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So why the secrecy? Kekel has not been afraid to blog about people who have left the ntcc in the past. He has not been afraid to disparage X-members of the ntcc publicly and lie about them. Why is it that he will not set the record straight?
Here is the deal. We know that Davis has taken up collections for gifts such as Henry Rifles and that he has extravagant tastes for items such as Rolex watches and diamond pinky rings. Kekel is no different. Purchasing a Quarter Million dollar Mercedes McLaren SLR seems to fit right in with the appetite for expensive toys and adornments that the ntcc leadership has been purchasing with your tithe dollars all along.
What makes this really sick is that none of this really matters to a lot of ntcc'rs. The highest price ever paid for a car at auction was 16.4 million for a 57 Ferrari Testa Rossa. I believe if Kekel had one of these in his garage that it really wouldn't matter to many ntcc'rs. They would just say that the "Man of Gawd" is being blessed. Even if they knew that it was their tithe dollars that paid for such a car, they still would be oblivious to the hypocrisy.
We have often said, "Follow the money trail". Is the money really going into the work of God? Are the churches prospering anywhere near as much as the ntcc leadership seems to be prospering? How come they can't even fill the tabernacle at Graham and yet they never stop building and adding edifices to their cult compound? They are supposed to be a non-profit organization so I guess they have to do something with all that money. The sad thing is that you ntcc'rs are willfully living in poverty while your money is being spent on big time purchases that have nothing to do with the "work of the Lawd". And what is worse, you are out soul winning, pounding the streets trying to find more suckers that are willing to give their tithe so that the Kekel and Davis families can continue to live like kings. You are supporting them and contributing to their unquenchable desire to live in luxury.
Bonus Video: McLaren SLR in Jay Leno's Garage [12m:36s] YouTube
Do you think that it is Godly to pay your tithe so that Kekel or Davis can purchase unnecessarily frivolous and expensive things for themselves while you can't even afford life insurance to take care of your family if you die? Do you think that it is right to go shopping at second hand stores for clothing while your tithe dollars are being spent on clothing the rich ntcc leaders in the most expensive apparel that money can buy? Do you think it is God's will to drive back and forth to 5 church services a week in an oil puking junker while your tithe dollars are being spent on Mercedes, Cadillacs and BMW's? Is there any record of Jesus, Paul or any of the apostles behaving like this?
Tithe is the only doctrine in the ntcc that is preached that has no tolerance for those who transgress against it's teaching. You can do anything contrary to the bible in the ntcc and get away with it, but if you don't pay your tithe, there is no exception to policy. You can wear spandex to the gym, you can now have a TV and a DVD player, you can dump your wife and remarry a different one if you wish, you can commit adultery and fornication, you can steal, lie, cheat and con people out of their money and get away with it in the ntcc, but if you don't pay your tithe you will not be welcome very long. You will be called a "God-robber" and you will be the topic of Sunday's message if you don't pay your tithe. And what's worse in the ntcc than not paying your tithe? Try asking Kekel or Davis where they got the money to purchase their houses or cars. See where that gets you. Why do you suppose it's like this in the ntcc? Why do you reverence and honor people like Davis and Kekel who haven't been seen knocking on doors in decades, who don't soul win or pray or do anything that they require of you, yet they are spending your hard earned money right before your eyes?
In conclusion, we understand what it is like to be uninformed and brainwashed, because we walked in the same footsteps as many of you have. We know that you feel that you are part of a great move of God and you feel like God is in your church and you have no desire to die and go to hell. We get that. But try to open your eyes and see the big picture. What's really happening in the ntcc? Do you ever feel like your life is being scrutinized by your pastor? What if you used the same scrutiny to determine if the truth is really being preached and lived in the ntcc? The truth is in front of you but you have to acknowledge it.
