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In his article "Survivor or Victim?" John Huddle, the author of the Religious Cults Info blog addresses the questions of how we enter cults and recover from them. Following, in red ink, are excerpts from that post: Here's the link: http://religiouscultsinfo.com/2011/07/survivor-or-victim/
Michael Lagone writes the following in “Recovery From Cults” – Help for Victims of Psychological and Spiritual Abuse- Edited by Michael Langone- (copyright © 1993 American Family Foundation – ISBN 0-393-31321-2) “They (cult members) become extremely dependent on the group’s leadership for sometimes ridiculously minor decisions. They are subjected to high and sometimes impossible and contradictory demands, which tend to leave them feeling like failures. Yet they are commanded not to express any negativity that may reflect badly on the group. When they leave, for whatever reason, they will tend, as do victims of other forms of abuse (Boulette and Anderson, 1986) to believe they left because something was wrong with them. (page 11)
I learned I cannot change my past. With understanding and support, I can change my attitude about the past and make changes for the future.
So, considering the whole picture, we did not choose to be victims, but, we choose to be survivors.
We like that last statement: "We did not choose to be victims, but we choose to be survivors." There was clearly deceit used to 'win' us to the group called ntcc. Each new doctrine was revealed slowly by only the pastor so that you wouldn't wake up and be 'run-off'. That is a common cult tactic, described as the 'frog in a pot' tactic by Mark Vrankovich in his work "Mind Control Toolbox". We became victims through the cult's deceit.
But now we have chosen to take back the power over our lives. We no longer need a man to tell us whom we can call, whom we can date, when we can visit friends, when we can invite company to our homes. We no longer need a man's approval on our lives. Instead, we seek to follow the Lord's guidance, for it is written, My sheep know my voice. By first seeking His will, we gain pre-approval of our activities. It may be through silent prayer, bible reading, or good old worship with contemporary Christian music. However you hear His voice is really up to you and Him. But we can follow His leading and know we are succeeding, not based on what men tell us, but based on assurance in our hearts from the only One Whose vote truly counts, the Master. Once we surrender to Him, we thrive as survivors.
But what about those still in the cult? They too can choose to stop being victims and become survivors. It starts when they realize it is the system that is messed-up, not them. It is the controlling group that keeps changing its rules back and forth that is wrong, not them. Once they realize those thoughts they have are not 'negativity' but reality and truth, they can then act on the truth and be set free. It's really up to you. Seek His face. Read and pray. Worship. You'll soon find those other man-made doctrines are hindering God's will for your life. You will want to take God out of the box the ntcc has Him in. And you will do so by leaving ntcc and going on to serve the Lord in Spirit and in Truth. When you do that, you stop being a victim and become a survivor. You take back the power by surrendering to God.
But what if you left God when you left the ntcc? I'm sure they taught you that was the case. They program people to think they can not serve God outside of ntcc. But that is a lie. These blogs exist to show that you can be a Christian outside of ntcc.
But what if you did some bad stuff after leaving the borg? Well, the Bible says ALL unrighteousness is sin. It also say if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sin and cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness.
But God can't forgive me; not after what I've done. See paragraph above.
But God doesn't want me back. Not true. ntcc might not want you back; but God does.... Look at the prodigal son. He took his inheritance money and blew it all on hookers and partying. What happened? He decided to go back home and beg his dad for a job. But what happened? His father was looking for him; he saw him a long way off and rejoiced! ntcc won't be looking for you, but God does. He leaves the 99 and goes after the one.
So now I have to hang my head in shame and I'll never be looked upon as being equal or clean or 'saved', right? Wrong. In the prodigal story, the dude was elevated once he returned. The Father put on a big feast and gave him a robe and ring (power).
That doesn't make sense. Right. That's why it's called mercy and grace. You don't earn it. You don't deserve it. But it is God's gift to us. All we have to do is admit we want Him in our life and it's all ours.
But you don't know what I've done... Really? Do you think you can surprise God? Do you really think God is up in heaven, slapping his forehead saying, "Man! I never would've thought of THAT [sin]!" Duh. Not happening. God's got you covered. (illustration from Pastor Phil, covering statement from JD)
But I cursed God. Really? The bible says All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy [against] the [Holy] Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.
Well, that's it for me then! I know I blasphemed the Holy Ghost. Really? David and Bathsheba were guilty of adultery and under the law the penalty for them was DEATH. But what happened? God showed mercy on them. They had a son together and he became the next king of Israel. It's called grace. It's yours for the asking.
That's a nice Dake Annotated Reference Bible. He had the same problem as RWD and you couldn't tell him any different and his knowledge puffed him up too. The thing is that they want you to feel at first that they are the only ones that care about and accept you. The more initiated that you become with the NTCC, you gain deeper insight into the inner workings of the Beast and you either have to surrender to it or flee for conscience sake. It is almost like in the Masons where you go up greater Degrees and you express your devotion and loyalty, you become entrusted with greater secrets by the Grand Architect (RWD).
Liked your comment. Especially this part: " The more initiated that you become with the NTCC, you gain deeper insight into the inner workings of the Beast and you either have to surrender to it or flee for conscience sake."
Too many are still suppressing conscience, overriding the Holy Ghost's Still Small Voice, and believing the ntcc lie that God's whispered concerns are "the lies of the devil".
You know, like when davis is "blasting" some poor woman for wearing a bow in her hair; or he's up in the pulpit calling African Americans the N word; or he's asking a little girl if she is "going to be fat like her Momma"... You know in your heart that is not Christ-like behavior. But you override the conviction and allow your friend or even a stranger to suffer right before you. You're thinking "It's for their good." Or you're hoping you are not the next target of opportunity.
Could you see the Apostle Paul standing for somebody treating another Christian in that way? NO WAY! Paul got mad and withstood the Apostle Peter to the face because Peter wouldn't eat with the Gentile believers when the older Jewish believers came around. Can you just imagine how many epistles it would take for Paul to try and straighten out the sin and hypocrisy found in the ntcc's top 'leaders'?
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