King 5 Video Page click here to read the story and watch their video.
The Mars Hill church, which is said to have about 13,000 members in various churches, receives about $300,000.00 per month for World Missions which they call Global Missions; but church members claim that only 5% of their donations actually went to the work that it was supposed to go towards. If these allegations are found to be true, this religious huckster will have embezzled perhaps millions of dollars from good hearted people who thought they were giving to the work of the Lord. Sound familiar?
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This Money Grubber Cries out for World Missions Pledges in an ntcc Conference |
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This Tithe Paying Sucker Finds Himself Broke After Giving His Fortune to His Jet Setting Globe Trotting Preacher |
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This Represents What Many Folks Have Left After They Leave the ntcc |
The ntcc has taken up millions of dollars in World Missions pledges throughout the years; but where has the money all gone? If you look at the actual assets that the ntcc owns over seas or listen to the testimonies of those who have suffered financial hardships in foreign countries there is no accounting for all the money the ntcc has received. There is much more money tied up in the Kekel and Davis personal estates than you will find in any overseas outreach that the ntcc claims to be involved in. Did you know that Servicemen's Homes overseas receive no money from the ntcc coffers? The G.I.s and local ministers are expected to foot all the bills, even if it means having the local pastor's wife work on a job. Davis used to call that "prostituting that woman" while Olson would schmooze the local pastor by saying, "Sometimes in the work of the Lord certain things are necessary." In other words, the ntcc was talking out of both sides of their mouths!
We wonder if anyone in the ntcc cares about where their World Missions dollars have all gone? We wonder if God has any good stewards that are willing to confront the talking heads in Graham, and ask them to account for the money they have received over the years. Most likely there is nobody in the ntcc that has a spine or the stomach to demand true and complete financial transparency. The ntcc should be hauled into court just like Driscoll and forced to give an account for what they have done with the money that was given to them over the years. God had Samuel confront Saul when he disobeyed the commandments of the Lord. God had the prophet Nathan confront King David when he committed adultery and murder. God's always had prophets that would keep the Rulers and spiritual leaders honest throughout the Old Testament and confront them when they did evil. Is there anyone that has any God in the ntcc that will demand transparency from the ntcc Board Members? Of course there isn't. There never has been; because the ntcc rules them with an iron fist; and ntcc members are spiritually whipped and humiliated when they question their masters. They are like helpless dogs that are so afraid of getting beaten by their human owners that they cower down at the very sight of them. Sorry if this offends anyone but it's true. Davis, Kekel, Olson and Ashmore were all greatly feared in the ntcc and very seldom were their motives ever questioned. To this day we are not aware of anyone who is or was a current member, confronting Kekel or Davis about where Tithe or World Missions money actually went, nor have we heard anyone state that they asked to see any financial accounting. Ashmore was asked by an Ex-minister to explain his knowledge of ntcc's financial dealings after he left the ntcc, but he played stupid and took everyone for a bunch of fools, telling them that he was unaware of any of the financial impropriety that was taking place in the ntcc.
Illegal Deposits under $10,000.00 (Structuring)
Watch on YouTube
The above video was taken from a miniseries called "The Assets" which was about the American traitor Aldrich Ames who sold information to undercover Russian agents that got many of our spies killed. It was the structured deposits under $10,000.00 that gave the judge enough evidence to tap his phone lines which led to the arrest and conviction of Ames. He is now serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole in a high security federal penitentiary. It's almost always the money that leads to the arrest of high profile criminals. They didn't have enough evidence on Al Capone to arrest him so they indicted him on Tax Fraud. The ntcc might get away with a lot of crimes, but if they ever get caught it will most likely be something like illegal structuring or tax evasion.
We care about all the money that we wasted while we were in twenty years ago; but unfortunately we were just as brainwashed as some of you still are while we were in the ntcc. We blindly trusted in the ntcc leadership to use our money for the work of God. We hope that someone in the ntcc will see this video and realize that they have both a right and a duty to know where their money is going.
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Bryan Hill said:
All we know Don is that through the crime of structuring it's all been deposited and withdrawn below a $10,000 maximum so that it's not reported to the IRS. This is what kent Hovind went to prison for for eight years and had all of his assets seized by the government it's not a very smart way to handle peoples money. Once the government knows this is going on in organization they have the option of coming in and doing a thorough investigation and seizing even personal assets. Personally I don't want to see this happening to anybody and I would suggest that a transparent accounting of all finances be done soon. Some believe that when Kent Hovind was investigated they also found out that his ministry should've actually been paying taxes because of how the money was used
Another link from Bryan. I remember several pastors who got their marching orders from R-dub. They were all told never to deposit amounts over 10,000 bucks into the bank because it is a red flag to the IRS. So what they have been doing has been illegal all along and they still are doing it. They don't think anyone of you in the ntcc has the spine to turn them in. They don't think that any of you ntcc ministers has enough God to call them out. I guess they are right. Hopefully someone in the ntcc who has knowledge of this will wake up.
You ministers who are making illegal drops and structuring deposits can end up going to jail for your ntcc superiors. Is it really worth falling on your sword for Kekel, while he enjoys all of the creature comforts that your church members tithe dollars bought for him? Perhaps someone in the ntcc has the intestinal fortitude to confront Kekel and DiFrancesco about this. Perhaps not. I think many of you pastors are just as guilty because you won't do the right thing. Bryan hopes that you will be transparent and clean up your act. I think that the ntcc is rotten to the core and that most every decision made is motivated by filthy lucre.
