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Forgiveness Releases Seeds That Produce Fruit |
We all know that Grace is the unmerited love and favor of God. One of the most coveted attributes of God is forgiveness. We all desire to be forgiven; and many of us have a lot to be forgiven of. Today my mind began to think about mercy and forgiveness. One of the important things that came to mind was that not only do we need God's forgiveness but we need to forgive ourselves. The question might arise: "How can God forgive us, if we don't forgive others"? We have to forgive others if we expect God to forgive us. When we forgive others, we can forgive ourselves. Does forgiveness mean that we are walking mats? No.
We have been very critical of the ntcc leadership, and more specifically, the founder, R.W. Davis and his son in law, M.C. Kekel. These two men have ruined many lives of people we consider brothers and sisters. M.C. Kekel and R.W. Davis have given themselves over to greed for money and lust for power; and in their wake they have left many people devastated. It's difficult to forgive those who don't seek forgiveness and have every intention to continue to use people for their own greedy purposes. Ignoring the spiritual atrocities is not the same as forgiveness. Jesus did not ignore the Pharisees. In fact, He dedicated much of His preaching to the Pharisees, Saducees, Lawyers and Scribes; because they were just like Davis and Kekel, in that they used and abused people for their own gains while hiding behind religion. Jesus was willing to forgive them; but He continued to rebuke them, hoping they would repent. They simply refused to repent, refused to accept His Grace, and failed to find His freely offered Forgiveness.
People like Olson, Ashmore, Jones, Johnson, Kinson and many others turn a blind eye to the suffering of the sheep. They are enablers; because they contribute to the suffering and do nothing to stop the bleeding. Many of the ordinary people in the ntcc are filled with fear; but it's a spirit that God has not given them. The type of fear that ntcc members have is not a reverence for God; but fear that comes from not being able to forgive themselves. It is a false condemnation that they have been trained to embrace. Members of the ntcc are blamed for every move they make; but they are simply trying to follow the false doctrines of men that are ever changing according to the whims of the ntcc dictator. The members are constantly beaten down and told that anything that goes wrong in their lives is their own fault. But it really isn't. They are told that some things are sin, even though God Himself does not view those things as sin.
How does ntcc do this? We've all heard the cliches: "When you point one finger, there are four pointed back at you", "You are the sum total of the choices you make", "If you want to blame somebody for your failure, look in the mirror". But all of those rebukes are coming from con-artists that have been living high on the hog off of the blood, sweat and tears of the members, while the 'leaders' aren't leading by example; instead they are feasting with the royal butt kissers that have contributed to the suffering of the sheep. It's a vicious cycle.
We've had that prayer meeting and asked God to forgive these men for what they are doing and what they have done; but these men have seared their conscience with a hot iron; they have no remorse for the deeds they do. They seek no forgiveness and admit to no wrong doing. They operate in secret and have no transparency. They tell you what you want to hear and what they think you need to hear; but they have not repented. They cover up their own sins, while torturing others for less. The only thing this accomplishes is that it creates an entire group of people that can't forgive themselves; and they spend their lives trying to maintain their salvation while trying to live up to the man-made expectations of the men they worship. Nothing is ever good enough. They will never fully please Davis or Kekel; but they will expend all of their energy trying; and many will reach the point of physical exhaustion; and some will even die trying. In turn, the ntcc leadership will never be satisfied with their sacrifices.
We have tried to reach out to those in the ntcc who are brave enough to defy their leaders and read this blog. Our message to you is that there is life outside of the cult, and life more abundant. There is a lost and dying world; but many of them are sick of religion and the hypocrisy they see in churches like the ntcc. They are not looking to be force fed religion or made to follow a bunch of outward sacraments. Your white shirts and wing tips are not going to win them to God, but will only push them farther away. You might reach a few GI's or civilians that experience salvation for the first time and buy into the works doctrine pedaled by the ntcc until they learn what the bible says; but 99% of the ones that come out to your churches will be gone in 5 years; and they will have that horrid taste of religion in their mouths for many more years.
Our best advice to those still trapped in the ntcc is to get out while you still have a few good years left in your life. Leave and don't look back. Keep your Christianity, but rid yourself of the hypocrites and their double standards. Forgive them. And be confident that you are forgiven. Don't let some Pseudo-spiritual-con-artist tell you otherwise.
John 8:36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
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