
Friday, January 25, 2013

How Cults Operate: From Comments Worthy of Their Own Thread

Anonymous said:

I know a serviceman who is falling into this trap. Is there anything I can do, in addition to praying?

[Previous comment was left on January 24th on the thread:]


Anonymous said: 

We were taught that our “Pastor,” was an Apostle. That as he preached he literally spoke by the Holy Ghost, and that he never missed God’s [will]. That Jesus Christ came to him in person, and commissioned him to build this church organization, starting with a bible college. We were told that our pastor had seen angels, and that God had performed many miracles through his hands. That the “organization(s)” were the only “Real” move of God, and that our church was God’s last church, before the rapture. We were taught to honor the pastor with gifts, to obey him, and fear him, as we obeyed and feared God. To disobey him, was to bring God’s judgement upon you. To leave the “church” organization was to leave God. And, that once you left, your only chance to serve God, was to return to that church, before it was too late. To visit with former members who had departed, for any reason, was to be a Judas, or a Benedict Arnold. If someone's spouse quit coming to church, they were told that the brother or sister who remained, “with God’” was free to divorce the spouse, and remarry “in the church.”
The next guy in line to the founder “pastor,” constantly made references to the founders words, even giving dates and times of his utterances, and tieing them to some biblical precept, or doctrine, or teaching.
We had to ask his permission to ask a girl, “from our church” to date or to correspond, and to marry. We were told who we could not date. We were told who we could or could not bring to a bible convention. We were told who we could not perform a marriage ceremony for, Ordered not to, ie, One was white, and the other was black.
They kept meticulous records of attendance, church, and other events, tithe records, pledges, etc. We would be challenged by one of the church stooges if we forgot to put $1.00 in our tithing envelope, or offering pledge, etc. We were told that we were not a Christian if we didn’t pay 10% of our gross income. We were told that it was theft not to pay tithe, and that God robbers go to hell. We had to fill out forms to inform the church office where we worked, how much an hour we were paid, etc. We could not work on any job that infringed upon any church activity, even surprise activities. We could not be 30 seconds late for church, bible class, etc. or we would be rebuked openly, and if we were a student in the Seminary, we would lose that entire semester of classes, and forfeit the funds paid for those classes.We were taught holiness, or hell. That we had to dress a certain way, look a certain way, and act a certain way, most of them had no scriptural foundation. We were told that the internet, was really the sinner-net, and that only people who wanted porn, and filth went to the internet. We were told that social media sites, would cause us all to leave our spouses, and live in sin, and go to hell. We were ordered to remove people who had left the group from our social contacts. We were ordered not to read derogatory information about our group, etc, and were told that to do so was rebellion, which is the sin of witchcraft.Those who dressed in tattered clothes or who were homeless, were not followed up on, and those who had either invited them to church, or had picked them up, were discouraged from returning to visit, or bring them again to church. We were instructed to dress in very fashionable styles, so most of the ladies of the church would buy clothes at the Goodwill, or other Thrift stores. The founder would often mock these stores by calling them Cooke [KOOK] Stores. We were told the the KJV of the bible was the only true word of God, and that all others had compromised the truth. We were told that the church was a theocracy. I could go on and on about this group, we were told that a “cult” was a church that denied the Deity of Christ, but the actions of our leaders, and how it affected us made us all Pharisees, and Hypocrites, Whited Tomb, and un worthy of the Prince of Life who died in our place, on a cruel and horrible cross. 

[Previous comment was left January 24th on the page:] 

Cult Info


Anonymous said:

Wolves in Sheep's clothing. The whole slew of them and that includes their wives. They can be as sweet as they want but they know their hypocrite husbands as well as anybody. In addition, they enable their hypocrite husbands. It's a front. I'd be sweet also if my husband and or daddy gave me an endless supply of cash to use during my daily shopping spree. I'd be especially sweet knowing that my endless supply of cash ultimately came from all the church members. Oh, I'd be real sweet. There is no way I'm getting ugly with my bread and butter. No Sir.