More ignored scriptures....
Proverbs 7:4
"Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye."
Mathew 21:13
"And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves."
This short video is such an accurate accounting of many ministries today, I guarantee you that you have not seen something this disgusting and sickening. This pastors passive aggressive and prideful attitude will be very very familiar.
The name of the You Tube video is:
"Pastor Fails Miserably When Interviewed By Court About How He Spends The Ministry's Funds!"
Does the ntcc faithful know are realize that the ten percent tithes that the kekels pay, (and they do pay there ten percent tithe)but, it comes back to the kekels in some form or another? they probably have to change the language or label, in order to hide it from the federal government. It could be called a love offering, or something alone that line but, it certainly not given to the poor, homeless, etc. etc.
I'm pretty sure if they were forced to give an accounting and face IRS scrutiny it would not go well for them.
I'm not so sure it wouldn't go well for them. I mean at the core how does the IRS investigate a religious organization that doesn't spend money on political campaigns or secular functions. The problem with a holiness org is that the money that's stolen from the people can be accounted for as church property, church missions, church functions all the while making a select few very wealthy.
It's really too bad.
Any competent forensic accountant could easily uncover their criminality. If they're claiming their wealth is the result of astute investing, then there would certainly be a paper trail backing that up. But if they're living in mansions and driving Beamers and their personal tax returns don't reflect a commensurate income level, it would be a simple matter to prove evasion. RW kept everything in the church's name, so he technically didn't own much, but he had use of whatever he wanted anytime he wanted. That's how these scammers can fly under the radar. Not sure what the new generation does. The IRS appears disinterested in the org; apparently there are way bigger fish to fry. It is interesting, however, that the 39 acres were restored. It's doubtful that was done absent pressure from somewhere. Who knows, maybe the investigation is ongoing.
[Pro 8:13 KJV] 13 The fear of the LORD [is] to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate.
[Rev 3:17 KJV] 17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
That is the scam for sure. You build an organization that's tax free. You keep almost everything in the orgs name. If you are at the top everything is at your disposal. You control the money flow. And purchase houses, property, cars, RVs "for the org.". You set your own salary because you are the CEO. If called to question by the authorities you're like, what? I only used church property!
And the work to required to uncover criminality isnt worth it to the FBI or IRS because in the big picture NTCC is a tiny little group of a few thousand suckers in a country of 350 million people.
But it's okay because the NTCC is now kinder and gentler and friendly! :)
Scriptures that should be considered by the ntcc hucksters who prosper by stealing from the people of God.
Proverbs 9:17-18
"Stolen waters are sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant. But he knoweth not that the dead are there; and that her guests are in the depths of hell."
Matthew 6:19
"Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:"
1 Corinthians 6:10
"Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God."
I guess that's what I'm trying to hit at. Forensic accountants might be able to see what would normally be criminality in any other organization except a religious/charity org. So many ways to hide money, so many ways to keep it off your name. So what if they live in a mansion? Is it theirs, or the church's? If the IRS hasn't caught them by now what would make you think they don't have this scam mastered?
A crack forensic accountant is way smarter than the NTCC leadership and could easily nail them to the wall. There just isn't any real impetus for them to do so. The org might posture as some mighty work, but really it's just a sad two-bit collection of tawdry grifters, unworthy of any attention.
[Pro 10:2 KJV] 2 Treasures of wickedness profit nothing: but righteousness delivereth from death.
[Jas 2:6 KJV] 6 But ye have despised the poor. Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the judgment seats?
Proverbs 11:9
"An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour: but through knowledge shall the just be delivered."
1 Timothy 4:2
"Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;"
James 3:17
"But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy."
Do you ever wonder if the church you are going to might just be a cult? One thing that cults have in common is hypocrisy. If a preacher tells you that God hates you for wearing ear rings and he wears a wedding ring; that preacher is a hypocrite. After all, if a preacher preaches against ear rings, he is basically implying that ear rings are of the devil and if you wear them, you are going to hell. That's why they call them devil stirrups. I've actually heard preachers say that devil puts his feet in the devil stirrups and rides on the shoulders of women who wear them. How stupid is that? Hypocrisy and double standards usually take place right under the noses of most cult members. If you are a cult member in the ntcc you have most likely been taught not to question double standards and to ignore hypocrisy. You are being played like a fiddle. It's your money that they are after. Stop paying your tithe and you will find out what is important in the ntcc. Your soul is only important if you are paying your tithe. If you stop paying your tithe, they will stop treating you like a brother or sister because they actually teach that people who don't pay tithe are hell bound. Money is their God.
This is no new revelation. Money is much more important to the ntcc hirelings than helping a man or woman with a broken spirit. They have been raking in the cash for decades. When it becomes common knowledge among ntcc'rs and X-ers that deposits should be structured in amounts less than $10,000.00 so that the IRS will not come after them, it's because they are accumulating money at an alarming rate. Ten thousand dollars is a lot of money, but when you are running a cult compound or a servicemen's home, you might have 50-100 tithe paying suckers and another 10 or 20 suckers living in the home and giving home offerings. Make sure you split up that deposit so the IRS doesn't see that you are getting rich off of the gospel. We all know that's the way it's been done in the ntcc and that is the way it will always be done. They are hypocrites. Double standard hypocrites.
