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"For I am the Lord, I change not." Mal 3:6
"Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and to day, and forever." Heb 13:8
Strange Doctrine:
These are great scriptures and they give us assurance that God never changes and the Gospel message is the same as it was 2,000 years ago. How many of you heard the countless times that this was shared: "Times change, people change, but God never changes". Strangely enough, there are a lot of changes that have taken place in the ntcc. Doctrines that were introduced with ultimatums and implications of eternal damnation for disobedience were a big part of how we lived our lives and the message that was preached to the unsaved masses. These doctrines were added to the gospel message that Jesus saves and we all incorporated these doctrines into our lives as if our eternal salvation was dependent on them. Paul said if we or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. Let's take a look at some of the strange doctrines that have been taught over the years in the ntcc and let's see if the ntcc falls into the accursed category. As many ntcc preachers were fond of saying, don't shoot us, we are just the messengers. We didn't write the bible, we just expect those who claim to be the last move of God on earth to actually be accountable for what they preach to others and how they live themselves.
Strange doctrines of the ntcc:
1. Tithe:
Tithe was not preached by Jesus, Paul or any of the apostles. The ntcc preaches that a person must pay tithe if they wish to make heaven their home. They teach that if the rapture were to take place, and a person had not paid all of their tithe, that they would be "overweight" and God would not take them to heaven. This is a strange doctrine that was never preached by anyone in the New Testament. Paul encouraged giving very often in the New Testament, but tithing was never mentioned by Paul.
"If we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things?" 1 Cor 9:11
If a minister has dedicated his life to preaching the gospel, then he has the biblical right live of the gospel and he also has a right to be supported in the ministry. But Paul also said:
"Nevertheless we have not used this power; but suffer all things, lest we should hinder the gospel of Christ." 1 Cor 9:12
Now, 1 Cor 9:11 has been used by the ntcc "clergy" to justify mandatory tithe paying but 1 Cor 9:12 has been overlooked to willfully deceive people. Neither one of these scriptures have anything to do with tithe. Paul didn't want to hinder the gospel because he knew that if he required mandatory giving that others would come along and pervert the gospel. The ntcc would have to condemn Paul along with all others who don't preach mandatory tithe or hell doctrine. Now in the ntcc, you have people like Kekel getting rich off of mandatory tithe money that should never have been collected. Even if Paul would have quit his job and exercised his right to be supported by church members, can anyone honestly say in all sincerity that he would be living like the Kekels? The ntcc points to this scripture in their bylaws to support their tithe or hell doctrine:
"Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye. Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come." 1 Cor 16:1-2
"Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye. Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come." 1 Cor 16:1-2
Has there ever been a collection for the saints in the ntcc? You know, the poor saints who are struggling to pay bills and living off of Ramen noodles? Last I heard, Ramen is not a food group. You can call it Chicken or beef Ramen but all you have is some noodles and flavored dust. You can add chicken or beef to your Ramen but chances are that if you could afford chicken or beef you wouldn't be eating ramen noodles in the first place. But the collection that Paul took up was not tithe as the ntcc suggests in their bylaws. It was a collection for the Saints. The ntcc is deceiving you by using 1 Cor 16:2 to support their tithe or hell agenda. Here again we find that the ntcc loves to emphasize the part about "laying up in store every week", but they skim over the part that states that the collection was for the saints, not for the money grubbing clergy. The collections taken up in the ntcc do not go towards the poor saints and the ntcc is lying to you in their bylaws. It's up to you if you wish to be a willing accomplice to this lie.
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Unfortunately, all these Lies are Believed in the ntcc in Spite of What the Bible Says |
Tithe is a strange doctrine and the ntcc uses it to condemn people to hell for not paying it. Tithe was never intended to get the Priests in the old testament rich. These Old Testament Priests didn't even have a possession among the children of Israel. Tithe is not part of the gospel and should not be used by anyone to measure the faithfulness of a Christian. Circumcision, Animal sacrifices and feasts are not part of the gospel, so why should tithe be?