Give my husband an endless supply of money so I can go shopping whenever I want and I'll be real sweet also. God bless you brother, praise God all the way to the bank and the shopping mall. I'll even give you a big hug and press my boobs against you like Tanya does. Make you feel real good about parting with your hard earned cash. The NTCC scheme wouldn't work without the sweet harmless wives. That's what makes it all believable. The sweet wives and guys like Olson. They couldn't possibly be in on the whole scheme, right? Just keep smiling and raking in the dough for yet another day of shopping and run around saying yes sir to your husband. Who would suspect that?

[Previous comment was left on the thread:]


The Green font comment is almost a point-by-point example of How Cults Work as defined on a web site not even related to the NTCC.


  1. The first comment was left by someone that has a friend that was being sucked into the ntcc trap. Unfortunately this is a very complex situation and their are no easy answers. We left a lengthy answer on the original thread, Life and times. The link at the end of that comment will take you there. If anyone has anything they would like to share with that anonymous poster please feel free. We don't have all the answers and would welcome any helpful solutions or ideas. You can leave it on this thread and we'll copy and paste it, or you can click into that thread and leave a comment and hopefully they will be back to check it out.

  2. We believe the second comment was left by a long time member of the ntcc, and is one of the best comments that has been left on our blog. If you want to sum up the ntcc leadership and know what they are really all about, read this comment and you will know.

    The behavior of the ntcc cult leaders is exposed in this comment and if any rational person were to read this carefully, they would see the obvious and steer clear of this cult. If more people would set aside their fear and share their stories like this person has, it would be helpful to the readers of this blog. The ntcc has tried to silence people and has done a pretty good job of it. When they used you for everything they could get from you, they had no problems with you leaving because they know that their system of brainwashing people includes a life long fear of speaking against them. They will never come back into your life and care about you. What they will do is treat others just like they treated you. Others will have to go through the same things that we all had to go through and that includes a lot of unnecessary suffering.

    We aren't asking anyone to lie about their experience in the ntcc. We are not trying to get people to treat the ntcc like they treated us, that would be next to impossible. But there are a small handful of people that have shared their stories truthfully and honestly. When that happens, it helps people realize that they are not alone. For some of us the blogs have given us freedom from the life long hold that kept us in fear, and for others it confirmed what they knew in their hearts already. The blogs take their toll on the ntcc and chip away at their corruption a little bit at a time. The fact that they never dispute any of this, is an admission of guilt.

    If someone was publicly lying about me or any other rational person, it would make sense for that person to refute any allegations and dispute the false accusations to clear their name and keep a good testimony. The problem is that the ntcc would have to lie to do this because we are telling the truth about the ntcc. They can't dispute our witness because it is true. Whenever they do try to do damage control in a public forum they exert all of their energy into discrediting us by personally attacking us. They can't be honest about what we have witnessed and shared so they try to smear us so that their brainwashed followers will not entertain anything we share no matter how true it is.

  3. The third comment that we showcased in this blog post was just down right hilarious and so true. It was one of the funniest comments ever left. I read it to Chief on the phone the other day and we were all in stitches. But not only was it funny because it was funny, but it was funny because it was true. The pastor's wives in the ntcc have a job. A servicemen's home director's wife has a job to do. That job consists of love bombing and putting a nice face on everything that takes place in a servicemen's home or civilian church.

    The pastor does a lot of the dirty work. He tries to be like RWD and jack people up and convince his cult members that he is the voice of God. The pastor has to convince people to come up off that 10% and dress like they are doing a remake of Little House on the Prairie. Those are the three main goals of an ntcc preacher. Make them think that they are God's voice so they will obey you in all things, Get your 10% and more so they can achieve their own wealth and glory, and make you dress funny so they can have your unquestioning loyalty. If you will do these three things you will do anything, but the problem is that these three things are not popular and nobody in their right mind would agree to them.

