eX-members' of ntcc Blogspot

A safe place for Xers to share their stories and heal.

A place to learn what it's really like in the ntcc founded by Rodger Wilson Davis;
and run by his son-in-law, Michael Craig Kekel,
the father of the one vasectomy-rule-exception kid in ntcc, Grant Davison Kekel.

He Loves A House More Than God: Bonco Mansions of kekel (l) and davis (r)

He Loves A House More Than God:  Bonco Mansions of kekel (l) and davis (r)
"He loves a house more than God:" *Bonco* Mansions of kekel (l) and davis (r). Meanwhile, on the mission field: ntcc Missionaries to the Philippines "Rev. and Sis. Mackert ... found a place, 9 feet by 14 feet [9'x14'] and one bathroom. It is on the 6th floor and there is no elevator. The last place they had stayed, they had to share a common bathroom with the other tenants! Yikes! This place has their very own private bathroom, although the Rev. shared there is no seat on the throne, and no way to attach one…." from The Devonshire Files Sunday, May 28, 2006 Visit from the Mackerts (5/06). ** Should you know where the money ($$$$$) goes? **

Jesus In The Temple

Matt 21:12 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, Matt 21:13 And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.
Gal. 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. 1 John 4:6 We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Skip To Blue Letter Bible Search Tool

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Why mike kekel Deletes So Much Of His Blog... The Rest Of The Story

The mUck FluSH
"Like a scared drug dealer who runs to flush his drugs down the toilet...
mike  kekel has recently purged his blog(s)..."  Here's a link to a back-up copy of mc kekel's "feel good" blog, compliments of Deb or Greg:  m c kekel's blogspot before (and after) his recent "purges"  Some of the entries have photos which will appear as blank boxes. Simply click on the empty box to see the picture.  Enjoy!  kekel's admission to his purges appears in the Sep 25, 2010 "Changes" post in which he declares he needs to "Reset a positive direction for the blog."  We ask:  Why was it necessary to "reset a positive direction"?  kekel has confessed his own negative nature.  Look carefully at the posts made prior to this date to see for yourself...  
Like a scared drug dealer who runs to flush his drugs down the toilet when the police pound on his door demanding that he open the door, mike kekel [mUck] has recently purged his not - so - feel - good blog(s) trying to gain an image of normalcy, trying to hide his hateful heart, trying to cover up who he really is and how he shamelessly operates smear campaigns, spreading lies and deceit in an attempt to discredit those who eXpose the truth about the ntcc..

Originally this was a comment response Ange / Sassy made to some comments on the previous thread entitled Why are the X-men such a threat?  On that thread a fellow X-er, Gregory, quoted m c kekel: from kekel's blog:

"...for the blog means talking about what I want to talk about." m c kekel

"...comments were posted (this includes the libel, and the second and third hand testimony/hearsay [kekel] posted..." observed Gregory...

Ange (Sassy) says, yes, libel and second and third hand testimony IS what kekel wanted, when he wanted it, where he wanted it...
Right now (as grant kekel starts his secular college education) his dad, mike kekel, wants a blog that  LOOKS normal.  No doubt friends and family of the kekel klan outside of the weird ntcc CULTure have taken a recent interest in what ntcc's 'golden boy' has for a 'church' blog.
Right now (as grant kekel starts his secular college education) his dad, mike kekel, wants a blog that  LOOKS normal.  No doubt friends and family of the kekel klan outside of the weird ntcc CULTure have taken a recent interest in what ntcc's 'golden boy' has for a 'church' blog.  kekel knows how embarassing it would be for his son, grant, to have to try and explain to friends or a girlfriend just what a freakish environment the kekel's and grant's grandpa, r w davis have kreated and passed off as a church...

Try to explain to a normal human being why a 'church' blog would be full of libelous attacks against Christians...

