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Children in ntcc were 'caged' by needless man-made rules! |
Sarah Goodwin / "Cream of the Crop" first shared her testimony on Jeff's blog, New Testament Christian Church, The Real Story on a thread titled "The Reeds" (Speaking of Matt and Debbie Reed.)
Jeff- I know this is off topic but I need to get it off my chest
I was completely robbed of any type of normal childhood because of NTCC. I get angry even to this day when I think about the abuse I suffered.I don’t know if everyone was like this, but the “children should be seen and not heard” was practiced in my family. It’s like women and children don’t even exist.In my opinion, NTCC treats women like they are inferior to men; they are not allowed to express their opinions. They are supposed to stand in the background and look pretty, agree with and do whatever their husband says. If you ask me, it’s complete nonsense and just another way to control people.After my parents finished Bible school, they were assigned to various states to try and start up churches. Eventually, we were sent to Rhode Island to help another minister with his church. We were there for maybe a year, and then we were told we would be moving. NTCC told us go to Washington State to attend conference. We left Rhode Island and drove to Washington State. The back of our truck was loaded with all of our possessions. We had car problems along the way, and we had to empty half of our belongings on the side of the road. Talk about your worst nightmare. I have HORRIBLE memories from NTCC!!!!!It’s complete brainwashing! I hated the fire and brimstone preaching!!! I guess they figured the louder they screamed the more anointed they were!?!Shine on,Sarah Goodwin
April 15, 2011 5:49 PM
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Should Children only be "seen and not heard" ?!? |
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Does the ntcc treat men and women as equals ? NO !?! Why not ?!? |
Don and Ange say,
Do we think ill of Sarah's parents? No. Not at all. We don't even know them. But if they are like the many ntcc parents we do know, then we believe they are just sincere people who really want to serve God. But what happens in the ntcc system is that sincere people are used. The ntcc preys on their innocent desire to serve God, and adds man-made rules (that the 'leaders' don't obey) until serving God is no longer what God intended it to be - Spirit and Truth; instead, in the ntcc, serving God becomes obeying unreasonable rules. The entire ntcc CULTure is stressful, unbalanced, and unhealthy.
We believe Sarah's parents were and are trapped in a group that teaches if you don't keep their rules, you will die and go to hell. If you leave their group, you will die and go to hell. If you don't obey all that the 'man of Gawd' says, you will die and go to hell. It's a vicious cycle of legalism in the ntcc. A system designed to keep people poor and dependent on ntcc forever.
We want to thank Sarah for allowing us to use this comment as a topic. From personal experience we can say it is not always easy to share these painful experiences. But each time the truth is told, it helps us heal. Each time we read of another person having similar experiences it proves to us that we were not alone in what we suffered.
Thanks again to Sarah, aka "Cream Of The Crop". Which reminds us, even rodger w davis, ntcc's founder, taught that when an organization is corrupt, the best people, the "Cream Of The Crop", are the first ones to leave. =D
Disclaimer: All photos added by Don and Ange and were not originally part of Sarah's comment.
No children were hurt in the making of this blog post. We pray your children will be spared the ntcc experience. Sincerely, Don and Ange
Disclaimer: All photos added by Don and Ange and were not originally part of Sarah's comment.
No children were hurt in the making of this blog post. We pray your children will be spared the ntcc experience. Sincerely, Don and Ange
Vote Anonymously On This Post By Clicking On The Lettered Boxes Below:
A) Sounds Like A True Description Of ntcc.
B) ntcc Sounds Like A Cult.
C) I Read This Post.
D) After reading this, I will not take my child to ntcc
E) As a parent, I regret what ntcc did to my child
F) I'm afraid to get caught commenting on this blog.
G) Glad To Be Out of ntcc
H) ntcc board members' children got special treatment and fewer rules than my ntcc children
I) I'm Thinking Of Leaving ntcc
J) I'm afraid to leave ntcc.
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We really pray that the many families damaged by needless davis doctrines and man-made rules of the ntcc will find restoration and healing in God. Truly His will is for all people to be made whole and find reconciliation in Christ.
In the ntcc, with all it's man-made rules that were added to the bible, we suffered what is described in the first part of John 10v10:
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:
By eXiting ntcc, we can eXperience the promise of Christ found in the second part of John 10v10:
I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly.
