We get to Washington. Move into a place where a lot of people from NTCC were living in fact only a couple of the apartments had people that weren’t apart of NTCC. I start classes again and it was a challenge. I still had trouble with the reading and writing and taking notes. I got myself in trouble a few times because of it. I hadn’t been in Washington but a few weeks before I was called to supposedly help Tanya [Kekel] but she wasn’t the one asking [Mike] Kekel was the one. I get a ride over there he had told me to bring [my young son] Thomas so I thought maybe it won’t be sex or anything like that. I arrive Tanya was taking [her son] Grant [Kekel] somewhere but [allegedly] needed another child to go with her to this activity. I told her I didn’t want Thomas going without me. I didn’t like the idea of him being away from me. I didn’t tell her I didn’t trust her which was going through my mind. Kekel says remember I am in charge. God has given me the authority to know what is best for your child. I tried again but there was no winning the argument. She left with both boys. I am sick at that point fearing how my son would be treated but having no idea once again what to do. Tanya leaves me with cleaning orders. Kekel is supposed to be working on something and she says not to bother him. She isn’t gone long before Kekel is in my face. He tells me I am going to get a spanking for arguing with the man of God. I have no idea that he can’t actually do this being I am adult. He is playing on my ignorance. I am terrified for he is brutal in his spankings and I know sex will follow which with a brutal spanking sex will hurt worse. He undresses me from the waist down. I beg him not to do it. I told him as a mother I hate to be away from my son this is why I spoke. I told him it is making me sick that he is gone at that moment. He said so you admit you argued with your God-given authority. I am going to have spank the rebellion out of you. He quoted scriptures about discipline to me as he had me bend over. I didn’t undress for a few days in front of my then husband [Donny Ridgeway] not knowing how to explain the marks. This time he [Mike Kekel] gave me some stuff that made the marks disappear in a few days. It was a container with no label so I have no idea what it was. By the third day I couldn’t tell I had had any marks. All he told me was it was for adults after a spanking. Once again I was too ignore to question him. He [Mike Kekel] did have sex with me again that day. He said God sent you back to me for he knows I need additional pleasure in my life and it helps my stress level of having to deal with difficult people that refuse to obey their God-given authority.
After he was done I clean up really quickly fearing if I didn’t get the cleaning orders done Tanya would spank me as well. She had spanked me in the past. I didn’t think with a sick stomach, stress, a spanking, and unwanted sex my body could take another spanking. So I began to move very quickly with the cleaning.
Tanya walks in the door I just barely got done. Thomas comes barreling at me wanting to be held in fact he wanted to be held until I went to class that night. All he said about the day was Tanya was rude. Tanya walked around the house complained a couple of times but said nothing more. So I went home to get dinner and get ready for class that night.
I was so overwhelmed. I couldn’t focus on class that night which led me to typing crazy notes since I had nothing to go on for them.
This scene played a 6 more times while I was in my second round of being at “the cemetery”. I would be called to the Kekels to cleaning and bless the leaders. The things I saw and witnessed with these leaders are just sickening including finding Kekel’s playboy collection.
Kekel would tell me all the time how God had given me unto him. It made it hard not to view him unclothed. It also made it difficult to have to ask his permission about other things. I was left to carry this weight having to pretend I wasn't hurting inside. I wanted to have someone care to know the pain my heart was in. I would be around the ladies including one of my neighbors who faithfully took me grocery shopping yet I was scared into silence on the matter. I tried to tell Joan but of course Kekel found out. I was accused of lying. I began to think I was commenting adultery the more I listened to things said at Graham. I was confused since Kekel would say it was God’s will but in the next breath he would accuse me of sinning for making him long for my body. He told me he even dreamed of sex with me at night. I had no idea he was the one sinning and he was commenting a crime.
Two of the times he went off the normal course and had me do oral sex instead of on all four. He said he needed this instead because there were bible school students that were stressing him way out and his wife didn’t want to do it. He would talk about people during our time together. He would talk bad about the building crew, bible school students, he would say all the people that work on the campground were dumb a—air heads and the women were the worst. I had no idea who was at the campground all I thought is well he seems to think of them the same he feels about me. He even downed some of the leaders. He would name people and ask if I had had sex with them. No matter the answer I gave it was the wrong one and he would accuse me of lying and slap me I was standing for this. One of times that he slapped me I tripped causing my nose to hit something. I ended up with a bloody nose. When asked about it since I had a small bruise I said I tripped and hit my nose which was only part of what happened.