Try to explain why literally thousands of couples have no children because your grandpa, who adopted two* children, taught that "children hinder the work of the Lord" ... *[One child, Tanya Tanya Maxamillia Reynolds (davis) was officially / legally adopted.  The other child, Carl  Sensabaugh was not legally adopted and departed the ntcc.  It is noteworthy that nobody in the davis / kekel klan ever mentions Carl.  Ange spent lots of time around davis in the Lodge during her nine year tenure with ntcc, and Carl's name NEVER came up.  Sad!  I wonder if kekel refers to his wife's unofficially adopted brother as a "reporobate" or "hater" or "enemy" or "mutant" as kekel typically refers to other eX-ers?  (See the labels kekel attatched to his post "Who are the X-men?"]

Try to explain the pain your grandpa inflicted on literally thousands of women, condemning them and saying,

"Lady, you're going to have to answer to GAWD

 [face the severe wrath of God]


(all because the poor woman was pregnant...)

Try to explain how your father ignored those teachings of his own father-in-law and got your mom pregnant with no fear because, as your mom thoughtlessly quipped to one poor man who got a vasectomy because of her daddy r w davis' "policy" [rule],

"michael [kekel, your dad] isn't getting a vasectomy; [shrug] it's different when it's your kid [giggle]."...

grant kekel try to tell your girlfriend that your parents never said and did those things?  If you do that would make you a liar like your father, mikey, who has tried to deny endorsing the vasectomy policy for others while raising you, an apparent "exception" to  your grandpa's hypocritical "children hinder the work of GAWD" vasectomy rule ...

How embarassing to try to explain all these hypocritical double standards and your father mikey kekel's hateful, libelous, bitter [pre-Sep 25,2010] blog...

We're not surprised that kekel's deleting finger has been very busy now that grant is taking another step into the world that was denied to all the other ntcc children who were under the teachings of kekel and davis...

We're not surprised that kekel wants to "clean up" his blog and try to LOOK normal...

I won't be surprised if mikey kekel again goes into damage control / libel mode, perhaps on his  "private" blog link - privileged members only?  when the first impressions have been falsely set in the minds of grant kekel's right-now curious friends...  kekel will do exactly what he wants, when he wants, to whom he wants, no matter how damaging it is to others.  It's the kekel way and the davis way.

But it is NOT the Christian way.

Nor is anything about kekel.

He just hurts people to gain money and power,  just like his father-in-law davis always did.

There is no denying these facts.

That's why the many blogs exist to point out the lies, and hypocrisy, and double standards etc. rampant in the cult called ntcc / New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc. founded by r w davis and run by his son-in-law m c kekel.

Now YOU have "the rest of the story"

Sassy / Ange and Don

Vote Anonymously On This Post By Clicking On The Lettered Boxes Below:
A)  Sounds Like A True Description Of ntcc.
B)  ntcc Sounds Like A Cult.
C)  I Read This Post.
D)  It's Hypocritical To Teach Others That "Children Hinder The Work Of The Lord,"  When You Are A Father Of A Child / Children.
E)   I think michael c. kekel deletes much of the content of his blog because mike knows how embarrassed grant kekel will be when his friends read about the CULTure of the new testament christian churches of America, inc. [ntcc] founded by grant's grandpa  r w davis and now run by grant's daddy michael c. kekel, ntcc's ceo.
F)  Create Your Own By Leaving A Comment:  Example:  "F"  I'm afraid to get caught commenting on this blog.
G)  Glad To Be Out of ntcc
H)  Create Your Own:  "H"   I think kekel's deletion of  his blog[s] is dishonest.
I)    I'm Thinking Of Leaving ntcc
J)  Create Your Own:  "J"  I'm afraid to leave ntcc.
**You Can Choose Multiple Answers** 


Anonymous said...

Did RW adopt 2 kids? I thought it was just Tanya?

Other than that, you're spot on!!

Don and Ange said...


Vic Johanson broke this story that while he was in ntcc's bs (bible school) in St. Louis, people there had common knowledge that rw davis had adopted a boy named Carl Sensabaugh who, reportedly, left as soon as he was able to do so...

Anonymous said...