Phony church leaders and hypocrites are basically using "God's work" and non profit status to launder money. They obtain your money through false pretenses. They tell you that if you don't pay tithe you will miss the rapture. When they get your money in their greasy paws, they have to deposit it in a church bank account to clean it up. It's dirty money that was obtained by preaching lies. Once it gets deposited into banks in amounts less than ten thousand dollars, the lion share goes to Graham, Washington where most of it gets spent by the "CEO" of the "Organization", or incorporated business masquerading as a church. The Huckster that goes by the CEO title writes off all the accumulated wealth as church expenses and is able to live like the CEO of any other business without having to account to anyone. Kekel is no different than the CEO's that just got caught stealing money from the Wounded Warrior Project or the CEO of Enron. Those CEO's got rich off of accumulating wealth by stealing money that was allocated for specific purposes. The reason that a lot of CEOs get caught is because the people that were swindled have enough on the ball to follow up where their money is going. CEOs of religious organizations have a huge advantage because they can convince their congregants to be dumb sheep that have no right to question the actions of the super Apostles. They find people who are stupid enough to believe their money is being spent on God's work. All the while they are spending the money right in front of your noses on mansions, RVs, sports cars, luxury cars, expensive furnishings for their mansions, Rolex watches, diamond pinky rings and many other things that you will not question them about. That is why we blog. We hope that we can break through the minds of mush and help people realize that they are making their CEO rich instead of building the kingdom of God. But we are just bitter X-ers. Don't listen to us.
Proverbs 12:22
"Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his delight."
1 Timothy 6:10
"For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."
Proverbs 13:7
"There is that maketh himself rich, yet hath nothing: there is that maketh himself poor, yet hath great riches."
Proverbs 13:11
"Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labour shall increase."
James 5:1
"Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you."
I was looking at the Wounded Warrior Project scandal this morning and noticed many similarities between the structure of this organization and the ntcc. The Wounded Warrior Project has a CEO and a general board. The top two officials in this non profit organization were recently canned for their lavish spending and lack of transparency. The entire board however was aware of the spending and did nothing to stop it or report it to the proper authorities. The Wounded Warrior Project took in 393 million dollars in 2014 and according to CBS News only 60% of that money went to Vets. They spent over 26 million dollars in 2014 on lavish conferences and very expensive parties. They flew first class and had huge expense accounts that allowed them to live like the rich and wealthy while the contributors thought that the lion share of their donations were going toward wounded veterans. The reason that these Hucksters were fired is that many of the donors found out that a lot of their money was not going to help Vets.
Non profit charitable organizations are required to submit a form 990, an information return that is open to the public, to the IRS which is used by watchdog groups and donors to learn detailed financial information about charities. The problem is that Religious Hucksters are not required to fill out this form and many of the members give blindly to their churches with no knowledge of where their money is going. Since churches do not have to be transparent to the public about their finances, very few of them are. The ntcc is no exception. They know that they can get away with spending your money however they want to, and they take advantage of everyone who willingly gives to them. Many church members in denominations all across America and around the world are afraid of retaliation so they blindly trust their church leaders to do the right thing with their money. Because of this dynamic the ntcc gets away with an inordinate amount of fraud, waste and abuse.
Ntcc members are the only ones that can hold their leaders accountable and the only way they will ever accomplish that is to stop giving them their money until they show financial transparency. This will never happen because Kekel is too rich and proud to succumb to financial disclosure and if he did, there would be no explanation for his wealth and frivolous spending. He doesn't want to have to give an account to anyone for how he spends your money. He knows that he has each and every minister between a rock and a hard place. None of you have the intestinal fortitude to do anything about it, and we don't say this to shame you, but that is just the way it is in the ntcc. The only way to hold them accountable is for you to get together in numbers that matter and stop enabling them to spend your tithe payers money frivolously. Nobody is going to do this for you.
You have a right to know where every dollar you send them is spent. How many of you ntcc members and ministers look at the Wounded Warrior project as a disgrace? I'm sure you think it is an outrage for the leaders of this organization to spend 40% of their donations fraudulently. Are your church leaders any better? You know they are getting rich and living large off of your church member's donations, yet you ignore it. We are doing our part in trying to educate the ntcc masses. In the end, only you can do anything about it. Do you think that God is pleased with Kekel and Olson and their lack of transparency? If you do, than please rip the book of Proverbs and James out of the bible and ignore all the words of Jesus warning about the rich and the hypocrites. You love to preach against sin and promote tithes and offerings so that your church members will support you and your rich leaders in Graham, but you will do absolutely nothing prevent the double standards that exist within your own organization. You move heaven and earth to get people to pay their tithes and offerings, but you do nothing to give your church members assurance that their money is going to the work of God, because most of it isn't going to the work of God. How could you possibly know where the money is going if there is no accountability? You are supposed to be a non profit organization but Davis and Kekel were multi millionaires because of your church members gifts that you collected from them. The majority of your church's tithe dollars did not go to the work of the Lord, but it went toward making these insatiable hucksters filthy rich and you know this, but you choose to ignore it. You will place your church members in hell for not giving their money to God in the form of tithes and offerings, while you ignore what happens to their money after they give it. Do you think that God ignores this?
