kekel writes:
Show me where I wrote that you (the brethren in general in the sense you are stating this) don't know about sacrifice? I'll admit that I don't, because we Americans don't know about sacrifice."
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kekel's e-mail is full of it: Manipulative Manure |
First kekel tries to identify himself with Americans that "really don't know anything about sacrifice" and then launches into a diatribe about how "we haven't suffered yet unto blood". This statement is psychological manipulation; kekel tries to put himself into the same category of sacrifice as Bellamy, as if to say none of us have really sacrificed even though you have done without and I spend more money on my home furnishings then you will earn in the ministry in 10 years. C'mon folks. It is what it is. kekel claiming to know anything about sacrificing is like Clinton trying to claim "I did not have sex with that woman."
kekel regurgitates:
"We have no excuse for fainting when we are rebuked. All of us are blessed and well supplied, including you. But I can plainly see that you have no clue about me; you judge me by what grumblers have said about me."
Again we see kekel first trying to put himself in the same class as Bro. Bellamy as one who sacrifices. "We" have no excuse... "All of us are blessed and well supplied". Really? When kekel rolls down the driveway of his million-dollar-mansion in his $60,000 car!?! Are the people at the end of kekels' gated driveway that live in the gated cult compound the "Bonco" as "blessed and well supplied" as the kekels are?
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*kekel's kastle (l) and davis' domain (r) Two of the mansions built for r w davis and his son-in-law michael c. kekel Be sure to click into the pics so you can zoom in on all the groovy details!* |
What about the ministers that are driving "oil puking junkers", and sleeping on twenty dollar mattresses or the ground so they can pay all their church bills and have electricity to run the space heaters that they use to heat the sanctuaries of the churches they pioneer? Are they as "blessed and well supplied" as kekel? When have the kekels ever sacrificed for God? Was it when they sent their son to a private prep school for an $80,000 high school education? Or was it when they flew to Europe to buy fine crystal? Or how about when they had to down-size the kitchen space when they moved from their mansion on 145th to their mansion in the Bonco, as they were "griping and complaining" about doing????
The only thing kekel did was marry tanya davis, the ntcc founder's daughter. Your 'sacrifice' of becoming davis' son-in-law paved your streets with gold as a way for you to have everything handed to you on a silver platter from cushy job positions, to never relocating, except when you custom build another new mansion to replace your other custom homes and mansions...
kekels' "custom home" on 210th in Graham, WA Prior to living here they stayed in "The Dump" a rental unit controlled by ntcc board member James Ross Ashmore |
Then kekel goes on to try and label Bro. Bellamy as a "grumbler". Well, I guess that makes us grumblers too. And we are going to grumble on about the kekels' excessive living and lavish lifestyle; because mikey's mouth is like an open sepulchre; and kekels are nothing but low-down hypocrites and con-artists that have been taught in the ways of cult brainwashing tactics. mikey kekel and his daddy-in-law live right next door to each other (how sweet) in their mansions that have been purchased by the sacrifices of us "grumblers".
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kekel's mansion off 145th in Graham, WA Turn-about is fairplay: When kekels' newest mansion was built, the Ashmores moved into this mansion controlled by ntcc CEO mikey c. kekel |
ntcc board members: You and your wives and your families and your sleazy organization and its leaders have prospered exceedingly off of the sweat and labor of those who will never have anything, not because they didn't sacrifice or believe God, but because you have misrepresented the God you claim to serve; and you made merchandise of the ministry and trampled all over the saints for your own greedy gains. You use and insult people when it's to your financial benefit. When you are done with people you throw them away; because they mean nothing to you!
kekel continues to bloviate:
"Are you aware of what my Mom and I went through, making it through the 60's?"
Don says, My mother rented a house for 80 bucks a month when I was about 6 years old. My older brother and I took our baths in a number three washtub, with water that was heated on a coal stove that was used for cooking and heating. The only room in the house was the living room where we all slept.
