look for alternative networks of like minded people who can engage in mutual support as the decline continues. Nothing is going to change until things get so bad the masses abandon apathy and demand something better. Right now they're too busy stuffing their faces with cheap and deadly ersatz food while they waste their time on reality TV and crime drama. And all preachers can do is holler about bathrooms while they wave flags and pretend that America is all about some mythical past that never really even existed. Disgusting.
OK, that's you're gloom and doom report for the day :-) .
I agree with a lot of what you said, Vic. We all have differing opinions; especially when it comes to politics. Involving ourselves in every affair on the planet is not going to rid the world of terrorists or endear us to the world. I personally feel that drawing down our military forces will weaken us and make us vulnerable as a nation. Now, I could argue this point, but I'm not really wanting to argue politics so we'll leave it at that. Politics is divisive and America is polarized. People are rioting over some of the stuff Trump is saying. It's funny how nobody riots over Bernie's socialist agenda which is far more dangerous to our country and our freedom. It's also a wonder that so many people can ignore the corruptness of Hillary. If anyone of us created a private unsecured apparatus to hide our confidential emails from the government and used it to transmit highly classified material to God knows who, and then mysteriously lost, (deleted) 30,000 of those emails when under an FBI investigation, we would be in jail for a long time. She will get a free pass on this and not only get out of prosecution, but will be allowed to run for president. Donald Trump has alienated himself from the party he claims to represent by publicly insulting them and making up names for everyone that disagrees with him. His unfavorable ratings are at 70% against the weakest candidate that he could possibly be running against. People ignore his past and believe that he will change his values if he gets elected. He's a wild card for sure. Who knows what he's really going to do. If he gets into office and other world leaders disagree with him, what's he going to do? Make up names for them and agitate them into declaring war? I personally don't care what your politics are, but we are in trouble as a nation.
This brings us back to the whole purpose of this blog post. Our only hope is turning back to God. The problem with that is people are sick of religion and tired of the hucksters that pedal it. They have seen corrupt organizations like the ntcc use God to make millions of dollars and they are totally sick of it and don't want anything to do with God because of them. People don't believe that God will answer prayer anymore so they won't even try to pray. We have created a global mess of epic proportions and at this point it can't be cleaned up by politicians. The only one that can clean up this mess is God. I know people don't believe that God even cares enough to get involved. We wouldn't be in this mess if we loved one another and if we loved God. People live for confrontation and they aren't happy unless they are at each other's throats. It's too hard to put aside our differences and focus on the hope of a brighter future. I can tell you that if God is not involved in our future as an individual or as a nation, we are without hope. Can prayer change that? We believe that it has in the past and it can in the future.
I read something that made a lot of sense when it comes to religious hypocrisy:
Harper Lee penned in her 1960 novel "To Kill a Mockingbird," in which the character Miss Maudie says, "Sometimes the Bible in the hand of one man is worse than a whiskey bottle in the hand of [another]."
Who does it help if we pray and ask God to heal our land?
I recall screaming my lungs out along with others seeking God to save souls!
With dimmed lights walking around but it was just for show.
We are no longer a Christian nation and maybe just maybe a little persecution will open our hearts to seek the Lord in spirit and truth.
Ive attended different churches including ntcc and there's not a difference.
They all worship God the same way.
They all have the same events.
Cookie cutter kind of religion.
Intrigue. Is what we have worth saving or is better off to be razed or at least brought to its knees so what is rebuilt something better? I'm more inclined to this direction. I'd rather a cataclysmic event like a great depression to shake us and build some character than continue the long slow slide in to greater apathy and socialism. But then again the foundations of our current circumstance were laid during the great depression. Perplexing.
I'm not sure I would invite a cataclysmic event over a revival of prayer. While many hucksters abound, there are sincere people who love God in America. America is worth praying for. Revival is worth praying for, and I'm not talking about some board member stopping by in his recreational vehicle and taking up offerings every night for the privilege of hearing him jack you up.