Years ago davis and ntcc use to preach against such excessiveness and he/they would lable those who had such toys as "bigger toys for bigger boys" Kekel going from E-4 enlisted man, to CEO of a multi-million dollar organization is some real trickery, while alot of us was taught to only look for the manison in the sky or the heavens, we was taught not look or want things on earth because that was worldly rolex watches, fancy cars, etc. etc. was things that they onced preached against. There are Pastors/Church leaders all across America thats living extravant life styles and they all have one thing in common they all say "GAWD" is blessing. Theres this one Pastor who owens racing horse, and another who owns a dog that can understand three different languages, and how about the pastor who owns a Bently Rolls Royce, however a very few of the members/student ever attain to that level of wealth they are constantly being preached to and told that GAWD cannot trust them with that much wealth, or they are told that they are not paying enough tithe.
Disappointed said:
"Kekel going from E-4 enlisted man, to CEO of a multi-million dollar organization is some real trickery"
DnA said:
Kekel has always struck me as materialistic and phony. He really doesn't have any Christian virtues either. He was allowed by Davis to fondle Tanya at a young age and then allowed to marry into RWD's wealth.
I have seen Kekel at numerous Conferences and heard him preach but have never witnessed any spirituality in his life. Everyone that has commented about Kekel seems to have the same opinion. He loves to side with all of his brainwashed followers and come across as if he is a Christian like many of them claim to be, but he has never had to live a life involving much sacrifice especially since he got a hold of Tanya. He says that he was "called" to be an administrator and points to his obedience to that calling to justify his lack of experience in the field. After all, it's not his fault that he married the daughter of a multimillionaire and that Davis would never allow his daughter to have to struggle in poverty while pioneering a church. Kekel had the winning lottery number when he hooked up with Tanya. It didn't matter how worthless he was or if he had any Christian virtues at all. He knew that if he could get RWD's "adopted" daughter, it wouldn't matter because he would never be required to suffer or sacrifice anything for the rest of his life. He hit the jackpot, so he got to make that jump from E-4 to Multimillionaire CEO of a Cult.
The problem is that nobody will dare question him about this car or anything else. And if they do, they will be demonized as jealous. They will probably just go on asking, "What's wrong with the man of God having nice things? or God is blessing Kekel for his faithfulness and sacrifice."
People will continue to give their 10% and they will also continue to follow all of the rules that they are expected to follow. They will be the suckers that Kekel wants them to be and if they question him or disagree with him, he will do the same thing that RWD has always done. You can be replaced. As a matter of fact, the footsteps of your replacements can be heard right outside the door. You ntcc'rs are not free Christians, you are bound to live the rest of your lives without anything substantial because you will always give everything you have so Kekel and the likes of him can live in luxury.
If you think your money is going somewhere else, you are naive and gullible. Do the math. If there are approximately 3,000 tithe payers in the ntcc. If they pay an average of $50 per week that is $150,000 per week and that equals almost 8 million dollars in one year and that doesn't even count offerings. That money has got to be going towards something. I mean come on! They aren't spending that money on the local churches or in the mission field. It's going into their own houses and cars and whatever else makes them happy.
I remember Mike Kekel when he started going to NTCC. "Back in the day" he had this Hitler looking mustache.I never really thought that there was anything special about him then, But after our conversation I came to the conclusion that I was right back then. I don't envy him at all. I could not nor WOULD I put up with that piece of sausage casing that he married. It didn't take my wife but just a few seconds to read her as a materialistic B***H, which is exactly what she is. He can have ALL of that wealth. I actually feel sorry for him. He's the one who has to put up with his wife's ever watchful eye,Ready to snitch him out if something doesn't go her way, or if she see's him deviating from her daddy's teachings or commands. I could not live under somebody else's control like that. She's not good enough in bed to make me want ANY part of that!!!!!!!
Mark G. said:
"I don't envy him at all."
DnA said:
"People like Kekel have a big hole right in the center of their heart. They can't fill it with money, cars, fame or fortune. I can only imagine how miserable Kekel must be. When you make a living off of abusing people, and you tally up all of the souls that he has harmed to get where he is today, people who have given blood, sweat and tears and have nothing left to give, and you see how Kekel has prospered off of the sacrifice of all these people, I don't see how the dude can have any peace in his heart whatsoever.