You know what, who cares? I didn't willingly sacrifice anything as a child. My mother worked her way up in the work force, not having anything handed to her on a silver platter; and we did just fine. Who cares what I went through in the 60's and early 70's or what you went through when you were a child? There are lots of people in this world that suffered back then; and they aren't rich because of it. You aren't entitled to con people out of their money just because you claim you had it so bad as a child. Does anyone see how ridiculous this is? kekel has to refer back to his mother's sacrifice when he was a kid because ever since he got his hands on tanya davis' TA-TAs it has been gravy for mikey! New cars, recreational vehicles, new houses, new mansions and NO SACRIFICE by the kekels!
mikey blabbers some more about sacrifice:
"Where were you when I DID give my last dollars for the work of God? Tell me. This was before Curry and Denis, and definitely before you. There was no Graham back then, and I have dutifully gone everywhere God has asked me to go and have been successful. To try to say I don't know about sacrifice, is a testimony of your ignorance."
Where were you when I gave my last dollars? In other words: I was here before you; and therefore you have no right to question me. I was here before Denis and Curry; so therefore my sacrifices meant more than your's or their's. I was here before Graham; and I dutifully have gone everywhere God has asked me to go. And not only that, I have been successful and you have not. You are ignorant Bellamy because you dare to question my sacrifice. "I" "I" "I" ... Blah, Blah, Blah. Trying really hard to hold down my breakfast here.
Who in the ntcc hasn't given their last dollar? Everyone in the ntcc is broke or has been at one point or another. mikey has a very sanctimonious attitude here; and you don't need a degree in psychology to see through kekel's lies here. You say what lies? This is how the ntcc lies. They create illusions that are phony and false; while they build themselves up by tearing other people down. They hide their own faults by accusing others.
kekel draws on his vast experience to expound on the sacrifices involved in Servicemen's works:
"You didn't have to go into Servicemen's work, it was your CHOICE to forbear raising a family. If it was God, why would you complain? And yes, I fully followed the teachings of Pastor regarding that."
There you have it. Capital C-H-O-I-C-E. Your CHOICE. Not God's choice. Because everybody knows that Davis and God are one; and if Davis says you cannot go into servicemen's works if you have a child, rdub means it. Unless you fall into the "exception category" where God changes his mind about things a little and allows the Cyrius, Tieman, Bradeen and Taylor families (among others) to raise their kids around GIs in servicemen's works. So let's get this straight: According to fork-tongued double-minded tikey mikey: When you are called by God to go into servicemen's works, it is a calling and not a choice; but when you choose to go into servicemen's works you make a "CHOICE to forbear having children"? You know what this sounds like? It sounds like people who try to justify abortion by calling it choice.
How stupid do you think people are? kekel, you insult our intelligence; and, frankly, we can't understand why so many people put up with your arrogance and lies. We are surprised that nobody has relocated your "deviated-septum" nose to the other side of your head by now. This is not a threat or anything; but it just amazes us how you can be so insulting and not get your face beat in a few dozen times. We think you came closer than you know when you insulted MDR's wife, snarling at her "What are YOU looking at?" She said, "Nothing."... But maybe your crooked nose caught her eye? Anyway, not sure what country you come from; but where I come from, those are fighting words, especially when hurled insolently at another man's wife!
That's probably why you (mikey), your father-in-law davis and your wives tanya and verna mae scattered like rats, when you saw the Reeds in that grocery store that time. r-dub made a beeline for the parking lot and was wandering around like he had Alzheimer's, looking for his car. kekels ran out without the dbags and nobody had anybody's back. verna mae was left alone at the register, looking lost. Perhaps one day MDR will share more details of this encounter if he so chooses. It really amuses us to think of the four of them, panic stricken for no reason other than their own guilty consciences! And then scattering like roaches when the light comes on. Too funny. There was no camaraderie or protecting one another from imagined danger. It was every selfish person for him or her self. So telling.
kekel says: "I fully regarded the teachings of Pastor on that". How could you fully regard the teachings of "Pastor" on servicemen's homes when you were never involved in running servicemen's works? Besides, kekel disregarded the teachings of Pastor on allowing their own son to rebel against all of the ntcc rules followed by other ntcc ministers, allowing their son to play basketball and football in lascivious apparel, while saving up tithe payers' money to send grant to SLU's Catholic College while he rebelled in sin against the ntcc. And then mikey threw "Pastor" under the bus in the "Ain't Misbehaving" article on his smog-blog. The only explanation for all of this is that kekel is a double-minded, fork-tongued, hpocritical, phony conman.