When we look at the situation with our Government, things look really bad. We are so close to not having any rights. I know some will say that we already have lost all our rights, but we are still a free country and we can come and go as we please to some extent. We are over taxed and freedom is controlled much more than it ever has been. We are on the brink of complete and total financial collapse and 98% of the politicians are more concerned about their own prosperity than they are about anything else. When radical Islamic terrorists kill our citizens, the root of the problem gets ignored and politicians want to take away our rights to defend ourselves against the very ones who wish to see us dead. God forbid that we offend any of these Islamic Terrorists. It's your fault for having guns. They want to go after you and ignore the radical Muslims who wish to kill us and end our way of life. Politicians want to strip you of your second amendment rights and your first amendment rights. You can't call them radical Muslims or Jihadists. You might offend them. The second amendment wasn't enacted so we could freely hunt deer. People ignore the constitution like they ignore the bible.
God is the only one that can fix this mess. We've already had depressions and wars, and we have quickly forgot who it was that brought us through it all. Maybe it might seem foolish to think that people could turn to God of their own free will and pray us out of this mess, but it has worked in the past and seems to be the most effective method of turning away God's wrath. Not everyone is "ntcc corrupt". I really believe that if anything can move God to intervene, it's people turning to Him and praying. Not attending five church services a week, or paying tithe, or dressing like a Quaker.
"Revival is not some board member stopping by in his recreational vehicle and taking up offerings every night and attending five services a week"
It's interesting that you wrote this because the tiemans are back at it again, going around preaching revivals at the ntcc churches.
I recall back in the day when rw was still alive he was the one who would instruct those board members where to go and preach.
It was awkward when a pastor asked the board member to come to his little church and the board member would just say "I'll get back to you"
In other words : " let me ask permission to see if rw wants me to go preach to your small congregation where probably there is no big offerings"
It's amazing how ignorant we all were back in those days. If we had opened our eyes and ears we could have seen what was going on right in front of our faces and saved ourselves a whole lot of heart ache. Just as politicians boldly flaunt their money in front of us while they trample the constitution, ntcc hucksters flaunt their money in front of us while they trample on the bible. We watched and listened as Davis and the rest of the board showed favor to those who generated money and numbers, while they ignored and rejected those who didn't. That's the way things are in the world. With Jesus it was different. He tended to gravitate towards those that were poor. Money was never a motivating factor with the King of kings.
It's not revival it's survival.
In our society politics has has more strength and influence than Christianity, and it was the same way when Jesus walked. Amos 3:3 Can two walk together, except they be agreed? Our two party political system will never be able to heal this nation that we love until they come together.
You are right, Maurice. It's a huge distraction from the only solution. It's easy to argue about politics and everyone has their own opinions. I know that I have friends that have views that are a lot different than mine and they have every right to have those views. I've seen people get in such heated arguments about politics and religion. Both topics are like powder kegs waiting to explode. Politics governs our life if we like it or not. Religion governs our life if we allow it to. God has rules just as life has rules. In life we are governed by common sense and physical limitations. If you stick your head in an alligator's mouth, he might just chomp down and end you. If you jump off a five story building you will most likely die or be eating your food through a straw for the rest of your life. If you treat people like you are better than they are, they will resent you. When hypocrites like the ntcc add their rules to God's rules it becomes a ritual and ends up running people off instead of drawing people in. When politics or religion are crammed down your throat it turns people away. I believe that Government should not interfere with the unalienable rights that were given to us by God. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't have government but rather that our government officials should not impose their ideologies on we the people. We have seen this happen with Democrats and Republicans. They are supposed to protect and serve, and that is what a pastor is supposed to do also. The ntcc has it backwards. They make their followers believe that their only purpose in life is to serve them and protect them. It's really idol worship if you look at it for what it is. The double standard huckster is worshiped and adored by the people they oppress.
We recently received an email from a guy that is trying to locate his brother. Mark Agustin was last known to be stationed in Ft. Lewis, WA back in 1997 and was attending the ntcc. If anyone has any knowledge of Mark Agustin past or present, please let us know. People have a tendency to reject their families when they get caught up in the cult behavior of the ntcc. Their families never stop loving them and they worry about them. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
I attended the woodbrooke/tillicum from 1996 to 1999 before going to Graham. The name is not familar to me. There was a Parkland church around the time as well but it was mostly a civillian church.
