Courageous Movie Trailer Can a Police Officer Be Saved On YouTube
Flywheel: Can a Used Car Salesman be a Christian? On YouTube
What about a used car Salesman? Is it possible to be a Christian and a used car salesman? Can a used car salesman actually go to heaven? There is a movie called Flywheel. (Don't worry, you won't go to hell for watching this movie. By the way, the entire production budget for this movie, $20,000 was less than half of what one of Davis' Cadillacs cost us tithepayers.) Flywheel is about a Used Car Salesman who is basically over charging for the used cars that he is selling; and he is lying to people about what is wrong with the cars and how much they are worth. He even sells a car to the pastor of his church and takes him to the cleaners so to speak. God deals with this guy; and he eventually gets saved. He could be like Ashmore after getting saved and say, "Okay, my past is history, under the blood; and there are no consequences for anything I did in the past; and I owe nobody an apology; nor is there a need to make anything right with anyone." But that's not what this man chose to do. He began to sell cars at smaller commissions and required all of his salesman to be honest; and he went door to door to all the buyers of the cars that he had sold and made things right with each person. He wrote checks to the people for the money he shouldn't have made off of them and in some cases signed the titles over to the owners before they fully paid the cars off. He apologized to each person he had conned and made things right with each one. He almost lost his car dealership for doing this; but word got out that this was the best place to buy a car in town; and people came and bought every single car on his lot, giving him just enough money to get caught up and start doing things right. I know there are many scumbag car salesmen. I think that at one point in his life that Davis was a used car salesman, but I've heard him say that you can't be a used car salesman and a Christian. Maybe he said that because he couldn't do it, just like he would tell others that they could not be alone with members of the opposite sex; a rule that he didn't keep and suffered many times the consequences of his actions. Most normal people can be around members of the opposite sex alone. If you are a Christian there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to be around someone of the opposite sex. Davis was a pervert; so for him it was difficult to not obey his lustful desires. This is one example of what we call "double standards" that Davis used to preach and expect others to live by. Guess what folks? If you are not a pervert, or driven by lust to the point of not being able to control yourself around members of the opposite sex, it is not a sin, just a rule made by someone who had no self control. You can be a Salesman of cars or just about anything that is not obviously harmful to others or God, and be a Christian at the same time.
Jimmy Swaggart's Life Closely Parallels The Life Of R.W.Davis On YouTube
I don't know if it's possible to be a Christian and an ntcc minister at the same time. I can see being a policeman or a used car salesman; but how can you do the things that are required of an ntcc minister and still be saved? I know that there are many people out there that will dispute this; but lets take a serious look at what the bible says and what is required of ntcc preachers. Now keep in mind that the ntcc claims to be a bible believing church. So lets break this down. As an ntcc minister you are required to say, "All Christians pay tithe and give in offerings" prior to each collection taken up. Can you really say that and be a Christian? Is it biblical? What verse in the entire bible supports that to be a Christian you must pay tithe and give in offerings? Does this mean that if you don't pay tithe or give in offerings that you are not a Christian? Scripture, anyone? Anyone? If you do not say that eight word phrase you are disobeying those who have the rule over you; and I've actually heard that preachers have been jacked up for not saying that 8 word phrase before every single stinking collection. The ntcc requires it's members to pay tithe. If you don't pay tithe you are not allowed to live in the "Christian" Servicemen's Home. If you don't pay tithe, you are singled out and preached at by ntcc ministers. Davis taught not to bring homeless people to church because they had nothing to give or contribute. Is that a Christian thing to do? Scriptures, anyone, Anyone, Anyone? Davis taught against having cats and dogs. Scriptures anyone, Anyone? Kekel has people clean his mansion for free. Is it biblical for a New Testament preacher to get filthy rich off of people who barely have enough money to pay their bills and then have them clean your mansion for free? Anyone, Anyone? Is there a scripture for that, Anyone? Is it okay to charge interest to an ntcc minister who is paying for a building that you paid for in cash and many of the tithe paying members of that church have had their money filtered into your bank account? Anyone? Scripture? Is it lawful or Christlike to keep charging ministers, for buildings that have been bought and paid for several times over? Is it lawful or Christlike for the members of those churches to be required to pay tithes, offerings, building funds and church escrow funds and then be told to take up another offering to repair the roof? Those GI's don't grow on trees and neither does their money. The ntcc leadership is taking advantage of you as a minister; and they are preaching something that is called "False Doctrine", repeat after me, F-A-L-S-E D-O-C-T-R-I-N-E. They are making money off of your congregations; and you are letting them take advantage of your church members. Can you be a Christian and an ntcc minister at the same time? Can you preach false doctrine and be a Christian at the same time? Are double standards okay? Is it okay for you to require your church members to live by strict rules while the ntcc leadership flat out disobeys those rules?
Ferris Bueller's Day Off - Anyone? Anyone? On YouTube
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's impossible to be an ntcc preacher and a Christian at the same time. I'm not going to be as dogmatic as the ntcc can be when they place people in hell with no hope. I do think it requires a delicate balancing act and that a true and sincere minister would have to see through some of the ntcc rules and illusions that they have created and rightly divide the word of truth. I know there are sincere preachers in the ntcc; and there are sincere members that attend ntcc churches. I know they love God; and they do the best they can within the confines of their surroundings and the rules that govern them. The ntcc makes things much more difficult by enforcing their own set of rules that are not biblical. People in the early church gave to one another so that nobody lacked; and when people saw these acts of love and selflessness thousands were added to the church. Peter and John were not taking up collections so they could have bigger houses and pure bred donkeys and camels to ride on. Jesus walked from town to town and slept wherever there was someone kind enough to lodge him.
Let's try to imagine Davis living back in the days of Christ. The only people that Davis would be inviting to church would be the Roman soldiers because they had a steady income and could pay tithes and offerings. He never could subjected himself to the same surroundings that Jesus did at birth because Jesus was born in a manger with animals and Davis wouldn't even go to your house if he knew you had a cat. He would have walked out on Jesus when He was preaching the sermon on the mount, because he disagrees with the beatitudes. Blessed are the poor, really? Since when did Davis care about the poor? Blessed are the meek, really? Were Davis or Kekel meek? Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, really? The only thing that the ntcc leadership hungers and thirsts after is money and numbers. Davis couldn't make it from town to town because Cadillacs and Recreational Vehicles were not invented yet. He wouldn't have made it in the days of Moses either because he would never have been able to get past the mixed marriage that Moses was a part of. Davis couldn't have led the children of Israel out of Egypt because there is no way Davis would live in a tent for 40 years. He wasn't even satisfied with the mansions he had and had to keep upgrading to larger mansions. Davis would have been stoned for committing adultery; so he couldn't live under the Law. The Prophets probably wouldn't want him either because his prophesies and dreams never came true. I don't think he would have made it out of the lions den alive nor out of the burning fiery furnace, because those men were able to actually divine the truth. Davis' dream must have been a pizza dream; because he never was persecuted at the St. Louis Ram's stadium, nor was anyone because it was torn down. Olson's dream of Davis going first in the rapture, followed by the board members and then the church schlubs was also a false vision because Davis never went in the Rapture. Does anyone see a pattern here? Anyone, Anyone?