I also wanted to know for certain. Where is Grant K. attending college? Is he attending a secular college? like so many thought he would do. Is jump ship and run as far as he can away from the ntcc FAKE seminar college.


Don and Ange said...


Grant is attending a Catholic School but he did not jump ship. It is being funded by pappy kekel and grand pappy davis is endorsing it by doing nothing.

Do you realize how many faithful members of ntcc have been rebuked, run off and left for dead for going to secular colleges? Going to secular colleges and especially a catholic school was considered to be proud and sinful at best. All of these arrogant teachings came from the top of the org and filtered down to the smaller churches where the davis and kekel wannabies would preach the same junk. What a cesspool of pride and filth.

Destroy the peons (by keeping them uneducated and poor so they are dependent on you -- as Jeff's wife speculated in one of her rare yet insightful posts)... Here are some links, one to a full thread on Jeff's blog that discusses much about grant kekel, his private schooling, his secular college education and his future... the second link refers directly to a comment by LTravis that validates what we share here -- that the rules are different for the kekel kid -- double standard -- the others are labeled appropriately...

grant kekel going to a secular college when for years ntcc told you not to send yourself or your child to secular school??? YUP!

LTravis tells the ntcc they can't have it both ways [for what it's worth]

Semper Fi shares that grant kekel will attend University of St. Louis

"T" verifies that grant kekel will attend U of St. Lou

Now we see what it was all about --

All your sacrifice went to giving the kekel's the high-life with every advantage in the world while you struggled to pay your bills and fund the church and . . .

And each conference you sat through, getting blasted for not being good enough and warned not to let your child go to any extra-curricular activity except ntcc cult functions...

You endured it all while kekel did whatever he wanted while railing on you, calling you a frumpy, fat, "slug" and reviling saying "God oughta crush you like a bug."

Meanwhile your sacrifice funded his Lexus and Beamer, tanya's trips to Nordstroms, Neiman Marcus, and Macy's; and, most of all, grant's $20,000 a year private academy education at a prep school to get kekel's kid ready to go to U of Lou.


Don and Ange

Anonymous said...

Somebody said that gk is going to the university in st. Louis on a full scholarship. Anybody has any info about this?

Don and Ange said...

Anonymous said...

Somebody said that gk is going to the university in st. Louis on a full scholarship. Anybody has any info about this? -- Anonymous

Don and Ange say,

There are two comments one by "-Semper Fi" and one by "T" that verify grant kekel is going to U of St.Lou.

How is grant's ride to U paid for?
We don't know.

His $20,000/year private education at college prep school the Charles Wright Academy was doubtless paid for by parents michael c. kekel and tanya tanya maxamillia reynolds davis kekel...

CWA boasts that their graduates go to college. Doubtless CWA makes a point of helping maintain this record by ensuring students get every aid they need to go to an


university or college (thus ruling out the bs / ntcs / unaccredited new testament christian seminary.)

Anonymous said...

After the crap that Mike K. is trying to push folks stuck in ntcc. He is very good at double talking his way out of a sticky situation! I am SOOO HAPPY that we escaped the cult three years ago. And my daughter is also able to choose college of her choice. And my son as well. If we had stayed in that was a HUGE FEAR of mine. That she would HAVE to get married off to a man in ntcc. Rushed into marriage and become a preachers wife in ntcc. A title I despised holding while I was one. She can know play sports,karate,anything that sparks HER INTERESTS!! she is know taking a gym class,NOT IN A SKIRT! WOnder if ntcc parents even make there little girls wear a skirt to gym class. Three years ago,THEY DID!!!She rides a bike without looking silly in a skirt,getting tangled in the chain. Or tucking in her dress in her snowpants(required in MN for school) My son thankfully will know NOTHING of life in ntcc. Got out when he was two years old. My prayer is my DD's memory fades anything negative of our life while in ntcc. She is healing,just like her parents are healing.