    This is where the pastor's wife enters the stage. Her job is to love bomb you and be nice to you and take your eyes off of the absurdities that stick out like a sore thumb. Their job is to be sweet, smell sweet, and look pretty, and praise you and show you that you are loved and cared about.

    Anonymous hit this nail on the head. The real motivation behind the sweetness and kindness are the benefits of going on shopping sprees and having all the nice things that money can buy. The standard has been set by Verna and Tanya. They are the "role models" that every ntcc woman wants to become like. They get a big wad of cash from their sugar daddies and drive their BMW's and Cadillacs to the malls and go on shopping sprees. That's the way the ntcc is set up.

  4. So Tanya likes to "rub her boobs" against some of the brethren,,

    Here we go again.........
    I think I would have to be at a point of sheer desperation to have enjoyed that, especially from her. But I do remember a time where I had enough Testosterone in my system to float a battleship. I've heard on other threads that she used to like to dress provocatively and rub up against the brethren. When we had our meeting all I saw was a woman with a head full of really thick hair and a big.....Well....The only way I know how to describe it is a big RW Davis head.She was supposedly adopted, But I don't know about that. I've spoken to someone who has known RW Davis since 1962 who said something to the contrary of the "adoption". The gentleman said that he couldn't prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt, But he said that he personally believed something else. A DNA test would reveal the truth. I know I've gone on record as saying some very hard things about "The Sausage Casing", But she really got under my skin by doing what she did.I'll try not to rant anymore about her on this blog.I don't want this comment to be to lengthy so I'll close it out and start a fresh one, free of the Tanya virus.

  5. We think that rodger davis is tanya's biological father from an affair with a Filipina woman. The adoption registry document has the woman's name. We would love to see DNA test results; because tanya looks like rodger, especially when she is packing on the pounds. But physially she does not look one bit like verna.

    Also, now that the topic has once again surfaced concerning tanya's behavior at your meeting: Our opinion is that in tanya you see verna's personality unveiled. Verna knows if she gets the boot from rodger, she "leaves with nothing but the clothes on her back" - he has said so often enough. So verna learned early on how to appear a certain way. She probably came from poverty like roger did. We suspect she has never held a paying job and probably had no formal education. Such a combination would make her utterly dependent on rodger. Given his evil reputation for molesting young girls in the church and chasing skirts, knocking on married women's doors while their husbnds are at work ... it sets the stage for an ugly power struggle where her recourse is to withhold sex and passively/aggressively defy him, all while trying to maintain the facade of a sweet loving wife. But we hear the 'coded' messages from the pulpit and the threats of having nothing. You know how it is in ntcc. Everything that comes across that pulpit and lectern is happening in real time or the immediate past. So the war rages between verna and rogdger. But, really, where would she go and still have access to the bank accounts, the mansions, the recreational vehicle all expense paid vacations and trips to Europe? If she leaves she won't have slaves to do her laundry and ironing and grocery shopping and clean her mansions. She won't have starry-eyed bible school students lined up to call her Ma'am and running to do her bidding. So she dances with the one that brung her, even though she knows exactly what kind of a fraud rodger is.

    But tanya? She's daddy's little girl. She's grown up with all the privilege and none of the sacrifice. Everyone is expected to praise and worship her no matter what. Everything in her life has been handed to her on a silver platter. She has constantly been set up for only success and praise with no effort on her part. Can you say "sense of entitlement"? She has no reason to hide who she is. Who would dare cross the daughter of the self-proclaimed queen-bee victoria / verna mae davis? These two women are the same; verna was just better at hiding it (for a time). If you doubt us, just walk up and call her verna, or leave the "ma'am" out of your conversations with her. You'll soon see the cloud descending (and a few other scary things).

