eX-members' of ntcc Blogspot

A safe place for Xers to share their stories and heal.

A place to learn what it's really like in the ntcc founded by Rodger Wilson Davis;
and run by his son-in-law, Michael Craig Kekel,
the father of the one vasectomy-rule-exception kid in ntcc, Grant Davison Kekel.

He Loves A House More Than God: Bonco Mansions of kekel (l) and davis (r)

He Loves A House More Than God:  Bonco Mansions of kekel (l) and davis (r)
"He loves a house more than God:" *Bonco* Mansions of kekel (l) and davis (r). Meanwhile, on the mission field: ntcc Missionaries to the Philippines "Rev. and Sis. Mackert ... found a place, 9 feet by 14 feet [9'x14'] and one bathroom. It is on the 6th floor and there is no elevator. The last place they had stayed, they had to share a common bathroom with the other tenants! Yikes! This place has their very own private bathroom, although the Rev. shared there is no seat on the throne, and no way to attach one…." from The Devonshire Files Sunday, May 28, 2006 Visit from the Mackerts (5/06). ** Should you know where the money ($$$$$) goes? **

Jesus In The Temple

Matt 21:12 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, Matt 21:13 And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.
Gal. 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. 1 John 4:6 We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Skip To Blue Letter Bible Search Tool

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

NTCC Lies and Broken Promises from Deborah's Witness

February 5, 1997

Letter of Dispatch
Letter of Support

Re: Greg T. S.
508-1 Sang Yon Dong
P.O. Box 19
Republic Of Korea

To Whom concerned,

This is to certify that Rev. Greg T. S. is an ordained minister in good standing with the New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc. This is to further certify that Rev. Greg T. S. has been granted an appointment to Korea that he may serve as a Pastor and spiritual director of U.S. servicemen. His role as a servicemen’s director consists of providing a place of spiritual fellowship and relaxation, etc. for US servicemen. Also, New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc. will be responsible for the financial support of Rev. and Mrs. Greg T. S. during their stay in Korea to include all expenses that relate to their meals and lodging.

Thanking you for your help and cooperation in this matter.

J.R. Ashmore (Secretary)

Here’s the link to the original.

COMMENTS: I did not become an ordained minister until 2006. We never receive the promised financial support (yes, we asked).

We had to pay for all the mandatory conferences, and make up all the difference in the church bills. Again…Yes, I did ask for money from HQ (one time), citing this letter as authorization. We were told (by Rev. Olson) if the bills weren’t paid we would be replaced (or in his words...if you can’t pay the bills, your replacement will be bringing the check); this letter was just a formality to get us into the country (along with our visa, which was tourist). We had only been in Korea 6 months by this time.

Previous to this, Deborah and I were pastoring a self supporting work, we did not have to work secular jobs, liked where we were at, had brothers living in the home, and had only been there (Leesville) 9 months. Before we arrived in Korea this first time, we were told by Pastor Davis the work in Korea was self supporting, we wouldn’t have to work a secular job, and the Korean church had a sizable congregation; with brothers living in the home.

When we arrived, I was told by Rev. Stevens I had to get a secular job; that this was approved and encouraged by Rev. Olson. When I called Rev. Olson about this, he confirmed.

Rev. Stevens was in a hurry to do changeover/sign the books over to me (the day after we got there), but after we started some things didn’t add up (more on this later). At changeover about a week later the general fund had about $23 in it, with no escrow fund. The work was not self supporting, had a small congregation (less than 20), and no one was living in the servicemen’s home. I also did not get my pastor salary the entire time we were there.

The budget for this work, during this time (1997-2001), averaged about $5,000 per month year round.

Rev. Steven’s also told us it would be a good idea for Deborah to get a job (like his wife had), so we would have the additional money that was needed, and that HQ approved of this. I called Rev. Olson; he confirmed, and told me sometimes certain things were necessary in the work of the Lord. I resisted having Deborah work for as long as I could, but after our request to NTCC for money was denied, she got a job.

Please note: Rev. Olson assured me Pastor Davis knew and approved of all this. Rev. Stevens assured me Rev. Olson knew and approved of all this. Also, Rev. and Sis. MacDonald encouraged my wife and I in Deborah getting a job with the same company Sis. MacDonald (and Sis. Stevens) worked for each time they have been in Korea.