He's looking for his brother 20 years later?
If he's still in the military that shouldn't be difficult. He could go to a recruiters office and look him up on AKO.
Either way something smells fishy to me.
No, he claims that he has been looking for him for years. He hired a PI but no success. It was too expensive. I'll be honest, most of the people in the Servicemen's homes were known by brother and often times their first and last names were not always known or remembered. As far as it being fishy, everything is fishy with in the Borg. One thing I've learned in the last few years is that nothing surprises me. When you think you have it all figured out, you don't. When you think something is complete hearsay or gossip it ends up being true. I'm skeptical of everything and because of this I've learned not to believe anything I hear and only half of what I see. If you would of told me 25 years ago that I'd be married to Ange after being separated for twenty years and running an anti-ntcc cult blog, I would have told you that you were out of your mind.
We are mot sure how long Mark Agustin was in the ntcc. We doubt he is still in the cult because very few people ever last twenty years but anything is possible. We were hoping that someone who reads this blog might remember him.
If they are in contact with still perhaps they have a pic they could share. Id be glad to look at it. Might even be able to share with some folks im still in contact with from back then.
Thanks Eric. We asked for a picture and as much info as he could give us. When we hear back, we'll let you know. Another observation that we've had is that the ntcc can really mess people up in a short period of time. I had a brother that attended the church in Ft. Hood. Now he was already messed up prior to attending the church but I doubt if the ntcc helped him with his issues. He only attended for a short time and he disappeared for decades. We finally got in touch with him and he is jacked up. He is a ward of the state and in and out of psychiatric facilities, half way houses and has been in lots of trouble for trespassing, vagrancy and other minor nuisances.
The ntcc can do a lot of damage in a short amount of time. Many X-members try to replace the ntcc with other cults. People that go from one cult to another often get messed up really bad. We know people who have done this and it's not very uncommon. People that went from the ntcc to Ashmore's church are a good example. Mathew Meinecke, Ashmore's second in command is a nut case who thinks that the blood moons are a sign related to the end of times. He has a YouTube channel and gives a very creepy oration about the blood moons. People in the ntcc are whacked out, and it don't take them very long to get there.
Yep. The NTCC preys on the vulnerable like young GI's without the protection a natural friend and family usually provides. The reality is people do have various degrees of functioning. Some lower functioning people find a career in the military and for them the structure and benefits helps them to reach their potential. NTCC convinces them to leave that for Bible School when they have no business seeking such a profession and they struggle to make it in a world they are ill equipped for. Another shameful and exploitive practice of NTCC to keep the dollars flowing toward Graham. They need to leave folks alone and let them serve God where God would uave them and in the capacity he has equipped them for.
You are absolutely right, the NTCC does prey on young military men and women. I've met different pastors that would tell their people to stake out the receiving areas of bases to get people out to church immediately upon arrival. Then they would quickly get them indoctrinated to the life of the Servicemen's Home, give them a hot meal and place to stay if they are willing to give a Home Offering and pay their tithe. They get them involved in the soulwinning program immediately and before you know it, they are so busy they don't have time for any extracurricular activity in the military or to do anything to better themselves for their career.
Oftentimes pastors would advise them to see what they could do to get out of deployments to the field, stuff them full of fattening foods, keep them up late and expect them to be at every service, prayer meeting and soulwinning meeting to be considered "faithful". They train you to underperform, slack off on your job, not exercise and to treat every grievance with their performance as some badge of persecution. That young person will spend their money on the Home Offering for food and cleaning supplies or whatever else is needed, then pay tithe and offerings, World Mission pledges, building fund pledges, and asked to go to Conferences and spend more money in travel, food, lodging, fuel, plane tickets, rental cars, and still asked for offerings when they get there. I'm not seeing what the NTCC actually "gives" to the military...
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