2. Holiness:
What is holiness? We all know this scripture very well:
"Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord" Heb 12:14
The word holiness means: Sanctification of heart and life according to the original Greek found in Strong's concordance.
This is another doctrine that the ntcc has made really strange. They define holiness as outward appearance and if you wish to be accepted, you will allow them to tell you what to wear and what not to wear. Isn't it strange that Jesus never concerned himself with what people wear? Is it part of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to tell people that if they wear ear rings that they are not holy and to condemn them for wearing ear rings? Davis allowed his followers to buy him a Rolex watch and a diamond pinky ring, but what do you think would happen if you were to show up at a conference or a bible school class wearing ear rings?
A woman in the ntcc was required to wear a long frumpy dress, no make up, no jewelry and not to cut her hair. If you cut split ends out of your hair, you were lumped in with all the other sinners who were on their way to hell. If God didn't bless you with a lot of hair, then you were required to wear a wig like Verna. This is strange doctrine and it was preached to us as if our eternal souls depended on it. Men could not have facial hair or wear shorts, and even jeans were frowned upon back in the day. Men had to get military hair cuts or they would be preached at for being effeminate.
This was how the ntcc defined holiness. It had very little to do with sanctification of heart and life. This strange doctrine was used as a control mechanism and a litmus test which one must pass if they wished to be a part of the ntcc group.
Now I know a lady that goes to a different church and she told me that she doesn't wear jewelry because she felt that like it was a personal conviction that she had between herself and God. She never pushed this belief on others nor did she say that she felt others needed to have this same conviction. When people do things willingly and not because some overbearing manipulative jerk preaches that you must turn or burn, it becomes "will worship" and it is part of their personal relationship with God. In the ntcc all of the rules were presented as ultimatums and you could not co-exist with them unless you obeyed these imposed rules. The same can be said of tithe. If a person were to pay tithe without being coerced to a cause that was not corrupted by money grubbing hypocrites, that person might be blessed above and beyond your average ntcc'r who drives a beat up oil puking junker and shops at the Good will store while feeding the insatiable desires for wealth and a luxurious lifestyle of people like Michael Craig Kekel and James Ross ("Jim") Ashmore.
Now I know a lady that goes to a different church and she told me that she doesn't wear jewelry because she felt that like it was a personal conviction that she had between herself and God. She never pushed this belief on others nor did she say that she felt others needed to have this same conviction. When people do things willingly and not because some overbearing manipulative jerk preaches that you must turn or burn, it becomes "will worship" and it is part of their personal relationship with God. In the ntcc all of the rules were presented as ultimatums and you could not co-exist with them unless you obeyed these imposed rules. The same can be said of tithe. If a person were to pay tithe without being coerced to a cause that was not corrupted by money grubbing hypocrites, that person might be blessed above and beyond your average ntcc'r who drives a beat up oil puking junker and shops at the Good will store while feeding the insatiable desires for wealth and a luxurious lifestyle of people like Michael Craig Kekel and James Ross ("Jim") Ashmore.
3. Other man made rules and expectations:
There were so many rules that were required of ntcc ministers, bible school students and church members. These rules were required to be followed and if a person didn't follow them they would be preached at for being disobedient and rebellious.
You could not fellowship with others without the permission of your pastor.
Your children could not go to birthday parties, nor could you have other children over to your house for your child's birthday without the permission of your pastor.
You could not talk to a member of the opposite sex, or date, or have any type of a relationship with them without asking your pastor for permission.
You could not miss a church service or function without being condemned.
You could not visit your family or friends, or attend weddings or funerals without the permission of your pastor.
You could not watch TV referred to as the Devil Vision even though Davis had one in his house.
The internet was referred to as the Sinnernet; and people were condemned and falsely accused of looking at pornography if they used it.
Children were considered "a hindrance to the work of the Lord" and many men got vasectomies to comply with this false doctrine. The ntcc never discouraged this practice, but Kekel later said that these neutered men did it on their own, while Mike and Tanya spawned a rebellious sinner by the name of Grant.