There are many more details to this account but this will do for now.

In His Service,

[link to this article on Deb and Greg's blog.]
Vote Anonymously On This Post By Clicking On The Lettered Boxes Below:

A) Sounds Like a True Description of ntcc
B) Sounds Like ntcc is a Cult
C) I Read It
D) ntcc lied about supporting Greg and Deb financially. ntcc lied to the Korean government about Deb and Greg being "tourists". ntcc is dAVIS and oLSON and aSHMORE in this true story TELLING LIES.
E) ntcc is designed to make a few families at the top very rich while the majority of workers live sacrifice and poverty only to be threatened by ntcc 'leaders' who have been lying to them. !??!
F) Create Your Own "F" ntcc 'leaders' don't keep the rules they make for others to keep. That is a double-standard and is wrong, just like the Pharisees/scribes/and hypocrites Jesus reproached telling us "They SAY and DO NOT." (ALL TALK, NO WALK)!
G) Glad To Be Out of ntcc
H) Create Your Own "H" ntcc should have to PROVE where ALL the (Mission Fund) money they collect goes. They say they are honest. We say PROVE IT or be found liars!
I) I'm Thinking Of Leaving ntcc
J) Create Your Own
**You Can Choose Multiple Answers**


Don and Ange said...

This is irrefutable proof that ntcc is a bunch of crooks and liars. While they are living high on the hog in Washington, the missionaries are breaking long time ntcc policies preached as bible, never allowed in the history of ntcc, (unless you consider tanya and others teaching in the bs as working), written by jr ashmore and endorsed by olson.

I think that it is safe to say that there is sin in the camp. Anyone that reads this in ntcc has a serious decision to make. If you are a so called Christian that is a member of ntcc and you subsribe to everything they stand for and have preached and taught in services and bible school, and you choose to continue with them, that makes you a crook and a liar just like them.

I have absolutely no sympathy if you continue on in hypocrisy with this corrupt organization. Furthermore, if you can not see through the lies and hypocrisy of ntcc IN THEIR OWN WORDS after seeing it in black and white, you deserve to live the rest of your ntcc life in poverty and hypocritical bondage that 99% of ntcc lives in when they follow the ntcc leadership.

The ones that don't get to read this will continue to follow blindly and be deceived. It's sad. If you are in ntcc and read this you should care enough to point it out to your friends so that they can decide for themselves. It's time to do your own thinking and make the most important decision of your spiritual life and leave the corrupt organization called ntcc.

Anonymous said...

I know for a fact a certain lady in willmington,NC has been working on a job almost since they got there. She babysits in her home. NOT for church folks. Last I knew she was making over five hundred a week. PAYING TAXES! That my folks is a JOB!! Many MEN have JOBS that allows them to work from home. If she watches other people's kids then she has a JOB besides taking care of the home.

BUT in the NEW New Testament Christian Church Incorporated that is allowed. Rev. Gandy knew that she has been babysitting in her home for many years. Selling candles.
BUT if I had while in ntcc. Went out and filled out a application for a job. Then that would have been grounds that I was NOT being the keeper of my home! AS IF ,what she is doing then if a person has a job that prints out a paycheck! NO DIFFERENCE AT ALL!

Jeff said...

The NTCC hypocrites think there is a difference. The brainwashed think there is a difference. Many NTCC people teach that working from your home is being a "keeper at home" and hence it is morally different from having a job outside the home. There is no possible way they can even come close to effectively justify that notion using the scripture. The NTCC makes up their own stuff as they go. I can't stand em. That is a bunch of phony bologna. They try and justify their hypocrisy any why they can. It truly is amazing to listen to one of them blowing all that crazy junk out of their mouth.

I really can't stand they way they act. Frankly they are menaces to society. I've listened to NTCC pastors plow women for having a job. I mean really light into them. Hunt went crazy one night on a lady and her boy friend because she had a job. It basically turned into a shouting match between Hunt and the Man right in the middle of service. It was one of the craziest things I've ever listened to during church. Mayers was totally apposed to a woman working on a job. The NTCC has been teaching against women working for years while secretly allowing certain pastors wives to have a job inside and outside the home.
The NTCC is a joke. You realize that once you get all the facts. If you don't you are blind as a bat and willfully deceived.