Section 508(c) of the Internal Revenue Code specifically states that churches, their integrated auxiliaries, and conventions or associations of churches are not required to apply for (IRS Form 1023) and obtain recognition of tax-exempt status from the IRS in order to be treated as tax exempt, provided they meet the requirements of section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code. In general, those requirements are as follows:
1 The organization is organized exclusively for exempt purposes, (i.e. religious, charitable, educational) purposes;
2. The organization is operated exclusively for exempt purposes;
3. None of the organization's net earnings inures to the benefit of any private individuals;
4. The organization does not engage in any substantial efforts to influence legislation; and
5. The organization does not intervene or participate in political campaigns. A properly constituted Constitution and Bylaws are also required.
Did you know that collections taken up for evangelists are required to be reported to the IRS? All of those $500.00 or more offerings that were taken up for revivals and given to the evangelist in an envelope in the form of cash were required to be reported to the IRS. Do you think that this has ever happened? What about the hiring of employees and the cash payroll practices of the ntcc? Many ntcc employees were independent contractors and they were paid "under the table" and no paper trail existed. Can anything be legally done about this? Perhaps; Perhaps not, but the fact that this shady practice happened in the eyes of God still exists. You ntcc preachers will ignore this while you beat up your congregations about giving to escrow funds that very seldom if ever get spent on their intended purposes. You will go to conferences and listen to endless tirades about giving to the missions fields overseas while very little evidence exists that any of that money actually goes to it's intended purposes. How do you live with yourselves? You are so strict and hard on your church members about giving and you run off those who don't pay their tithes, treating them like crooks and thieves. How do you stand before God and give an account for this when there is not one scripture in the New Testament that supports this doctrine? How do you ignore the fact that your leaders who require you to collect tithes have no obligation to give an account to you or your church members as to where their money is going? Are you really going to place your church attendees in hell for not paying their tithe while you know good and well that the Kekels are using your church members "gifts" for their own private benefit?
The ntcc treats Serviceman much worse than the CEO and board members of the Wounded Warrior projects treated Veterans over the past few years and this is an absolute disgrace. The local ntcc pastors enable the ntcc leadership to abuse their offices and they actually fund this abuse with the "love offerings" and "gifts" of the active duty military. How do you ntcc Servicemen's Home directors have a clear conscience about preaching tithe or hell doctrine to your congregations while Kekel lives in a million dollar mansion that was funded by the mandatory financial giving of servicemen who are risking their lives to serve their country? You are making merchandise of these Soldiers and using God as an excuse to do so. Do you think that God looks down on you favorably for preaching to these GI's that they are robbing God for not paying tithes while you ignore the wasteful spending and the insatiable financial appetite of Mike and Tanya Kekel? Do your congregations have any clue that Mike and Tanya are as wealthy as many of the corrupt CEOs of other organizations and that and that their tithe dollars are funding their wealth? Do you tell your congregations that a portion of their money is going to be used by the Kekels to furnish their mansions, buy their expensive sports and luxury automobiles, Recreational Vehicles and allow them to go on all expense paid vacations around the world? Of course you don't, because you ignore this and pretend like it isn't happening. You brow beat your members for money and preach them into hell for not giving enough while their money is being wasted by fake apostles on false causes. It's no wonder there is no accountability or financial transparency.
Huckster of the week award:
This week we will feature two hucksters from religious organizations that were indicted for similar practices that we all know go on in the ntcc.
Huckster #1: "Bishop" William A. Ellis
This huckster had a salary of over $100,000.00 but wasn't satisfied. Ellis stole $1000.00 from each Sunday morning offering. When confronted about this Ellis stated, "I bring it in, and I take it out." Ellis also responded: "Don't muzzle the Ox". Ellis also failed to include on his tax returns sundry other benefits, such as a Mercedes that he used for both personal and church business, making personal credit card and life insurance payments with church funds, and using the APC credit card for personal expenditures. From these benefits and the plundering of the collection plate, the government calculated that Ellis had additional gross income in the amount of $520,602 in the years of 1996 through 2001, resulting in a large tax deficit. link
Huckster # 2: "Bishop" Anthony Jinwright
"According to court documents, in January and February 2007 alone, Anthony received nearly $200,000 in payments from the church, including a $50,000 anniversary bonus, a $50,000 pay raise for the prior year, a $7,000 honorarium for preaching at his own church, a $15,000 housing allowance, a $4,166 car allowance, $525 “for checks written to GSC,” $1,500 in spending money for a conference, another $50,000 reimbursement for undisclosed payments purportedly made by A. L. Jinwright Ministries Inc. on behalf of the church, a newly leased S-Class Mercedes, a $3,500 signet ring, an all-expenses-paid trip (with spending cash, too) to Las Vegas, and a $2,500 gift certificate to Bruce Julian clothiers. All this was in addition to his monthly salary of $25,200 and thousands of dollars in reimbursements for donations he’d made to other ministers, including Walker, who he’d given $1,000 in cash.
Those outlays don’t include the $100,000 party the church threw the Jinwrights for the twenty-sixth anniversary of their arrival at the church at the Westin that February—held three months after Walker pleaded guilty to tax evasion. Nor does it include the travel expenses and honorariums—some as much as $5,000—the church paid many of the attendees. This Huckster took up "love offerings" and took the money home in bags. The Jin Wrights ruled their congregation like an Emperor with an obsessive lust for Tithes & Offerings, spewing out the prosperity doctrine like a regurgitating wino on side of a liquor store. Now that the smoke has cleared, Bishop Jinwright and his Wife are now convicted felons, and the Historical Congregation once proudly known as Greater Salem City of God Church has been permanently fractured, all because the Pastor failed to render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s. link
Proverbs 14:20-21
"The poor is hated even of his own neighbour: but the rich hath many friends. He that despiseth his neighbour sinneth: but he that hath mercy on the poor, happy is he."