There is probably more details that aren’t coming to mind at this point about these times in Graham but will come to me later.
To Be Continued...
All of this is so horrible. We can not imagine how Julie survived this life. Only the grace of God could bring somebody through this constant cycle of allegedly being treated as a sex slave. And now with these allegations coming to light about Tanya participating, it is even worse.
Tanya Reynolds Davis Kekel was born to a Filipino woman, Elizabeth Reynolds, who gave her up for adoption. Davis raised her in the NTCC, constantly bellowing out his version of holiness- NEVER BE ALONE WITH SOMEONE OF THE OPPOSITE SEX [gender].
- Why would Tanya orchestrate this alone-time for her hubby Mike with Julie St. Clair?
- Why didn't Tanya respect Julie's protests and leave Thomas with Julie - his mother?
- Where did Tanya take Thomas?
- What happened to Thomas?
- Why was he clingy - "wanting to be held"?
- Why did he say Tanya was "rude"?
- In an earlier post, Julie described Mike Kekel as being "rude". Since then Julie has shared that allegedly Kekel's "rude" behavior included spankings / beatings and raping her.
- Did Thomas' description of Tanya cover equally ugly behavior by Tanya (the spankings and rapes) that Julie's description of Kekel covered of Mike's behavior? Is that what "rude" means? - A violent sexual predator? We have to wonder.
None of this makes any sense in a so-called holiness church that beat their drums about never being alone with someone of the opposite sex. Unless the leaders are all hypocrites; (which evidence says they are). Then it all makes sense: They say the opposite of what they do:
Those are 3 examples of Davis DOING THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT HE SAID. That is proof Davis was a hypocrite. And as we all heard many, many times from the mouth of NTCC Executive Board Member Joey Olson: "... Davis IS the organization." So guess what? The NTCC is run by HYPOCRITES who DO what they say should never be done.
UPDATE: May 3, 2014
Anonymous said...
I cleaned M. Kekel's house before too. He hit me on the butt once. I went to Olson about it. M. Kekel claimed he bumped my butt accidently and nothing more was said. It bothered me but I thought I was in the wrong. This confirms I wasn't wrong. He hit my butt on purpose. I think he was testing to see what he could get away with before he tried more. I am disgusted by how far you got with you Julie.
Please watch the following video by investigative reporter Mike Watkiss and ask yourself what similarities you see in the stories coming out of the FLDS / Warren Jeffs compound and the NTCC that Julie survived.
Warning: Video may trigger bad memories and raise awareness.
Related Topics:
Women and Children in NTCC
I Have A Name by Julie
My NTCC - Posts by and About Julie
- Davis said, Don't be alone with somebody of the opposite sex; but Davis was seen going into houses of women whose husbands were at work. One, Pam Norton, testified of Davis' lewd sexual actions with her.
- Davis said match-making was wrong. Yet Davis set up rules that stopped anyone from even talking to other single people unless Davis approved of it. That, friends, IS MATCHMAKING! HELLO!
- Davis yelled at pregnant women saying they would have to answer to God for ruining their husband's ministry since children hinder the work of Gawd. But Davis went out of his way to the Philippines to adopt Tanya Maxamillia Reynolds Davis Kekel.
Those are 3 examples of Davis DOING THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT HE SAID. That is proof Davis was a hypocrite. And as we all heard many, many times from the mouth of NTCC Executive Board Member Joey Olson: "... Davis IS the organization." So guess what? The NTCC is run by HYPOCRITES who DO what they say should never be done.
UPDATE: May 3, 2014
Please watch the following video by investigative reporter Mike Watkiss and ask yourself what similarities you see in the stories coming out of the FLDS / Warren Jeffs compound and the NTCC that Julie survived.
Warning: Video may trigger bad memories and raise awareness.
Related Topics:
Women and Children in NTCC
I Have A Name by Julie
My NTCC - Posts by and About Julie