Can anyone show us where Jesus went around requiring people to follow a bunch of rules like this? Come on people, let's turn on our brains and think this thing through. The Gospel has been perverted by the ntcc for the purpose of controlling people and profiting off of their misery. So many people were run off because they didn't adhere to the man made rules of the ntcc. These people all desired one thing and that was to be a Christian and live for God. When things got strange, they ended up leaving. When Davis, Kekel, Olson and Ashmore preached these strange doctrines, people felt like they would go to hell if they didn't apply these teachings to their lives. We all thought that we were the only people on earth that were going to heaven.
Strange Wives (and Husbands): - Adultery on Demand
Where does the ntcc get its doctrine of Adultery on Demand? Why is it that there are several marriages in the ntcc that have been dissolved and the former spouses are married off into other adulterous relationships? The bible is pretty clear on this subject. Jesus spoke about it and Paul also spoke about it. 1 Cor 7 will give you a break down on this. Nowhere in the bible does it say a woman can abandon a man because he gave his daughter a swimming lesson at a public pool without a wearing a shirt in the swimming pool (Olson's son-in-law Ousted). Nowhere does it say that if a man gets sick of his wife or a woman gets sick of her husband that they can divorce them and try out a new partner to see if that works better. If a man or woman lose their spouse because of death, they are allowed to remarry. If the unbelieving wife or husband chooses to abandon their spouse, the believing spouse can get remarried. This does not mean that if the husband or wife sees the ntcc as a scam and stops attending their cult brain washing services that the brainwashed spouse can abandon the person that they made vows to. Nowhere in the bible does it say that Gesang can abandon his first wife because she exposed him for leaving bruises and welts on his child and be free to marry someone else; but he did, just ask Mary, his first ntcc wife, or Sandy, his second ntcc wife, or Michael, his son. We wonder if Gesang will beat his grandkids too? Someone might want to ask Angela Gesang how she feels about leaving her kids with Grandpa Gesang. The ones that have grounds for divorce are often the ones that are forced to leave; and if you don't believe me, just ask Fontenot's eX-wife. She had every right to leave him because of his incestuous acts, but Olson told her to find another church and kept Fontenot around so he could troll the ntcc's children's church that he once taught for some more victims. There are ministers and minister's wives in the ntcc that have been married not just twice, not just three times but four times and some have probably been married even more than that. Several former ministers and/or their wives have testified that people like Davis and Olson tried to split up their marriages so they could later marry them off to someone else.
If you are in the ntcc and you are a part of one of these adulterous marriages, (as defined by Jesus and Paul), you are a victim of the divorce on demand policy that the ntcc condones and encourages among its members. You might have a strange wife and an estranged wife, or you might have a strange husband and an estranged husband, but this is not what God intended when you vowed to be with each other for better or worse, till death do you part.
Strange Fire:
The ntcc has been offering strange fire before the Lord. Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took censers, and offered strange fire before the LORD, which he did not command them to do. The ntcc has not been commanded to teach many of the strange doctrines that they teach. They are charged with the gospel; and they have introduced a strange gospel that didn't originate from God. The ntcc has been exploiting people for money and sex for decades; and as long as you keep enabling them, they will continue to offer a strange sacrifice to God that He is not pleased with, neither has God commanded them to do so.
Lately the ntcc has been changing as they have been getting exposed for their hypocrisy and double standards. They have had to change their doctrine and their gospel to accommodate their own compromise and to continue to bring in money and numbers. Even though many of the changes have been subtle and the rules have slowly been altered or vanished altogether, they still are the same corrupt people, profiting off of the labors of others. One thing is sure and that is that tithe will continue to be preached in spite of the fact that it has never been a New Testament requirement. Men will continue to divorce and marry strange wives while women divorce and marry strange husbands. The strange doctrine will always be a part of the ntcc; because the ntcc leadership are not about to give up their piece of the pie. They will continue to exploit people financially and sexually as they are still the same corrupt people that they were four decades ago.