Proverbs 15:3
"The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good."
James 3:18
"And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace."
When reading the New Testament. I have yet to fine any where in the new testament, where God blessed anyone with the wisdom to get wealth like he did with king David, and King Solomon. The New Testament, shows Gods love and concern towards mankind through his son Jesus, and not some kind of a plain to get wealth. With the rapture of the church maybe occurring at any time, getting man made wealth is not important to the church. Ntcc is wrong headed and have been for sometime. All of the jargon that Davis, Kekel, Olson, Ashmore, Johnson, Jones, and others would spew out of there pie wholes, was just that jargon with a little truth mixed in.
Proverbs 16:16
"How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver!"
Proverbs 17:1
"Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than an house full of sacrifices with strife."
Proverbs 17:5
"Whoso mocketh the poor reproacheth his Maker: and he that is glad at calamities shall not be unpunished."
James 2:15-16
"If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?"
Maurice said...
"When reading the New Testament. I have yet to fine any where in the new testament, where God blessed anyone with the wisdom to get wealth like he did with king David, and King Solomon. The New Testament, shows Gods love and concern towards mankind through his son Jesus, and not some kind of a plain to get wealth. With the rapture of the church maybe occurring at any time, getting man made wealth is not important to the church."
DNA said:
And everybody said, Amen, Brother. In the Old Testament there were Godly Kings like David, Solomon and a few others that were blessed with riches. Those riches didn't do much for them. It seemed to be more of a snare than a blessing. You are right about New Testament blessings. Prosperity preaching seems to create a lot of Hucksters. If you look at the prosperity movement it seems to be in conflict with much of the New Testament. There are no examples of rich Christians in the New Testament unless you count Zacchaeus who gave 1/2 of his goods to the poor and restored the people he had conned by paying them 4 times what he owed them. The rich young ruler wouldn't give up his riches and went away sad.
When is the last time you heard of Kekel or Davis giving anything to the poor? They are Hucksters who have found a way to con people out of their money and they have become rich doing so. They have fooled thousands of people but God is not mocked. They have ignored the hundreds of scriptures that deal with the rich and the poor. They focus on scriptures that keep others in bondage. They twist scriptures so that others will give and sacrifice to them. It is nothing less than idolatry. Many have lived a life of sacrifice so that the ntcc hucksters can be filthy rich. There really is no other way to look at this. If you make excuses for them, you are only lying to yourself. Read the books of Proverbs and James. When you finish reading these scriptures read the Gospels. You know, the red words? The words of Jesus. We are publishing these scriptures for a reason. March is bible appreciation month. If you appreciate the bible, Shout Amen! If you believe that God loves the poor, shout Amen! If You believe what Jesus and James say about rich people, do a little jig and thank God that your heart is not like theirs. There is a whole chapter of proverbs for each day of the month. Davis preached at others while enriching himself with their hard earned money. Kekel and Ashmore are doing the same thing. They are living high on the hog contrary to the word of God which they claim to love and live by. They ignore half the bible while they preach at you from their lofty perches. But what do we know? We are just bitter X-ers.
Oops, I meant to say Angry and bitter X-ers.
You can't leave off the angry part. Don't you know it's a sin to be angry? Unless you are Jesus and you see people making merchandise of the people of God, and you over turn their money tables and make a scourge of small cords and drive them out of the temple. I wonder what would have happened if someone did that to Davis or Kekel? Or how about that Huckster at the ntcc church in Glendale, Arizona who was selling the water bottles in front of the church? Could you imagine someone overturning those tables and driving them away with a whip? Do you think that God is pleased with these money grubbing hypocrites? Not if you believe the bible. How many of you believe the bible? Are there any ntcc'rs out there that believe the bible? Apparently not.
Proverbs 18:11-12
"The rich man's wealth is his strong city, and as an high wall in his own conceit. Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, and before honour is humility."
James 3:18
"And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace."
Proverbs 19:17
"He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again."
James 1:9-11
"Let the brother of low degree rejoice in that he is exalted: But the rich, in that he is made low: because as the flower of the grass he shall pass away. For the sun is no sooner risen with a burning heat, but it withereth the grass, and the flower thereof falleth, and the grace of the fashion of it perisheth: so also shall the rich man fade away in his ways."
What is Missing from the ntcc and from Ashmore's 'ministry'?
Jesus said:
"Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift." Mat 5:23:24
They never feel any need to make things right with the people that they have hurt. It's a business to them and if their path to the top is paved with souls that have been trampled under foot, then so be it. They call you Brother, and shake your hand. "God bless you brother or Sister". "God loves a cheerful Giver". "We love and appreciate you brother and sister". But if you get in the way while they are building the Great Wall, they will bury you in the foundation of their accomplishments. "I'm sorry" or "Brother, forgive me, I was wrong", are phrases that you will not hear from the majority of ntcc pastors. "You need to pray through, because you are the one with the problem", is what you will hear while they give lip service to the God of Heaven.