I'm with you, Mark. I don't envy Kekel, nor would I want that much money, if it would turn me into what he is. Don't get me wrong. We were conditioned in the ntcc to give and expect nothing in return. Many of us gave until we had absolutely nothing left. I don't believe it's wrong to prosper or to make a good living for your family. But I couldn't live with myself, if I had done the things Kekel has done, and I believe that Tanya is basically pulling his strings and together they are just like Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ has been turned into a money making enterprise and it's not much more than a business. Churches everywhere are more interested in buildings, real estate and riches than they are in helping those in need or the homeless, orphan, widow, etc... I believe that there are some healthy churches out there, but they are few and far between.
The ntcc is at the low end of the spectrum, the bottom of the barrel, and shouldn't even be considered a church. That is why we refer to them as a cult. They do not care about people. They don't care about families. They do not care about husbands or wives. They don't care about souls. They don't care about the less fortunate. They don't care if people suffer. They don't care about people who leave their cult, nor do they really care about those who stay in their sorry cult. The only thing they really care about is money and numbers, gun collections, recreational vehicles, expensive cars, mansions, rolex watches, musical instrument collections, and the list goes on and on and on and on. Where their treasure is, there you will find their hearts.
I don't think Kekel is miserable at all. Of course I could be totally wrong but I doubt it. There are certain stresses that the rest of us endure that he hasn't ever had to endure since he's married Tanya.
Sure Tanya is materialistic, I got that. Most of us are to one degree or another. I don't know. Maybe I just look at it differently. I know that Kekel is a con artist and a swindler but I don't think his life is too terribly bad.
Let me tell you something also. I've been around a little bit. I wouldn't have any idea how Tanya is in bed nor do I care, but it's not the prettiest women who are necessarily the best in bed. That's a fact. Some of the prettiest best built ones are the worst. I know! I don't put a whole lot of stock in looks and appearance where that subject is concerned. Sure they should have a little something going on in the looks or body department but that's all relative where sex is concerned. I'm just being real. Often a girl who ain't that good looking or built that well can rock your world.
I don't envy Mike and Tanya either but they don't have to worry about one thing that I do; the almighty dollar. I've said this before. When I was single living in the serviceman's home, all them brothers were horny every minute. I would have married Tanya in a heartbeat and so would the rest of the brothers that I knew without exception. Them brothers needed some sex real bad and none of them would have turned their noses up at Tanya to include me. I seen a few of them marry some sisters who looked a whole lot worse than Tanya for what it's worth because you already know my feelings on that subject. Not only that, the prettiest ones often have the worst attitude. I know what I'm talking about.
Having said all that, I believe that Tanya is one uppity, know it all, SERIOUSLY SPOILED ROTTEN, entitled individual. She may very well be as spoiled as anyone walking the earth and I mean that. I'd tell anyone to kiss my white butt if they suggested that I clean her house. I wouldn't have my wife get pimped to do it either. If your wife is still cleaning the Kekel's house, you are letting her get pimped like a ho. You are letting your wife clean another man house who has a wife? You might just as well stick your wife on the block making tricks. There's more respect in that. Make sure you tell your wife to bend over for Mike while she is over there cleaning. Maybe he'll get to see a little cleavage or your wifes butt all bent over scrubbing his floor or toilet. Yeaaaaaaah. If your wife is cleaning Kekel's house, she is getting pimped, plain and simple.
Chief said,
"I don't think Kekel is miserable at all."
DnA said:
I could be wrong, but I think that a certain degree of Misery goes along with being an abusive person. This is just my theory, and you could be right Chief. I know money is no problem and never will be for Kekel or Davis. But you gotta wonder if someone like them is ever satisfied.
I know they probably don't have a conscience or if they have one they have seared it with a hot iron so much that they don't feel the slightest bit guilt when they hurt people. They are definitely worshiped like God and have everything that money can buy, but is that really what constitutes happiness?