In spite of all this strangeness, there is good news for you ntcc'rs. Many of you are hapless victims of false prophets and doctrines that Jesus and the Apostles warned us of. There still remains a remnant of people scattered throughout the earth that are sincere; and they desire to live their lives out of love for God and their fellow man. They are The Church, not the ntcc, but a body of believers that love God and love their neighbor as themselves. They care about the poor and less fortunate folks around them; and many of them preach more with their actions than they do with their mouths. They are not in this world to condemn the world but that they might show others that they have hope through Christ. Isn't that what the apostles and early church fathers were all about? Everything was about Jesus back then, not a bunch of made up rules that cannot be supported by the bible without twisting the written word of God. You are all free moral agents with the ability to think for yourselves. Salvation is much more personal. There is a reason why it's referred to as a personal relationship. Jesus doesn't need your money and neither does Kekel. Kekel wants your money and he will lie to you and anyone if it enriches his lifestyle. Kekel is the richest man in the ntcc and you need to ask yourself, "Does he really care about me? If I were to stop paying tithe, how would he treat me and my family?" Does God really care as much about your outward appearance as He does about what's inside? Does the inward work that God has done in your life translate to a bunch of rules and standards that are impossible to keep or does it translate into a life of love towards others that allows others to see the true works of God that have been done in your heart? We desire nothing from you other than your freedom. We don't ask for a cent on this blog; and we don't use it to advertise or make a profit. I have a job and feel that God has blessed us a lot in spite of the fact that my money is not going towards making a religious huckster like Kekel rich. Our sincere hope for you all is that you find your way to freedom and that you find true happiness and peace in your hearts.
Edna's traveling to visit her family, and was in the SeaTac terminal a couple days ago when she saw this familiar-looking woman precariously tottering around on some ridiculous stilettos. She said 'ma'am, ma'am' a couple times and was ignored, but 'Tanya'got a response, and sure enough, when she and her companion turned around, it was none other than Mr. & Mrs. Whirlwind themselves. All Mike could get out was 'Good Lord!' Edna asked if she could take a photo, but was rebuffed, and they made a hasty escape. Wonder where they were jetting off to on the dime of others? The Work of the Lord is such a sacrifice, but maybe they went first class and eased the burden.
I read on fb that they are having a fellowship at the pasadena tx church with the kekels and sis davis.
Stilettos? I remember pastor Devonshire forbade his wife from wearing those kind of shoes.
Doctrine according to the dictionary is a set of beliefs taught by a church or other group.
In the 90's the ntcc was following the set of ideas that rwd and the board members thought were bible doctrines.
Hair, shoes, dresses, etc.
As I recall men and women were forbidden from wearing jeans of any kind even if it was a jean skirt for the women.
What about the leather jackets? They were a no-no.
Looking at the new generation of ntccers their fb pictures are full of those things that at one time were considered
Man-made doctrines don't last.
Anonymous said:
"I remember pastor Devonshire forbade his wife from wearing those kind of shoes."
DNA said:
We were all a bunch of cookie cutter "holiness" Christians. We wore what they taught us to wear. Most men in the ntcc wore wingtips. If you were to show up to a church service wearing running shoes and a jeans it might be tolerated once or twice if you were a "sinner". But us saved people were expected to dress up and play church. After all, we were to conduct ourselves as Ambassadors for Christ and that included all of the ridiculous outward appearance rules that we were expected to follow. As make up was associated with prostitutes should not Stilettos be associated with prostitutes? If you are going to call a woman Jezebel because she uses make up, should you not call your wife Jezebel for dressing the part? Now I say this not because I believe it to be true. I personally don't think clothing is something that God looks at when He determines who is going to heaven and who is not. If God did judge people according to what they wore, Tanya would lead the way on the wide path to hell. She would be one of the first in line, because she is a hypocrite and does not live according to the doctrine that others in the ntcc were expected to live by. Many people were ridiculed and humiliated for wearing the wrong clothing, shoes or jewelry. Many were run off and not allowed to attend church because of her daddy's teachings. If God is a righteous judge, as we believe he is, then Davis would be roasting in hell right now for requiring people not to wear Jewelry while he was wearing diamond pinky rings and Rolex watches. It's called hypocrisy, people and it still exists in your ntcc to this day.