Jeff Collins

Don and Ange said...

Jeff said,

"The NTCC hypocrites think there is a difference. The brainwashed think there is a difference. Many NTCC people teach that working from your home is being a "keeper at home" and hence it is morally different from having a job outside the home. There is no possible way they can even come close to effectively justify that notion using the scripture. The NTCC makes up their own stuff as they go."

Don and Ange said,

I think the ntcc gets their doctrine from the book of Hezekiah. "Thou shalt not suffer a woman to get a job, unless they are missionaries on the foreign field and the phony ntcc "super-apostles" lie to them, informing them that their work is self sustaining when in actuality the bills require the Pastor and his wife to get full time jobs and spend their savings to support the work while the leadership has hundreds of thousands of dollars squirreled away in their bank accounts and are spending money like the Micheal Jackson before he ran out of money.

Women staying at home and being in complete and total subjection to their masters was just another form of control that ntcc practiced until they found a reason to break their own rules. Are you beginning to see that money drives this train? It's not all about living a holiness life with the ntcc, but they use holiness standards to impose even stricter non-biblical standards to keep people too busy and too flustered to question anyone. I personally like the idea of my wife not working and that's what we choose; however, it's a choice that has nothing to do with sin. She has enough work to do taking care of me.

Everything that ntcc preaches has hell as a consequence attached to it which accomplishes two things. It causes people to live ntcc standards out of fear, or it causes people that are living ntcc standards to be filled with pride and gives them that holier than thou attitude that kekel quotes in his latest blog thread.

Anonymous said...

Don and Ange,

Sis. MacDonald, Sis. Stevens, and my wife all work(ed) outside the home (in addition to the in-home work).


Don and Ange said...

Don and Ange said,

"While they are living high on the hog in Washington, the missionaries are breaking long time ntcc policies preached as bible, never allowed in the history of ntcc, (unless you consider tanya and others teaching in the bs as working), written by jr ashmore and endorsed by olson".

Sorry Gregory about the run-on sentence. Not sure what I wrote to imply that either your wife, Sis. MacDonald or Sis. Stevens worked in or out of the home. I guess what I wrote could be misconstrued to mean that but what I really meant was that yours, the MacDonalds and the Steven's breaking of what in times past were considered ntcc policies were now necessary and endorsed by ashmore and olson which is ntcc. The only exceptions I could think of were tanya and others teaching in bible school. While it was earlier preached and taught as sin for women to work in all of the churches I attended and that a woman's place was at home and in subjection to her husband. Jobs outside or inside the home were never allowed in any of the Churches that I was a member of.

I write from the perspective of a serviceman only as I never attended bible school nor did I spend much time around Washington. The experiences that I endured with ntcc are very relevant, in my opinion because in my time with ntcc I was able to observe more than 14 ntcc trained ministers and their helpers in many cases, wrongfully conduct themselves according to the false teachings and doctrines that were not based on the bible but that were designed for one purpose and that was to extract money from GI's and church members.

The witness that I give is of actions and decisions that these 14+ ministers, wifes and helpers did not out of the evil of their own hearts but I believe they did what they were taught in some cases as unto the Lord. Others became filled with pride and bear the fruits of sin and were destroyed while in the ntcc. Still others got fed up with double-standards and hypocrisy and left of their own accord. A few stayed and continue to live the ntcc lie. All of them were in a system that was corrupt and they parroted the teachings that were instilled in them from bible school. Everything, good, bad and ugly was filtered down from the top to the local churches and servicemen's homes where souls are harvested and the real battles are fought.

It is our desire to point out the differences between what the bible actually says and what ntcc teaches and practices, so that others that are willing to open their minds to these differences can see for themselves and make their own decisions. We are not trying to pull people out of the ntcc, they come to our sites by the hundreds because they know that what they are a part of is wrong. We know that as long as the controlling ntcc leadership bars it's members from these blogs, that more and more people will come to see what we have to say and maybe they can be saved from years of suffering and needless grief.

DS or GS said...

Don and Ange,

You may want to update the post on your blog.

I edited my original post.


Don and Ange said...

Thanks, Gregory for the update.

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