
Saturday, July 18, 2015

Our Ntcc X-er Podcast is up and Running!

We now have our Podcast Channel up and running.  Now not only can desktop users access podcasts but mobile users with I-phones and Android operating systems will work.  Thanks for your patience. Right now pod casting is new to us but we'll get more and more comfortable with it as we use it.  If you have a suggestion for a pod cast topic, leave a comment and we'll look at the suggestions and choose one or two topics to cover.  Below is a step by step video of how it works.  I'm sure some will figure it out on their own, but for the rest of us who need a little help navigating through the abyss of ntcc cult clutter, our YouTube video should help.

The quality is not great because I was working with multiple devices while recording and a little tired at the same time.  We said we'd try to get it up and running today, and here it is before midnight and we got it running.

Accessing X-er Blog Podcasts on  YouTube

If anyone has any topics they want to discuss let us know in a comment on our blog and we'll choose one or two and share what we know about that topic.


  1. Okay, that video came out pretty terrible. Friends don't let friends Podcast tired, (or make an instructional video about podcasting tired). We wanted to get this up quickly but as painful as it might be to watch this video, it's really pretty easy to access. If you don't feel like wasting five minutes of your life watching the video I'm pretty sure you could figure it out through trial and error. Pod-casting is something we are trying for a while in addition to our blogposts, just in case you didn't get enough of us already. We wanted to add this segment so that if people don't have a lot of time to read but still want to know what's going on, they can listen at their own leisure. After working through what seemed like major problems trying to find a Podcast host that would support desktop and mobile formatting and not charge us an arm and a leg, we finally found what we hope will be a permanent solution.

  2. This is just another way to get the message out about these "men of God", and their shenanigans. It just never ends with these money hungry shysters. Thank you for taking the time out of your lives to keep this blog going. People need to know what really goes on in the New Testament Christian Churches of America.

  3. Anonymous said...
    Thank you for taking the time out of your lives to keep this blog going. People need to know what really goes on in the New Testament Christian Churches of America.

    DNA said:

    It's our privilege. We want to get the word out by any means. We are trying our hand at Podcasts to see how well they are received. We aren't intending on slowing down on the blogging as far as written contributions are concerned. The whole purpose of this blog is to help people find their way out of the ntcc and learn how to deal with the aftermath. Getting out is a big step, and recovering is another. It's a huge shift in one's life to leave a cult and it's not an easy thing to do. Many people struggle with leaving because it took a huge event in their life to become involved. Unfortunately the ntcc and other cults like them, have found a way to use Salvation as a tool to make people believe that the ntcc and God are one in the same. People often attribute their salvation to the ntcc, and they wont leave because they've been taught fables like, "You got to dance with the one what brought you" by dinosaurs like Davis and Olson. They have been led to believe that the ntcc was used by God to reach them and that they must remain faithful to them if they want to make it to heaven. This is a designer religion that uses professional religious pulpiteers to pull on the heart strings of their brainwashed members to keep them under the delusion that everything is A-okay in their lives. They know how to take you to the cross. They know how to preach a salvation message that will convince anyone that Christ is real and that they need him in their lives. It's what they do with that Christian life after they have been saved and are hungry to learn more about Christianity that separates them from the few true groups of believers that are out there to reach souls and prepare them for eternity. One way you can distinguish a true group of believers from a phony cult or religious group is by there emphasis on money. Another way is to compare their gospel with the gospel of Jesus. If they spend most of their time harping on rules and following traditions of the church world and collecting money, they are preaching a perverted gospel and they are in it for themselves. Come on, those of you who have been in the ntcc for more than two decades. You have seen the standards change and you know deep down inside that lines have been crossed which once represented destruction. You've heard Davis condemn people and then seen Kekel change the rules to accommodate the life of his sinful son. What does it take to realize that someone is controlling your life for their own benefit and at what point do you have to come to before you take control back. Your life was not meant to be under such strict control and if you are in the ministry, the wrong person is controlling your ministry. If your ministry is limited because of money, than your ministry is based on the wrong principles. If money is hindering you from being successful than either too much of it is going to the wrong people or the whole focus of what you are doing is not where God wants it to be. Who am I to tell you where God wants your focus to be? I'm nobody, but I know that Jesus was never concerned about money and His ministry reached more people in three years than any ministry that we know of to date. He said that he would empower us to do greater works than His own but if you choose to make it about money I doubt you will ever have any real success. The mega churches of this world might be considered successful to people who idolize money and numbers but the huge masses of people are not benefiting themselves or the Kingdom of God by giving money to a multi millionaire preacher and those of you in the ntcc who pretend to be going about your 'father's' business are not doing anything for God by giving more of your money and your church member's money to Kekel and that bunch up in Graham.


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