"Thou therefore which teachest another, teachest thou not thyself? thou that preachest a man should not steal, dost thou steal? Thou that sayest a man should not commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery? thou that abhorrest idols, dost thou commit sacrilege? Thou that makest thy boast of the law, through breaking the law dishonourest thou God?" Rom 2:21-24
The name of God is blasphemed because of these hypocrites. I could care less what people wear, and I don't go around preaching that a person is going to hell if they wear the wrong clothing. I think the far greater sin is condemning others for something that you are doing yourself. Mike and Tanya are preaching tithe or hell to the masses while they go on all expense paid vacations around the world on your dime. Do they pay tithe on these vacations? Who do they pay it to, themselves? Hypocrites and vipers they are.
Romans 2:23 can be literally applied to the ntcc hypocrites.
"Thou that makest thy boast of the law, through breaking the law dishonourest thou God?" Rom 2:23
They use Old Testament Law to convince people to pay their tithe. They use Old Testament scripture to condemn women for wearing make-up. They Use Old Testament scripture to condemn people for many other infractions, but they don't live by the law themselves. They dishonor God because they cause others to stumble by requiring them to live by the law while they break the law. They twist the Old Testament scriptures to create a doctrine that requires people to make them filthy rich. The Kekel's would not be rich if it wasn't for your tithes and offerings. They wouldn't be taking all expense paid vacations to Rome and Epheses, Jerusalem or Switzerland or wherever it is that they go if it were not for your tithes and offerings. They wouldn't be living in Million dollar mansions or driving million dollar recreational vehicles or driving cars valued in excess of a Quarter million dollars if you didn't enable them to do so with your tithes and offerings. While they preach that you are going to miss the rapture and end up sizzling in the lake of fire for eternity for not paying tithe, they are living high on the hog and laughing at all of you tithe paying suckers, while you sacrifice and scrape by on a meager salary minus 10% and whatever you give in addition to your mandatory sacramental "gifts". These hypocrites dishonor God by requiring you to sacrifice for the "work of the Lord", while they don't have the slightest knowledge of what sacrifice really means. Tanya has never sacrificed anything. Mike has always been a bolo. He had nothing when he came into the ntcc and now he is filthy rich. You can believe that it's the blessings of Gawd that make him and Tanya rich if you choose, but it's really the false doctrine of tithe or hell that have made him rich and your willingness to ignore what the scripture really says about tithe.
So get in your Bible and dig, ask God for wisdom to understand His word. See if what you are about to read is true. Don't except anything on man's word alone. Not even men that have been called a Man Of God. Use the word of God. That is why God Gave us the scripture, So that we would not be lead astray. Arnold R. Baum
I just heard Gene Pellicia (sp?) and his wife are out. Another one gone, that is great.
Hope it's true; Pellicia always seemed like a nice guy.
Interesting news from graham if pellicia is out.
I recall they were very close to the kekels.
A curious note about pellicia is that he and grant kekel work for the same company.
What company is that?
The ntcc seminary tweeted the following:
Seminary Students, please check your class schedule online for your course changes this week.
Was this because pellicia went AWOL on ntcc although his picture still appears on ntcc seminary faculty page.
If someone has fallen for all the divorce stuff and divorce their spouse now realize years later it wasn't right. Does God expect them to divorce their current spouse to be right before God? I am just curious how people fix things when it isn't how God wanted it but they followed man made rules.
Before we start to rejoice in another soul escaping we have to ask ourselves if he moved to San Diego. Jumping from the frying pan to the boiling pot of oil wouldn't be anything to be happy about.
I love this question!!! How do you reconcile the relationship/divorce on and on.
It leads to so many more questions.
It would be something if the pellicias would join the ashmorites forces but oh well, once the dust is settled we will know.
