eX-members' of ntcc Blogspot

A safe place for Xers to share their stories and heal.

A place to learn what it's really like in the ntcc founded by Rodger Wilson Davis;
and run by his son-in-law, Michael Craig Kekel,
the father of the one vasectomy-rule-exception kid in ntcc, Grant Davison Kekel.

He Loves A House More Than God: Bonco Mansions of kekel (l) and davis (r)

He Loves A House More Than God:  Bonco Mansions of kekel (l) and davis (r)
"He loves a house more than God:" *Bonco* Mansions of kekel (l) and davis (r). Meanwhile, on the mission field: ntcc Missionaries to the Philippines "Rev. and Sis. Mackert ... found a place, 9 feet by 14 feet [9'x14'] and one bathroom. It is on the 6th floor and there is no elevator. The last place they had stayed, they had to share a common bathroom with the other tenants! Yikes! This place has their very own private bathroom, although the Rev. shared there is no seat on the throne, and no way to attach one…." from The Devonshire Files Sunday, May 28, 2006 Visit from the Mackerts (5/06). ** Should you know where the money ($$$$$) goes? **

Jesus In The Temple

Matt 21:12 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, Matt 21:13 And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.
Gal. 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. 1 John 4:6 We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Skip To Blue Letter Bible Search Tool

Podcasts For Desktop Users

Thursday, April 12, 2012

NTCC Texting Abbreviations

 OPJ - Oil Puking Junker 

BYTG - Bless Your Thumping Gizzard

MMAG - Meet me at Goodwill.

ACPTAGIO - All Christians pay tithes and give in offerings.

PIS - Preach it Sir!

OPJ - Oil Puking Junker.

QJAGTC - Quit Job and go to Conference.

GPA - Get Permission Always!

DGC - Don't get Caught!

CHWOG - Children Hinder Work of God.

LSD - Look Sanctimonious Daily

LAPD - Look & Act Pious Daily

IANG - It's a numbers game.

PAR - Pastor's always right.

HOPDOT - House of Prayer/Den of Thieves

WSAWT - White Shirts and Wing Tips

ASP - Amen, Sir, Preach!

PMS - Preach More Sermons.

YNTGS - You need to get Saved!

DAWPNAWL - Do as we Preach, Not as we Live.

BYOBBDODC - Bring your own Bible but don't open it during Church.

NCA - No Camera's Allowed

BYOB - Bring your own Bride

DNA - Dating not Allowed


Fisher said...

OPK. Other Peoples Kids
OPM Other Peoples Money

Don and Ange said...

Ha ha, I remember they used to say kids were a blessing as long as they weren't yours. OPK!!!

Anonymous said...

AFAHMASP = A Fool And His Money Are Soon Parted

Chief said...

ICRTLTIS: I can't remember the last time I sinned.

WW: We're winning.

ITYSMWYABTLOOT: I'll treat you so many way's you are bound to like one of them.

DRYBIC: Don't read your Bible in church. I know it's close to one you already listed.

GBYB: God bless you brother. They wear that on out!!! God bless you brother and then they take your money.

IPFY: I'm praying for you. I hope they are not praying for people to stay in their church because their prayers aren't being answered.

WMYIC: We missed you in church.


Don and Ange said...

WW - We're winning. Yeah, they are winning alright. They are winning so much they had to take down their church locator again so people can't see who left. They'll probably keep it down this time because they know they'll be called out for lying about minister's that left.

WMYIC - We missed you in Church.... In other words, they missed your tithe check and the offering money.

Thanks Chief.

Don and Ange said...

TOB - Turn or Burn

GROGL - Get Right or Get Left

YJNAGDOS - You just need a good dose of salvation

YGTBLFTR - Your gonna be late for the rapture

MOG - Man of Gawd

OTECLFAW - On the evangelist circuit looking for another wife

NSA - No Shorts Allowed

LIS - Living in Sin

CLDI - Church Locator Down Indefinitely

WSUCI - Web Site Under Construction Indefinitely

TUAO - Take up Another Offering

SBAWM - Strong Backs and Weak Minds

ASBED - A Sucker Born Every Day

Vic Johanson said...

Don't forget Mike's favorite:


It's either "Go soak your head," or "God send you to hell," apparently depending on the circumstances (or his mood).

Don and Ange said...

To which we respond to Mike:

GSYH - Get Saved You Hypocrite!

Anonymous said...

IWHF: I was here first.
IYDLITTD: if you don't like it there's the door!
PDITO: pastor davis is the org.

Don and Ange said...

LOL. You folks have come up with some real classics. Here's a few more:

YPMTR: You People Make The Rules

YMHTAWBOSP: You Must Have Taken A Whole Bottle Of Stupid Pills

GNF: Good Night Folks

Vic Johanson said...

GSU-Green Side Up

Tour NTCC Videos -- A Playlist

HOPCC EXPOSED Ron Denis' "House of Prayer" AKA "Denis' Den of Thieves"

HOPCC EXPOSED Ron Denis' "House of Prayer" AKA "Denis' Den of Thieves"
HOPCC / [Assembly of Prayer] Exploitation Exposed Click Picture To Learn More

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