I thought long and hard about the "not good in bed" before I typed it in. As far as what was said concerning marrying Tanya in a heartbeat? Back then, at least for me I would have thought that I would have been completely in the will of God because my way of thinking was so messed up. never mind about anything else. Sure, my testosterone level was high enough back then to float a battleship, But I would have prayed about it. The comment that I made was perhaps a bit "over the top", But I'm not going to even try and hide the contempt that I have for her, after the shenanigan she pulled of coming UNINVITED to what was suppose to be a PRIVATE meeting.
I understand. Tanya id not a nicr person.
I did the last one from my cell phone. I understand, Tanya is not a nice person. There, that's better.
For all of the complaining that I've done about NTCC I will say that I was in from about late 1978 until 1981,and then from about mid 1987 until mid 1989. In my opinion the greatest amount of damage done to me was the second time around in Arizona. Looking back I think that I went back for all the wrong reasons. One of them being that I wanted to try and relive the "good old days" of what I thought NTCC was when I was in the Army. Looking back on that time, It wasn't NTCC that made it good, It was God that made the good times that I had good. Really, the time at NTCC, looking back was pretty crummy. It seemed like I lived under the constant shadow of fear and condemnation, as well as the constant fear of abandonment by God. Whenever someone says that they "Can't remember the last time they sinned" and then you look at your own life, all that I got out of it was a feeling of despair and hopelessness. It wasn't like that all the time, But that is what I remember right now the most. Really though, I think I spent maybe 5 years tops in that "Church", or what ever you want to call it. I've had time to recover financially, as well as spiritually. If I'm not doing well financially, I can't blame NTCC, because I've had time to recover. The people that I really feel sorry for are the people who toiled there for years and years. Several name come to mind right now of people I won't mention. In the process they were beaten down,financially,emotionally, spiritually,mentally, and even physically because of the stress. I was able to avoid that part of it because I got out early enough to avoid irreparable damage. Many of these people sacrificed their families at the alter of NTCC, or they have no family to fall back on because of NTCC and the vasectomy era. I'm convinced that there are people at NTCC right now who would like to get out but because they have been in for so long they have no skills, or education to fall back on. It's sad, but true. NTCC is a machine that will use you, run you ragged, and then in the end will just spit you out, or excrete you like waste in a toilet when you are of no ore use to them. Oh yes, you might be free to go, but where? The second time I got out I felt like some kind a an escapee from prison, trying to evade capture. Anyway, I've done alot of complaining about NTCC, and rightly so. But I feel that I have LESS of a right to complain than many of the other people who sacrificed EVERYTHING for an idea and hope that turned out to be a mirage, or made investments of time and energy that are lost forever and that they will never be able to recover very possibly on this side of heaven. I'm thankful to God that even though I went through what I did, That I was able to recover and I will warn others about NTCC as long as I have the power to do so.
Mark G. said:
"NTCC is a machine that will use you, run you ragged, and then in the end will just spit you out, or excrete you like waste in a toilet when you are of no ore use to them."
DnA said:
Sad but true, Mark. The longer you stay in, it seems the more of your life is wasted. I was in for 13 years and my wife 9. I can't even imagine what it's like for people like the Reeds and Shunks. I often try to look back on those years and take something positive out of it, but in reality, there was not much worth holding on to. Anything good that happened was ruined by the phoniness and hypocrisy of the ones that took advantage of us.
I could say that I made lots of friends but when you leave the ntcc, you are no longer a friend. Your friends are convinced that you are the enemy of God. They are kept in place by fear and they are living out the same existence that we lived out for so many years. They truly are a machine and they want you to be one to.
Davis, Kekel, Ashmore, Olson and many of the leaders of the ntcc are not spiritual God loving people. They are not praying men and bible believing preachers. They are manipulators and users. They continue to get richer and richer off of other peoples misery. They will show you the door if you want to leave, but if you want to be graced with their presence in your life, you will stay in your place and coexist their way. When you finally have had enough and you decide to leave, you will have to pick up the broken pieces of your life by yourself, because all of your friends are surviving just like you did, and they will turn on you just like they are taught to. You will be blamed, lied about, and disgraced publicly when you leave for the soul purpose becoming an example to others so they will continue to fear.
Love is a more excellent way. If people were loved in the ntcc there would be a lot more folks hanging around.
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