Pellicia was a front man at the graham church: greeting members, leading n preaching services, teaching and even working at the office.
Somebody in graham is happy because they'll take his place, just saying!
That would be great to hear if the Pellicia's left NTCC. He was at one time a lay pastor then became an associate pastor in Graham. They moved around to servicemen's homes and had to leave England. What is telling is that even though he was an associate pastor, he left doing that to work on a secular job. Maybe he wasn't getting enough of the pie or they were "allowing him the opportunity to be a blessing" (NTCC code for letting you work yourself in an frenzy for no reward or appreciation). They have kids now and hopefully they didn't go to join Ashmore in the charismatic circus in San Diego.
Ashmore was his former pastor while he was stationed in Okinawa, Japan in the Air Force, so if someone could get him to leave and join them it would be him.
Anonymous said...
If someone has fallen for all the divorce stuff and divorce their spouse now realize years later it wasn't right. Does God expect them to divorce their current spouse to be right before God? I am just curious how people fix things when it isn't how God wanted it but they followed man made rules.
DNA said:
What you end up having is a mess that should never have been created in the first place. I don't think divorcing a second time solves the problem. God is faithful and just to forgive us all our sins, but the problem with that is that many in the ntcc can't remember the last time they sinned. It's part of the ntcc culture and it's become common place. This is called living a lie. The ntcc is a convoluted place to maintain a healthy spiritual balance. People don't think for themselves. It's not encouraged. When you allow a preacher to influence you to divorce your wife or husband, that preacher has taken the place of God in your life. You might not even realize this, but somewhere along the line, you stopped listening to God and replaced Him with a preacher on the throne of your heart. Anyone that encourages another to do things that are not in character with common decency and uprightness of heart, is walking contrary to sound doctrine. If they will encourage you to break your vows and allow you to marry into another relationship, conducting the ceremony, who knows what other evil may be lurking in their hearts.
So what is a person to do? I believe God is merciful and that He is ready to forgive, but if you continue following the evil people that created this culture in the ntcc, you are choosing to live in an environment that is not conducive to salvation or Christianity. Sometimes you have to choose God over the ntcc hirelings or they will march you off a cliff. I know this for a fact because it happened to me. I was on that "holiness highway" or "narrow path", and allowed the ntcc preachers to wrongly influence my decisions. They can preach like a house on fire but if they mix the gospel message with false teachings like "pay tithe or miss the rapture" or "divorce on demand", you are better off getting your inspiration from God from His word than you are attending their cult meetings. The ntcc is a cult and if you choose to stay in this cult, you are commissioning them to over-ride your own personal convictions and what is written in black and white in the bible. They will absolutely over throw God in your life if you let them.
So what can a person do to make all this right? The answer is easy and the solution is right in front of you. People think that God is waiting to strike them dead but that is not true, at least not in the New Testament. There is a reason that Jesus suffered and died for our sins, and it's not so we can live in guilt for the rest of our lives or have to walk on eggshells to please some misguided ntcc preacher who will continue to lead you into a ditch if you let him. You have have to unlearn all the garbage that you were taught in the ntcc or whatever cult you came out of. Stop relying on someone else to make important life changing decisions for you. Just because Davis had multiple wives, doesn't mean you have to have multiple wives or husbands. If you already broke your vows and married another, it doesn't make you a hopeless case. It's like any other sin that can be forgiven. The betrayal of marriage vows is a serious thing and divorce can hurt many people. Families were not meant to be driven apart. If you are divorced and remarried, divorcing again isn't going to help matters. Many in the ntcc have divorced several times. David Tieman Junior is looking for his third wife and his wicked parents are encouraging and aiding him in this destructive behavior. Divorce can become addictive like plastic surgery. People become obsessed with their looks and have multiple face lifts like Micheal Jackson. People in the ntcc want the perfect wife or husband and they will continue to divorce over and over again. There is no perfect wife or husband. There is no perfect marriage. It's what you make of it. I am grateful for my marriage but it's not perfect, as we are not perfect. Don't misunderstand me. There is not a person on this earth that I'd rather spend my life with, but we are human and we CAN remember the last time we sinned. I know that my wife loves me and will be by my side through anything, and that is something that I don't want to ever lose. It's something that I will not allow some misguided religious hypocrite to interfere with or destroy. What blows the mind is watching relationships self destruct over and over again in the ntcc. There seems to be as much divorce in this perverse organization as there is in Hollywood.
