Don't be a Good Biscuit in the ntcc slop-bucket! |
The purpose of this blog is to eXpose the truth about the ntcc. This cannot be done by watering down or ignoring the deeds of the ntcc leadership. Agree or disagree with our approach, but in the end the truth is not a bad thing; and it needs be proclaimed.
It's been shared that our approach will not help anyone; but I must respectfully disagree. There is a huge contrast between the Bible and the teachings of the ntcc. Pointing out these differences and eXposing the ntcc for what they do is absolutely necessary. Chief does this as good as anyone; and we hear the same terms used by many of the folks that participate on his blog. "You need to get a life;", "You are just bitter;" and "You need to move on with your life!" We are not trying to save people by preaching some "other gospel" [Gal. 1:8-9] on the blogs. We are trying to prevent people from wasting years of their lives. If you ask Chief, or GS/DS, or MDR, or Vic or any of the heavy hitters in the blogosphere you will find that they are very outspoken against the ntcc; and that they have all invested a very large portion of their lives in the ntcc and have paid a price for it. While we might all have different approaches to blogging, there is a common thread and a common theme: eXposing ntcc false doctrine to set people free with the truth [John 8:32].
We all leave our mark in cyberspace hoping that what we share will be seen by someone that is struggling the way we once were. We do what we do in hope that we can help people get out of the ntcc so they can stop being so bitter; and so that they can get on with their lives. We exist to help people make that transition.
Who is bitter? Who needs to move on with their lives? I was totally devoted to the ntcc and all of it's causes without questioning. It meant little or nothing to me to see an ntcc "pastor" jack someone up in public for doing something that was questionable. I can't even count the number of people that were run off in this fashion. We were all a part of this. Knowing what we know now is what keeps us blogging. We have covered a lot of ground; and I know that it might seem like we are beating a dead horse; but repetition is a good teacher. We continue to blog against the bitter ntcc preachers that try to impose upon Christians laws that are not biblical but are instruments of control that place people in bondage and give them a ''holier than thou" attitude.
Bitterness is the ntcc specialty; and most ntcc'rs are in the gall of bitterness. They are trapped and the 'leaders' do not display any of the fruits that you see in those that followed Christ.
- Where is the love for a lost and dying world?
- Where is the love for the homeless, the poor and the stranger?
- Where is love for the fatherless and the widow and the orphan?
- Where is the love for the brethren?
- Where is the love that a shepherd has for his flock that will cause him to leave the 99 and find that one that has gone astray?
- "If you don't like the way I preach, there's the door." Do yourself a favor and take that "out" the first time you hear it! :o)
- "Don't invite the homeless to church; you don't build a church that way." They say that because ntcc's 'church' is just a money-making pyramid scheme. It's not about the souls.
- "I'm not giving my money to the poor. That's God's money. They are poor because they want to be poor." How stupid is that? Who wants to be poor? God never treated anyone that way. The disciples had care for the poor and gave to the poor. ntcc even twists one of the scriptures about taking a collection for the poor to try and say you have to pay their millionaire board members your tithe. The problem with that is the tithe never reaches or helps the poor, as God intended.
- "Leave them alone." Where's the good Shepherd who leaves the 99 to rescue the one? The hireling flees and leaves the sheep alone.
- "They don't want God." That's a convenient generic lie with no proof to back it up. How do they know a man's heart? They don't. They just say that to make people afraid of the person who woke up and left the controlling cult in search of a real body of believers who worship GOD in spirit and in truth, not cower to a bully who belittles people from the pulpit for his perverse pleasure.
- "That man loves a house more than God." Said by the man who has more houses than anyone... hmmn. davis sounds "jealous". Ahem.
- Who loves God?
- Who prays and teaches an unadulterated gospel?
- Who loves and gives their time to the G.I.s and people?
- Who sacrifices and gives until they have nothing left?
It's the lowly members and front-line ministers who do all this, just to get railed on in the next conference for "not putting it together" or for "driving an oil-puking junker". On and on. That's YOUR ntcc.
If you don't take anything with you out of this blog post please take this one thing with you. As soon as they have used you up and taken everything you can give them, they will throw you away and think nothing of it. They will seldom mention your name and they will not remember any of the good that you have done. If your name is mentioned it will be as a proverb to place others in fear; and you will be remembered as a lost soul that has no hope in eternity. How do you love someone for decades and then just flip a switch and all of the sudden it means nothing to you that you are the cause for them leaving?