The ntcc has left many casualties behind them and they have no desire to make amends to any of the people that they have run off. Once you are gone, you are completely forgotten. The POW MIA has a slogan, "Gone but not forgotten". The ntcc doesn't want you to remember any of us. There are so many people that are gone and completely forgotten but those who remain in the organization are encouraged to never mention their names again. They would say, "That brother or sister made a choice". Go find another tithe paying sucker, and as long as that sucker keeps giving and sacrificing, we will consider that new sucker to be part of our family. It's a performance based gospel. It's a money making racket. The Kekels have been made rich by people that have been totally shunned by him and he has no desire to make things right with anyone. Just keep the money flowing you brain washed suckers. There are a lot of souls that Ashmore has destroyed and their money and labors have made Ashmore rich. Ashmore has no desire to make things right with anyone he has hurt. His private blog that defines the ntcc as the great whore can not be seen by anyone who Ashmore has harmed or by the general public. His words are only shared with invited guests. He's made too many enemies to have a public blog. Only the brainwashed suckers who are looking for a familiar replacement for the ntcc are welcome into his new fold. The brothers and sisters who have been shunned are considered to be collateral damage while the altars of a gospel based on monetary giving are full of hirelings like Ashmore and Kekel who offer lip service to God while never desiring to make things right with those they once called "brother" or "sister".
Huckster of the Week:
There are a lot of Hucksters that seem to gravitate to the Seattle Tacoma, Washington area. You can't make this stuff up. This week's Huckster of the Week award is shared by two Hucksters from the the "Evergreen State" of Washington, home of the New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc.
Huckster #1:
A Washington State auditor by the name of Troy Kelley is in court for possession of stolen property, money laundering and tax offenses - stemming from conduct that began in 2005 when he ran a real-estate services firm called Post Closing Department. Attorneys for the Federal government allege that Kelley stole millions of dollars from Home owners 100 dollars at a time. Kelley's attorneys claim that Kelley offered services to home buyers that were paid to him each time a transaction was closed but in the vast majority of the closings, Kelley's services were non existent. The prosecutors are saying that Kelley used Family vacations and private purchases to launder the money. This was done to hide the fact that this was stolen money according to prosecutors. This is a case where you will hear words like Escrow, Trustee and reconveyance. link
Huckster #2:
Benjamin Rogovy operated a prayer website that preyed on brain washed suckers, who had nothing better to do than send this huckster their money in exchange for prayers. On his website he used fake testimonies and stock photos to make millions of dollars off of the gullible masses. He even opened his own website called the "Consumer Complaint Agency", where people could file claims against His own website, that would never be resolved or answered. People were repeatedly charged on their credit cards for prayer service that never existed and definitely never reached heaven. Benjamin Rogovy was ordered to pay out over 7 million dollars in restitution to the people he scammed. link
Christians can be real dummies sometimes. They are naive and will believe just about anything. It's no wonder the ntcc has amassed so much real estate and wealth. It's the tithe doctrine that has absolutely no supporting scriptures, yet people blindly give their money to the ntcc scam artists. Some people will never learn. Shaking my head!
From the Huckster files of the "bitter X-ers".
A proverb mentioned twice in the same chapter is worth looking into:
Proverbs 20:10
"Divers weights, and divers measures, both of them are alike abomination to the LORD."
Proverbs 20:23
"Divers weights are an abomination unto the LORD; and a false balance is not good."
Mathew Henry commentary explains Divers weights:
"The various arts of deceiving that men have, all which evils the love of money is the root of. In paying and receiving money, which was then commonly done by the scale, they had divers weights, an under-weight for what they paid and an over-weight for what they received; in delivering out and taking in goods they had divers measures, a scanty measure to sell by and a large measure to buy by. This was done wrong with plot and contrivance, and under colour of doing right. Under these is included all manner of fraud and deceit in commerce and trade."
1 Timothy 6:8-10
"And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."
1 Timothy 6:17-18
"Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate;"
Jesus spoke out more against the rich than He did against outward holiness standards. Oh, I forgot, Jesus never mentioned outward Holiness, but He sure did have a lot to say about the rich. Jesus spake out more against the rich than he did about paying tithe. Can you say "Ouch" all of you ntcc ministers? Can you say, Oh Me? What are you doing with your calling? Many of you are using your calling to blast people to give more money. It's no wonder that you can't keep people in your churches. I'm sure you have lied to yourselves and used the excuse that people want sin more than God and that's why they don't hang around for very long. People can spot a fraud. People know that the ntcc minister is all about money. People know that for them to fit into an ntcc church their greatest responsibility will be to pay tithe and give in offerings. The New Testament speaks out more against the rich than it does against drunkards and fornicators. Do you think there might be a reason for that? Do you think God ignores people like Kekel who get rich off of the sacrifice of the poor? Jesus advocates for the poor. The poor are spoken of with love and compassion by Jesus and all throughout the bible while the rich are associated with judgement and hell. Do you think Kekel or Ashmore get a pass on these principles? Read your bibles. Get your nose out of peoples personal lives and into the good book. If you ntcc ministers would expend half of the energy that you exert preaching about tithe by redirecting it to actually loving and giving to the poor, you would set the world on fire. How many bible believing ntcc ministers do we have out there? It's bible appreciation month. Do you appreciate the words of Jesus, or do you appreciate the offering plate more? You say you love Jesus who you haven't seen but you do nothing to help the poor who are all over the place. You bring in people that have very little and you beat them up for tithes and offerings and then you send large amounts of their money to Graham Washington where there is no accountability or transparency. If you look at Kekel's mansion and cars and watch how he spends money on all expense paid vacations around the world and on furnishings and tapestries for his mansion, you will see where most of your tithe payers money goes. What you are doing is ignorantly taking money from the poor and giving it to the rich. Is this really what God has called you to do?