Wow - David Tieman is looking for his third wife? It's amazing that a man can divorce in the NTCC for whatever reason and then the woman is pushed away. I wonder what happened with his first wife and if she is still in NTCC. Then his second wife and him have children and she doesn't want to be with him or in NTCC. There have been many things done by leadership and their children that gets swept under the rug and dismissed because people aren't able to question them. Others try to force their wives to be some standard set by Davis or someone else and are willing to divorce under the pretense that because they resist it is being rebellious and against God. You marry a person, not a church. You can't change another person but you can change or leave an unhealthy church.
Was his wife the one who was sleeping with brothers? Didn't they become overseers or something fancy?
3rd Wife? What is wrong with this guy?
We love what anonymous wrote: "You marry a person, not a church. You can't change another person but you can change or leave an unhealthy church."
If any group tries too hard to control you, you are most likely in a cult.
Honor your vows to God and don't worry about what the manipulators say. One thing really odd about ntcc is how blind everyone is when all this control is done out in the open. davis said it was wrong to matchmake couples; but he was the biggest matchmaker of them all. All the brothers had to stand in line in the bible school to get davis' permission to ask a sister to "sit on the wall" - courting. Then davis would further matchmake and manipulate the couple, sometimes pulling the sister aside and telling her she shouldn't talk to a certain fella because he wasn't "in" (true story). Or he would greenlight some matches he made, with disastrous results, by bellowing from the pulpit or lectern, "Brother so-n-so, when you gonna ask that lady to marry you?" which was code preaching for hurry up and tie the knot, we need her dorm room for another sucker.
These "wall" unions were often so hasty that the matchmade couples seldom had more than ten hours of 'courting' - sitting on the wall talking during a fellowship session. *sigh* And what's even worse is that after davis did all that matchmaking, later on he would be the one to break up this couple by bashing the fella from his pulpit then send his wife verna to whisper in the distraught sister's ear, "You need to marry a REAL man of Gawd."
AS IF!!!!!!
What would a materialistic marm with a perma-fear of anyone finding out she was a hick from the sticks (like verna) know about a "REAL man of God". She certainly didn't marry one. And it's likely she was one of the 'other women' that caused the divorce between rodger davis and his first wife. Shaking our heads! And these are your counselors in all things marriage and spiritual? They are frauds. You don't need to fear or hear them! Puh-leez!
Anonymous said,
"Was his wife the one who was sleeping with brothers? Didn't they become overseers or something fancy?
3rd Wife? What is wrong with this guy?"
Don and Ange say,
David Tieman Jr. is the one seeking his third wife. For clarity we will refer to him by his childhood name, Davy-O.
As far as what is wrong with Davy-O, well, realize, he was raised in the ntcc: where teen marriages are commonplace; and he is the son of the ntcc Overseer, David Tieman Sr., and his adulterous wife Nichelle.
And think about what that really means. Think about the usual ntcc demands on a married couple; then compound it by adding the personalities of (in our opinions) a vain insecure woman like Nichelle; who is constantly left unsupported by her 'husband', David Sr., who, -according to Nichelle's testimony during conference,- wasn't quite meeting her (ahem) certain needs... and think about David Sr.'s confessed ambition to sit in "one of those chairs" (where the ntcc board Members planted their posteriors during camp meetings...); then compound all that by the ntcc instigated and indoctrinated pastor-worship and subordination of women to the point of misogyny; and, well, you see Davy-O acting just the way his mamma Nichelle wants him too, according to the "apron-string equals puppet-string" example laid down by verna davis (her name really ain't Victoria; but, hey, what's in a name? Right? R i g h t !)