Hey Mike,if there is nothing wrong with ntcc. Why are so many of us have needed mental therapy,diagnoised with PTS(I was) any mental tramua not just military or a death can cause PTS!!!

Those of you that live in ntcc and watch Grant going to a secular college. And you KNOW that was not allowed 3-5 years ago! ALOT of the compromise going on in ntcc was not ALLOWED 3-5 years ago. And you still sit in your pew. Smiling that FAKE smile. Stick your arms up in the air as if that is showing your saved to the preacher standing up there watching to make sure hands are going up. IF you don't then you HAVE a HEART problem,pride is holding you back!!! That dress you wear,long dead stringing hair,pastie white face,pumps that match your purse. All that does not make you more special then the folks down the road. Walking into the Methodist church!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are some still stuck in ntcc that I care for on a personal level. One couple I consider family. But there staying,because they think there doing Gods will. And the one's compromising like Mike K. is doing will answer to God. It doesn't affect them. BUT it does. Your paying his lifestyle./ Your funding these men that have done so much evil and continue to do evil. No one in ntcc in ntcc is without blood on there hands. If you stay,you are an accomplice to the crimes just as much as the one's doing the deed!


nicole b. said...

This is concerning the last paragraph you wrote - I used to work with a lady who finally got out of an abusive relationship that spanned about 15 yrs I think. She even witnessed her own children being abused, but she was so scared and so brainwashed she did not protect them.
Now that she is out and looks back, she feels guilty and ashamed especially for not protecting her children. But, she says, he had me so brainwashed.
Its the same way for those in ntcc.

Don and Ange said...

Nicole said, "Now that she is out and looks back, she feels guilty and ashamed especially for not protecting her children. But, she says, he had me so brainwashed.
Its the same way for those in ntcc."

That's true Nicole. There is a blindness from the brainwashing and constant bombarding that takes place in the ntcc.

People go in with good intentions, love God, want to help others.

Then they enter that brainwashing "Ministry Ministry" and are processed and pounded into the ntcc mold until they act,dress and finally think the way the ntcc machine wants them to.

It is so opposite of how Christianity should be. God said that where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.

ntcc strips people of all liberty.

They do so by pounding their selfish agendas into peoples' heads in every service. They make senseless rules that can and do change all the time. They control all your time. They control your relationships. They control who you talk to physically in person, on the phone, via e-mail, or on social networking sites and the internet.
ntcc controls what you read, what you watch and ultimately WHAT YOU THINK.

All these controls exist for one purpose: To make you their slave that will continue to work for them and make their empire bigger so the bigwigs can get richer off your sacrifice.

And yes, there are abuses that take place in front of us that we are blind to because we were brainwashed and taught to think:

It's ok for rw davis to call African Americans n*gg*rs. He is doing it for their good.

In a normal environment people would think, I won't sit here and let that fella call anyone a bad name.

But ntcc has pre-trained you to believe a lie, Oh it's for their good. rw davis is Gawd's man. blah blah blah and other lies to cause you to justify this man's sins of badmouthing people, putting people down, causing strife, driving wedges, stirring up anger, etc., etc.

You are exactly right Nicole. It is brainwashing that causes people to look the other way and over-ride the Holy Ghost conviction and pricking in their hearts until they can actually sear their consciences to where they no longer even blush at how badly their leaders behave.

Sad, sad, sad.

But there is hope that something truly huge will rock their worlds or for some reason they will be able to step back from the ntcc environment. Once they do, as April says, the fog will lift and they will begin to see the truth again, as we do. They will wonder why they were so blind to all of kekel's hate and davis's devilish practices while in the ntcc fog; but once the blinders start to come off, they will see and regret and repent and... blog? God knows.

Don and Ange

Vic Johanson said...

I never heard that RW adopted Cars Sensabaugh, just that he took him in and treated him like a son. But then he turned and "betrayed" him, so how he's a devil.

double-D said...