We are feed up with your blabbing, so now we will start to blabb. WKG AND Pastor Davis are gone, so what we know, we can tell, no binding agreement now....
GOOD NEWS....GOOD NEWS...I have been released to tell all that was confided in me, since WKG and Pastor Davis have pass away, so my part about all I know about all that stuff and your lies, I can now RELEASE!! All about the jail, that woman you married, the truth about Hummel, Perry, and that stuff I am free to tell, and I will, provided and unless you back off from your attack, so think about it before you attack again
Is this a threat? No, it just means I can sing any time I want to!!
Proverbs 21:13
"Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard."
1 Corinthians 13:3
"And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing."
Proverbs 22:16
"He that oppresseth the poor to increase his riches, and he that giveth to the rich, shall surely come to want."
1 John 3:17
"But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?"
Buddy said:
"GOOD NEWS....GOOD NEWS...I have been released to tell all that was confided in me, since WKG and Pastor Davis have pass away, so my part about all I know about all that stuff and your lies, I can now RELEASE!! All about the jail, that woman you married, the truth about Hummel, Perry, and that stuff I am free to tell, and I will, provided and unless you back off from your attack, so think about it before you attack again Is this a threat? No, it just means I can sing any time I want to!! Buddy"
DNA said:
That's old news Buddy, or whatever your name is. If you want to sing about it, you are going to have to sing somewhere else. The only thing you could possibly know about it is what you heard from someone else. I was there, and Davis got his info from me. Nothing you said has not already been revealed on this blog. It's not going to happen on this blog, Buddy, so you might as well take your ball and go home. Maybe you can start your own blog and reveal your great secrets to the world. Maybe you can use Kekel's blog to reveal what you think you know. Oh, I forgot, Kekel's blog is only for those who have a good report. If you were not too scared to tell us who you really are, we might consider publishing more of your ignorant comments. So now that Davis and Pop Gaylord have passed away, you are free? That means that you were not free while they were still alive, so why would you follow them? You know you are in a cult when you are not free to speak your mind. And by the way, I haven't been attacking lately. I've just been sharing scriptures and nobody is really commenting on anything lately, so what are you worried about? Are the scriptures getting you down? We don't allow X-ers to run us down on our own blog, so good luck with that. I would suggest that you run over to Ashmore's blog, but his blog is private and you have to be invited. Your stuff would only be seen by Ashmore's disciples. Why is that? Private groups are private for a reason. Skeletons in the closet. I love it. That's what is good about telling the truth. You don't have to worry about other people exposing you. The whole point of this blog is that we all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God. The ntcc is getting rich off of gullible people like you "Buddy", and pretending that they are white as snow. They can't remember the last time they sinned, so we expose them. What harm can you do to us? We are supposed to be of the devil according to the people you worship, so what good is it going to do for you to focus all your energy on us? Aren't there souls that are lost and on their way to hell? How is it that you have time to worry about us?
Ahahaha--what a pathetic loser this "Buddy" is. I bet you're quaking in your boots, Don.
Terrified Vic, terrified.
Proverbs 23:4-5
"Labour not to be rich: cease from thine own wisdom.Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not? for riches certainly make themselves wings; they fly away as an eagle toward heaven."
Luke 1:53
"He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away."
Wow, buddy sounds like an operative for isis, to bad that he/she can see others faults, but cannot see that ntcc is just one big get rich quick scam.
Ntcc leaders love to preach that folks who leave ntcc, leave because they wanted sin more than they wanted God. First, God is not in ntcc. Second, why would someone who have left ntcc, "because they wanted sin more than they want God" spend there time and energy shining light on the lies and corruption that exist inside of ntcc? Do you really believe they would take time out of there sinful life style, just to shine light on a wicket organization like ntcc? Wake up buddy, stop being a enabler and start fighting back, oh, and by the way, are you a millionaire? I doubt it, But ntcc leaders are.
It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. Psalm 118:8
And this, ladies and gentlemen is what the NTCC is all about, keeping you in bondage and fear of threatening's. I like what Don said, there's nothing to hide when the truth has already been taken to the light and dealt with. Those who attempt to re-try the sins of man and tread where Christ has already been only heap judgments upon their own head. Repentance equals freedom and that sir applies to this simple attempt to freighten away those who are calling the NTCC to repentance. We have been set free from your laughable and feeble tyraid. You are not dealing with those who are still quaking under the aggravation and frustrations of trying to appease a NTCC policy but you're dealing with those who have rejected mans religion to serve Jesus and Jesus alone. You will be in our prayers because you're exhibiting the very signs relating to bondage that we knew. Defend, defend, defend to the very end but once you start to relinquish the need to defend and trade it in for the deeper need of knowing Jesus and Him without the unholy mix of religion then you start to see the utter ridiculousness of attempting to make right that which has been found inadequate to the soul. Buddy, look inward, find a place to see Jesus and His face only, forgive your captors (the NTCC) and forgive us of your perceived violations, be set free from your religion and serve Jesus for His Glory. Once this takes place, you will find a reality without the imposed ruling party of the NTCC being a part of what your walk with God consists of as well as the persecution of those who have found this road prior to your eyes being opened.