It's sickening. Because the children will pay a price.
But there's also a weird justness in it. The org has ruined married couple's and their kids' lives for years. Should we marvel if some of that same rain fell into their own lives?
Didn't such happen with Board Member Ashmore's son Larry/Jerry Duran?
Isn't Board Member Olson's daughter, Regina, putting her child through the same woes as she bows to the borg, divorcing her husband Danny Brill?
Hasn't Board Member's wife Lorraine DiFrancesco kind of lost her parents, and her son Bridon his granparents, the Ashmores, since Nin and Jim left the ntcc?
And doesn't Kathy Jordan have to wonder what will become of her and her daughters since Kathy's sister Helen "Nin" Duran Ashmore has left ntcc?
After years of ntcc preaching "Whatsoever a man sows, so shall he reap!" judgment on others, with no thought for compassion or restoration, should we marvel if the ntcc leadership gets to run the same gauntlet they've forced others through?
What's wrong with Davy-O? What's wrong with ntcc? What's wrong with Cheryl aka (Vince's Mom-1), Whittaker(another marriage-2) Otto (another divorce and marriage-3) Polk (maybe this one will last marriage-4) let's just call her Jingle-heimer-Schmidtke because she's been married, divorced, and remarried so many times she may give Elizabeth Taylor (8 marriages) a run for the money!? What's wrong with the hundreds of other divorced and remarried couples in the ntcc? And let's not forget Wayne Cantrell. He was married to Colleen, then Peggy, is he married now again to a third ntcc victim?What's wrong with George Keys who divorced ntcc Board Member Tom Wright's daughter (Tanya) and married Lilly. What was wrong with Robert Briggs, who divorced ntcc bride Amy before he married Emma. How many other ntccers are on their 2nd and third ntcc spouse? It's not just these we've named by name!
What's wrong is they let an adulterous man with an insecure wife guide their affairs to the point that they have become adulterers and adulteresses, not just to the point of leaving their spouses to remarry other cult members; but they have committed adultery against God, leaving their first love, Christ, to follow some wicked, self-serving, self-appointed, false apostles!
Food for Thought: Gal 5:4
"Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace."
Tithe was never mandated before the Law, nor has it been mandated since the law was ended by the Crucifixion of Christ. News Alert: We are now under grace. The ntcc uses the Old Testament law to justify themselves. They have even taken the concept of tithe from the law and twisted it to bring in profits. They have fallen from grace according to Paul. They have gone the way of many other churches who have corrupted themselves with filthy lucre. Tithe is not an indicator of salvation. If a person starts coming to church in the ntcc and pays their tithe, they will say, "That brother or sister is really saved because they are paying their tithe". No they are not paying tithe. They are living a lie. Mandatory tithe paying is a lie and a deception. They've taken an Old Testament law and perverted it for their own gain, and made it a mandatory rule with consequences of hell to all those who do not pay it. Paul says "whosoever of you are justified by the law, ye are fallen from grace". I would say in the ntcc's case that they have taken the plunge off of a cliff. You can't say that Kekel, Ashmore, Olson, Johnson didn't know the bible well enough to figure this out. Davis taught tithe because he was a huckster. They followed him ignoring the scriptures. There is no grace in the ntcc. You either do things their way or you are no longer welcome. Paul was teaching the Galatians that the Old Testament law would never justify them. Paul said, "But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law." The ntcc is not led of the Spirit. If they were, they would not be under the law anymore, but they require people to live under Old Testament doctrine, therefore they are not being led of the Spirit. How clear can this be?
Church was nice today! We didn't get screamed at but felt the presence of God very strongly. Women cut their hair and wear light makeup and wear trousers and God still moves and draws men and women to himself. I've enjoyed my tenure at Assembly of God in New Iberia, La. and plan to continue until Jesus comes or unless He moves me elsewhere. Jesus said I have other sheep that you don't know about, so yes, outside of NTCC, there are Christians, real and true.
I wondered the same thing when I read that Tweet - what happened to cause that announcement.
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