Am I bitter for pointing this out? Am I bitter and do I need to get on with my life for trying to tell people that this is not what Christianity is all about? Can you leave a burning building and not warn people that the flames will consume them if they don't get out? Can you just "move on" and forget your brothers and sisters who are suffering needlessly day after day, week after week, year after year?
The ntcc is so far away from biblical Christianity that they would not know Christ if He sat down right next to them; because He actually loved people. He ate with publicans and sinners - the 'outcasts' of society. He wasn't religious and phony. He didn't act 'holier than thou' as if He was too good to sit and tell a sinner about the God Who loved them so much He would give Christ to die in their place.
The plain and simple truth is, that it's very hard to convince someone that they are in a cult. That's why it's called brain washing. They wash the parts of your brain that send up red flags. They get you numb to the constant abuse you see every day. The way they yell at people and mock them for having yellow teeth or a big ribbon in their hair. They trample the soul of that woman for whom Christ died, calling her a "Jezebel" because she is wearing makeup while their own wives hypocritically wear makeup; (foundation is makeup); and those same pious-acting women sit and nod their heads and yell "Amen" and "Preach". Hypocrites.
Did you know Jesus called hypocrites "hypocrites" and serpants and vipers? Wasn't that bitter of Him? Shouldn't He have toned things down and let people continue in their soul-sleep, following hypocrites to hell? NO! He warned people strongly because He wanted them to see the truth and be saved. That's our example. He is the One we follow. We don't let the ntcc tell us how to think and label people with cult 'thought-stopping' jargon. We no longer drink the ntcc kook-aid.
If you look at the ntcc's approach, the very first things they do are all done to take your attention away from the obvious and convince you that they alone have the answer for your eternal soul. First they convince you that other churches are cults and teach false doctrines and that the ntcc alone is the last bastion of truth on the earth. Then they convince you that your family and friends need to be disowned, "spiritually". They wont always tell you not to talk to them; but they will convince you not to listen to anything they say; and they will discourage you from being around them.
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Danger, Will Robinson! Don't get trapped in a cult! Leave the ntcc and serve God! |
Danger, Will Robinson! Wake up before they wash away every lick of common sense you once had. You are not stupid, in fact, most cult members possess above average intelligence and motivation. That's a proven fact, Jack(ie).
Okay, so now it's too late and you're already brainwashed and you have drunk so much of their Kook-Aid that you don't know right from wrong or up from down. What do you do? The only thing we suggest is that you look at the facts. Read the countless testimonies on Factnet, Chief's blog and even on this blog. Use the same scrutiny that the ntcc uses against all other religions to convince you that they are right and everyone else is wrong. Hold the ntcc to the same standards that they hold you to. Ask your self, "What would Jesus do"? Or better yet, "What did Jesus do"?
- Did Jesus exclude people from following them because of their attire? NO.
- Did He run people off because of their outward appearance? NO.
- Did he require them to pay tithe to him with an ultimatum of spending eternity in the lake of fire if they didn't? NO.
- Was he as bitter as the ntcc pastors? NO.
- Did Jesus openly humiliate people for being fat? NO.
- Was Jesus prejudice against people for their race or color of skin? NO.
- Who's bitter?
- Who needs a life?
- Did Jesus obtain million dollar mansions from his followers? NO.
- Did Jesus require his followers to live in squalor while He adorned himself in Rolex watches and diamond pinky rings? NO.
- Is Jesus pleased with what it going on in the ntcc? NO.
- Did Jesus call hypocrites "Hypocrites"? YES.
- Did the people hear Christ gladly? YES.
We understand this; and we don't condemn anyone for this; but we will stick to our guns. We will warn people as others have warned us. We feel that if more people would speak out against the ntcc cult and the cruel methods of mind control used by its leadership for personal gain, the more that people would listen and find their freedom. When more voices speak out against tyranny, people become aware of what the ntcc is really about. If the loved ones of ntcc'rs really knew that their sons and daughters were in a cult, they would move heaven and earth to try to help them or to point attention to fact that the ntcc is a cult.
ntcc teaches that leaving their ranks equals leaving God. That is a lie. God is real and everywhere. Leaving ntcc frees you from man-made rules that limit God and His work in your life. That's why we urge you to leave the ntcc and their false doctrine and twisted scripture. We invite people to discover this reality and to realize that you can have unhindered access to all of the goodness of a loving God without a bunch of hateful, bitter, angry, control mongering individuals using you for their own gain.
We love the ntccer but we hate the ntcc just like God hates sin but loves the sinner. Jesus hated the deeds of the Nicolaitans and commended the church of Ephesus for hating their deeds also. I guess 'bitterness', if that's what you want to call truth-telling, can sometimes be a good thing?
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