There is something truly creepy and remanescent of Judas in this threat by Buddy to betray his masters just because they are dead. And on another note, has anyone noticed that this tactic of threatening to expose "secrets" is their best foot forward in defending the brand of religion they peddle? Their has been 20 years of scripture poured out in an effort to show the descrepencies of the NTCC policies and not one voice of reason and soundness comes forth, just threats of exposing past sins or flaws that's may or may not of been committed. This alone should be an eye opener to those who are on the fence.
Proverbs 24:16
"For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief."
Mathew 6:15
"But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."
Proverbs 25:27
"It is not good to eat much honey: so for men to search their own glory is not glory."
John 7:18
"He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him."
Bryan said:
"And on another note, has anyone noticed that this tactic of threatening to expose "secrets" is their best foot forward in defending the brand of religion they peddle? Their has been 20 years of scripture poured out in an effort to show the descrepencies of the NTCC policies and not one voice of reason and soundness comes forth, just threats of exposing past sins or flaws that's may or may not of been committed. This alone should be an eye opener to those who are on the fence."
DNA said:
This is definitely an eye opener, Bryan. Buddy summarizes what the ntcc is all about through his ignorant comments. The ignorance lies in the phoniness of Buddy as a human being and bleeds through in his comments. First of all, Buddy hides his identity behind a phony name because he is not real. When a person is ashamed to share their identity, it's because they are afraid of something. What is buddy afraid of? Will his borg masters rebuke him for being on the blog? He comes across as ignorant because he falsely accuses and brings nothing substantial to the conversation. Buddy is the ntcc personified. The way that buddy looks down his nose at other people and the way he preaches to others is very reminiscent of the ntcc cult. It's all about calling out someone else's supposed sins while ignoring his own arrogance and pride. Buddy is one of those people that R-dub used to talk about. "If you could buy him for what he is worth, and sell him for what he thinks he's worth, you would have enough money to retire and live off the interest".
The sad thing about buddy is that they most likely treat him like a slave. He tries to defend them but he is afraid of them. He thinks that God is blessing him alone because the gas prices dropped to $1.79. He's so poor after giving all his money to the ntcc, that Gas under two bucks a gallon is God opening the windows of heaven because he paid his tithe. Buddy will always be broke as long as he stays in the cult.
Hey buddy, why don't you take back your brain and learn to think for yourself? You probably wouldn't be that bad of a guy or girl if you could break out of the ntcc prison and experience freedom for a while. Go pet a dog or visit a zoo. You can learn a lot from animals. God's creation can open up your understanding and allow you to see life in a whole new light. Dogs will display unconditional love towards you no matter how bad you mess up. The ntcc will not. Go to the goat section of the zoo with a handful of feed and watch how the greedy alpha goats horn in on the food and prevent the weaker goats from getting anything. The greedy goats are the alpha preachers in the ntcc. While people like buddy starve the big fat goats get all the pellets. The weaklings are pushed aside and laughed at for being weak while the alpha goats are living in mansions and driving expensive cars. How ignorant people are in the ntcc.
Everyone in the ntcc is so beat down that they do not question anything. They just do what they are told and ignore the ever changing double standards in the ntcc. What used to be a sin is no longer a sin in the ntcc. Now that R-dub has died, many people are changing and ignoring his prophetic (or pathetic) admonitions. As Kekel tramples all over the memory of dead Davis by ignoring all of his teachings and causing others to stumble, people blindly follow like a herd of cattle being rounded up for the slaughter.
You might ask why we are so 'judgmental' of the ntcc leadership. It's because they have set themselves up as apostles beyond reproach. They are unapproachable and unaccountable. They have no tolerance for anyone who doesn't get with their program. They act like they have never sinned and they have little use for anyone that doesn't worship them. They use and manipulate people while they get rich and live in luxury. People bow down and worship the ntcc board members and they emulate the arrogant attitudes by exhibiting learned behavior that looks down on anyone who claims Christianity but doesn't live their cult lifestyle. "These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots; Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever." Jude 1:12-13
Because they are not right they make it impossible for others to be right. They preach about your sins while expecting you to ignore their sins. If you are going to ignore them, we are not. We point out their hypocrisy because they sit on their high and lofty perches collecting money, abusing souls and accumulating wealth while thousands of people like buddy blindly follow them while enabling their double standards. If they are going to preach against others for their sins while committing adultery and visiting whore houses and expecting you to support them all the while ignoring their sins, we are going to continue to throw it back in their faces. Someone needs to stand up to them cowering down from them like buddy who has been neutered.
We don't make a living preaching to people. We don't get behind a pulpit 5 times a week and tell people that they'll miss the rapture if they don't pay their tithe, which is an absolute lie and is nowhere to be found in the bible. We don't preach people into hell for not attending church functions seven days a week. The ntcc does. They will publicly humiliate a fallen brother or sister in a heartbeat while expecting others to forgive and forget their own hypocrisy. We preach back to these hypocrites because they are the ones who drew first blood. Stinking cult and phony preaching hypocrites need to be dressed down. Touch not mine anointed they cry, all the way to the bank while thousands of people are being duped and misled by a bunch of super spiritual misfits that are a nuisance to society.
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