More garbage from kekel's mouth on kids in servicemen's works:
"And, that you should know that your ministry was established before you made the decision; he never made it for us, or pressured us about having or not having kids."
Here is the all-spiritual all-knowing kekel explaining to Brother Bellamy how he should know that his ministry was established before he made the decision. What? Really? He, (meaning "Pastor") never made pregnant women cry for destroying their husbands' ministries? LIE! He, (Meaning "Pastor") never pressured anyone at all into having or not having kids? LIE! Oops, I accidentally knocked up my rebellious wife, and now God is unable to use us in what He called us to do? Is that how you view those "filthy evil children" (as kekel calls them)???
Then kekel tries to shift the blame for the vasectomy rule to Deborah Shunk's ex-husband:
"He didn't teach that you should have a vasectomy, Debbie Shunk's first husband promoted that; some silly preachers made vasectomies out to be some kind of "noble deed", not Pastor."
So kekel is calling fellow ntcc board members John R. DiFrancesco and George Jordan "silly" because they got vasectomies to obey davis. They must also be double-minded or rebellious; because they both got their vasectomies reversed after realizing that the rules they were so "silly" to keep no longer applied; since mikey kekel knocked-up tanya with grant.
Getting back to kekel's ridiculous statement.
First of all, this sentence takes a jab at the Shunks, so you have to wonder if Kekel was not expecting the contents of this letter to be blogged about. Some "silly preachers" (who I, the all-knowing-kekel, am much better than,) like George Jordan, John R. DiFrancesco, Deborah Shunk's ex-husband, and who knows how many other dozens of silly preachers who all made vasectomies out to be some kind of "noble deed". But do not blame "Pastor"? Rwd had nothing to do with vasectomies? He had nothing to do with anything that involved responsibility or accountability? Right? WRONG! davis is totally at fault for concocting and promoting these wacky rules and kekel knows it! You have to wonder if davis got himself snipped so that no unaccounted for future babies might pop up out of nowhere and rain on his parade like tanya did. This has literally become an exercise in which I need to put on some waders and get a really big shovel to sort out kekel's manipulative manure!
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Protective Gear Needed When Wading Thru kekel's Toxic Dung That He Constantly Spews Forth! |
kekel is snorting some serious cocaine if he thinks that people are so stupid as to fall for his lies. Everyone knows davis instituted the vasectomy rule and enforced it by publicly humiliating married pregnant women while giving a free pass to their husbands who got them pregnant! davis is a demon for stopping people from getting the blessing of children that God intended for married people. God sent Adam and Eve forth to be fruitful and multiply. davis contradicts God as always! And kekel tries to rewrite history while he lies about it all. We know who is the father of all lies!
Well folks, that's all for today, but stay tuned for part 3 of Michael C. Kekel's Griping, Complaining, Condescending and Self- justifying E-mail to Brother Bellamy, in which kekel states that he was married for eight years while he was answering God's call to be a sacrificial administrator for the Lawd. We will continue to delve into the never ending sacrifices that kekel had to endure in his journey to the top of the ntcc's real estate empire.
Fiefdom: noun: 1. The estate or domain of a feudal lord. 2. Something over which one dominant person or group exercises control.
Feudal Lord:
The lord also had a great deal of control over his peasants, known as serfs. In fact, the serfs were almost like slaves to the feudal lord.
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On our trip to Washington, we got to see where most of our tithe money has gone and it's really amazing that an organization that has probably amassed over 100 million in real estate, (could be a lot more than that, across the world), has a world-wide attendance of only about 2 or 3 thousand people. We were all part of a huge scam.