Don and Ange
That's a horrible story of what she had to go through while in NTCC. Most kids will suffer in NTCC unless they are the chosen scion of Zion, Grant Kekel. They will work themselves to death to fill a church, but neglect their own health and families in order to "make it happen". That is not of God and when the child is old enough to understand, they see the other kids they know that are not in NTCC being able to do things that they are told not to do. It used to be a sin to play sports in school, now its OK. It used to be a sin to go swimming in a pool, but now its OK. It used to be a sin if your kids didn't go to their Bible School, but now its OK. They want a newer generation of more complicit children to feed them...The others will be replaced...
Yes this is a very sad story. It's terrible what the NTCC children had to endure. They are scarred for life. The NTCC leaders are demented. A child shouldn't have to go through all that mess. The worst part is it's all for nothing. The NTCC isn't bring people closer to God, in most cases they are driving people further away.
If you love your children get them out of the NTCC. 5 Services a week doesn't save you. The last time I check the song didn't go like this:
What can wash away my sins, nothing but church 5 times a week, what can make me whole again, nothing but church 5 times a week. Oh precious is the service, that make me very nervous, no other fount I know, nothing but church 5 times a week.
You NTCC people have wrecked your kids childhood for nothing. You should be ashamed of yourself just like I am for the portions of childhood that I stole from my daughter.
Sarah's testimony tell it all.
Ouch. Yes. The regret.
But it was our love they used against us. We love God and want to serve Him. We were babes in Christ and didn't know how wrong what they taught was. By the time we figured it out, we were in it up to our necks. God and time to heal.
Don't know how some parents can still override the Holy Ghost once they learn the bible better from personal study. Don't know how they can swallow the lies when they see grant kekel doing everything that their children were 'not allowed' to do.
Guess it really takes God to open eyes to the truth that is so painfully right in front of their faces.
If you haven't seen your grandkids, take that money you saved for conference and go see your grandkids. verna davis made good and sure that she had a grandkid and that he was never more than 5 minutes away from her. What makes you any different.
Are you a child of a lesser god?
Yeah, this was the worst part of NTCC for me--being manipulated to treat my kids in ungodly ways. It's really twisted when evil leaders use the sincerity of believers as a tool to force them into an unChristlike mold. They might as well tie a millstone around their necks and jump off the Tacoma Narrows bridge. The earth would be a better place if they did, which is a sad commentary on the utter waste of human potential they have become.
Our kids were 10 and 13 when we bailed out, but a lot of damage had already been done. They're fine now, but those scars will never completely heal. I shudder to think what would have happened to them had we continued to blind our minds to the obvious. I'm thankful they don't hate us for what we put them through. It's kind of a bittersweet thing--if I hadn't been involved with NTCC, I wouldn't even have them, but that can't justify the unjustifiable.
Parents, get your kids out of there ASAP.
I'm so thankful that my mom had the strength and courage to leave with me and my sister. Our lives are 100% better now. It's taken some time to heal, but we are doing great now.
This blog has given me so much encouragement.
Thank you,
We're so glad too that you, your, Mom and your sister are all out of ntcc. If our blog has helped at all, then we thank God. That is what we are here for. Please let us know if there's anything we can do.
Don and Ange
Hey Vic. Good to see your heartfelt comment. You really covered lots of ground in one comment. It is sick of ntcc to abuse people's desire to serve God and manipulate them "to treat [their] kids in ungodly ways". Even those of us with no kids can relate to imitating ntcc doctrine and behaving in unChristlike ways towards others. But, you've come out; and now you are helping others recognize ntcc's false teachings. Knowledge is power. By sharing what you've learned, you empower others to make the Great Escape. Keep up the good work.
Don and Ange
This excellent comment was left on a different thread but is so relevant we have put a copy of it here on this thread:
I think that a child will learn to hate God when they are in NTCC because of these facts:
1) The harsh way they are treated by their parents
2) They are told to abstain from so many activities (now the leaders have had a revelation)
3) They are told to avoid different types of friends, especially those outside of NTCC
4) They are forced to move from place to place with their parents in the NTCC ministry
5) They observe and hear the leadership and only feel the condemnation that their parents may/may not acknowledge
6) Many times they do without financially, time with parents, and emotionally for the sake of their parent's ministry
7) A combination of all these things affects their outlook on who God really is and what He thinks of them
Ask John St. Clair how many children grow up to stay within NTCC.
By Anonymous on Life's 45 Most Important Lessons by Regina Brett on 6/27/11
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