C.O. Sensabaugh was a prototype of the Blumenthal super-preacher... I have or had one of COS's sermons in the Phillipines on tape. But they all learned what RDub knew- you could learn to preach and holler real loud and take liberties with the WORD (make up your own non-WORD ideas and not many would discern).. you could "preach" about chicken soup and sound anointed. we all know this NOW.

As I have said before - the one last Conference- where I was crucified from the platform- as I was walking thru the back yard of NTCC at 2170F- it was like hearing an old prophet who had lost his way- it was loud and noisy but the ICAHBOD effect was in manifestation. All criticism. All put owns of everybody.

His seed (contaminated) could NEVER produce anything than other angry ego-centric young men who will grow to be be sad old poor men. (Devoid of the WORD!)

And yet- a shock when they die- NTCC is a blip on God's radar- irrelevant in the greater scheme of things! and NOT God's sole voice today- if that were true we'd have to feel very sorry for GOD.

I recall Eli Gesang said the NW had no gospel churches except NTCC- I realized what trash NTCC was teaching. No wonder the blessed Holy Spirit told me that in the future I WOULD NOT BE WITH THIS group.

Don't you see them as a den of vipers? biting each other? yikes..
normal churches do not use mind-control and life-control techniques...

that is a sign of insecurity! hmm.. now who would be insecure? think!

Don and Ange said...

double-D said,

"you could "preach" about chicken soup and sound anointed. we all know this NOW."

Don and Ange said,

They claim to preach in the power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit but what they really do is scream and holler about "obeying them that have the rule over you".

It's all about mind control and life control. The objective is to make people think they are the only hope for a dying world and when they convince you of this they can preach about elephants and giraffes flying to the moon and people will hang on every word and shout, "Amen"! They then fall for anything and believe anything they say.

These are the same tactics used by Hitler to brainwash a nation to think they were better than the Jews. Hitler convinced a nation to murder millions and think they were doing the right thing. How could people be so blind? People will do anything when they are convinced they are doing it for God.

This is what the ntcc wants. Not the homeless, prostitutes or homosexuals. They are looking for people who are easily persuaded to obey rules. They are looking for people that will fit into their mold. You can't have your own opinion. You can't be an independent thinker. You have a mind that can be shaped and you have to believe that all they do is of God.

If you are made of the right material and possess these qualities, Presto! You are now a cult member.

Don and Ange

Anonymous said...

This is what the ntcc wants. Not the homeless, prostitutes or homosexuals. They are looking for people who are easily persuaded to obey rules. They are looking for people that will fit into their mold. You can't have your own opinion. You can't be an independent thinker. You have a mind that can be shaped and you have to believe that all they do is of God.
This comment is VERY important. Explains why ntcc makes you ignore folks that NEED help. And only go after folks that got money in there wallets and brains that can be controlled!


Anonymous said...

only go after folks that got money in there wallets and brains that can be controlled!

Sounds like young military members!!

Don and Ange said...

Anonymous said...
only go after folks that got money in there wallets and brains that can be controlled!

Sounds like young military members!!

DnA said:

The ntcc has chosen their victims well. It's sad that the best that America has to offer, just happen to be Young GI's that have freely given themselves to the military to defend our way of life. It's all about loyalty and honor for many who join the Army, and the ntcc has been able to target many of the best because they have all of the character traits that are useful to corrupt cult leaders.

I wish we could have seen it coming or realized what we were all getting into. They used the greatest gift ever given to lure us in and then they used our own loyalty and unquestioning dedication to provide a life of luxury for themselves and their loved ones. It's a systematic and methodical scheme that has worked perfectly for them over the years. Many GI's have disposable income and the ntcc wants them to dispose of it. They are the benefactors and if a few souls are destroyed in the process, they could care less.


Tour NTCC Videos -- A Playlist

HOPCC EXPOSED Ron Denis' "House of Prayer" AKA "Denis' Den of Thieves"

HOPCC EXPOSED Ron Denis' "House of Prayer" AKA "Denis' Den of Thieves"
HOPCC / [Assembly of Prayer] Exploitation Exposed Click Picture To Learn More