There are organizations that have 100 times the people that the ntcc has and probably have less in real estate assets than what you will find in the ntcc. The difference is that the ntcc pressures it's members to give a lot more of their hard earned dollars by making tithe an ultimatum with eternal consequences.
How else would an organization that has never had over 5,000 faithful members be able to make a small handful of nepotistic cult leaders so rich? This would make for a good FBI investigation. I'm using very liberal figures here and the math just doesn't add up. They should be running at least 3,000 people in Graham alone, but I would guess there are much less in attendance throughout the entire organization. The ntcc is much more than a church organization.
It is a huge real-estate empire that has scammed many people out of a lot of money. Non-profit organizations are not supposed to make people filthy rich. These people get tax breaks under the guise of non-profit status and Kekel, RWD, Ashmore and company are filthy rich scoundrels.
Yep, it's pretty clear where much of our money was going. To either fund their investments and or directly into their accounts. Those guys are living like Kings and Princes. Wow those houses are large!! Are people just stupid? I mean I understand all this information wasn't available but now it is!!! I mean look at what Double Ugh wrote on my blog? Tanya doesn't even care where the tithe money comes from. It can come from men or women as long as she has an endless supply of money to go on her shopping sprees. How could people be so naive as to keep giving them their money? Good grief people on this earth are gullible. What about those folks right there in Graham? Don't they have brains? They can see that stuff and they clean Kekel's house for crying out loud!!!! That is what Christianity is all about???? Are you kidding me???
You want to talk about some con artists! Chippy Cheat Swindlers and Hucksters, Double Tongued Copper Head Purloiners and Pilferers.
You're right, Chief. Those houses are large. They really are mansions. What's really telling is that the davis and kekel mansiond are completely fenced off from all the other properties INSIDE the fence of the cult compound. Davis and kekel may allow some of their most brainwashed zombie followers to come clean their mansions, but to everyone else those properties are off-limits. What's really stunning is that the starving students and ministers of modest means are the ones who paid for these buildings registered as NTCC properties. But I'm sure that in conference all they heard about was what failures they were for not following davis' teachings and that's why they don't have anything and can't put anything together. What a bunch of barf and verbal vomit from the borg Chippy Cheat Swindlers and Religious Hucksters and Pilfering Purloiners!
And somebody grom the borg please explain to me why davis is living in a borg owned property valued at 1.1 MILLION DOLLARS when he SUPPOSEDLY RETIRED IN DISGRACE AMIDST SCANDAL after the HOP split in 2004???
That's pretty amazing to see from the top...and much more amazing to see in person...huge, magnificent mansions.
From my understanding, Davis' domain is actually the one on the right, and the Kekel's is the one on the left.
Fair enough.
Thanks for your take on that email from Kekel...especially the warning about the puke bucket! Seriously...he is full of it, and only made himself look more stupid.
I'm going to google now to check out that place.
Oh, the previous post was from me too.
You're welcome. One of our future posts will have the Google image embedded in it. We still have more info for the Tour ntcca series.
What you shared about the buildings actually makes sense; we couldn't imagine davis allowing anyone to upstage him by having a bigger mansion, not even his own son-in-law.
To a narcissist like davis appearance or show is everything.
Very true.
I remember when the Kekel's mansion was being built, and I said what a blessing it is, and Tanya complained that they are actually downsizing, and will have a much smaller kitchen and less cabinet space, and won't know what to do with all her stuff.
That was probably an attempt to take the attention off of the fact that they are using NTCC's money to actually upgrade, but had to mention the one thing that was going to be smaller.
They are so full of it.
Yep, full of it is what they are.
Somebody mentioned that tk complained that the walk-in closet she got with her new mansion was actually smaller! The brothers that helped with carrying the stuff were just overwhelmed that somebody could have so many shoes and clothes!
Looks like tanya is giving Imelda Marcos some competition.
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