  6. Well, as far as Sister Davis, You know her much better than I do. I won't dispute that. I always thought that she was pretty,especially when she was younger.
    There is no doubt in my mind that R'Dub loves Tanya. The last time I saw her before the meeting was in 1981 when I was just out of the Army. I remember R'Dub fawning all over her about the fact that she was becoming quite the greeter/hostess when people would come in. I remember them showing alot of affection towards each other. She had no problem going up to him and giving him a hug,which I think is wonderful. Every little girl needs a daddy that will do that kind of thing. It's my opinion that R'Dub was a pretty good parent to Tanya. At least in that respect.Looking at her back then as I would now,I thought she looked mediocre at best. But, when you've got a bunch of men, and women are in short supply and you've got no outlet except, well.....(I NEVER felt comfortable with that, which is why I didn't do it)desperation sets in and you get to the point when you will marry ANYTHING as long as it is a female, even if it means ignoring ALL the warning signs in your head.

  7. (Jordan's, Ashmore's, and NTCC Family Cover-Ups [Don't Forget Di Francesco)

    I remember reading this and wanting to make a comment in the worst way. At the time I couldn't comment on this because there was a glitch in the Blogsite. Perhaps at a later date you could open this particular thread up for discussion again.

  8. Hi Mark,

    That thread is open for discussion. We just published a test comment with no problem.

  9. ntcc currently seem to be only a profit base organziation who only want members/students that will generate them funds. Why would a soldier who pays tithe give in offerings, building funds, overseas fund, etc. etc. pay 150.00 a month to live in a servicemen home when they can stay in the barracks for free? (What a sells job) Being in the military is very noble and a good career with benefits, however ntcc and davis look down on soldiers even after all of the money that GI's have provide to ntcc over the years. Soldiers who choose to stay in a servicemen home should be allowed to stay for nothing considering all that they give or have giving over the years to ntcc.

    1. Disappointed,

      You are right. The ntcc is a profit based organization. They really only care about the money. You find that out quickly if you do anything to threaten their cash flow. Don't pay tithe your tithe to them, and in a hurry you will see how mean they can be. Even if you gave your tithe to a widowed Aunt of your own as described in the first book of Timothy, or cared for your aging parents as described in the gospel of Mark, ntcc would bash you and try to get that cash. Let's look at those scriptures:

      1 Tim 5:16

      If any man or woman that believeth have widows, let them relieve them, and let not the church be charged; that it may relieve them that are widows indeed.

      God said believers should take care of their own first so the church won't be charged. The ntcc only wants to listen to that part of it let not the church be charged. They never want any of the money that people give the church to be used as God intended: for the people who really are widows with nobody else to care for them, as described in the very last part of that verse. No. ntcc wants that money to build their filthy rich leaders another set of mansions and to buy more quarter-of-a-million-dollar recreational vehicles to vacation in. They are just like the religious hypocrites Jesus described as recorded in the seventh chapter of the gospel of Mark, esp.

      Mark 7:11-13

      But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother, [It is] Corban, that is to say, a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; [he shall be free].

      And ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother;

      Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.

      ntcc wants people to give to the church because it profits the religious hypocrite 'leaders' of the church; but they are not allowing people to care for (honor) their mothers and fathers. They make the Word of God of none effect by teaching traditions of men so they can line their own pockets. ntcc religious hypocrite 'leaders' serve filthy lucre.

  10. because of the profit that is being made by allowing GI's to stay at servicemen home they probably will never be offered the chance to stay for free.

  11. Disappointed also described how davis constantly mocks and belittles G.I.s.

    davis is trying to break-down the G.I. so that the G.I. thinks there is something wrong with him or her and that he/she needs davis to fix it and tell them what to do. davis just wants control of the G.I. to get at his / her money.

    Tithe in ntcc is ten percent of your gross income before taxes or any other deductions. Get ten G.I.s living in the servicemen's home, and now you have one man's full wages free and clear of all taxes or other fees. That's gravy money.

    The ntcc is a front to extort money out of hapless servicemembers who are young, displaced from support systems like family and friends back home. They are accustomed to taking orders without question the person giving out the orders.

    In short, davis knows the G.I. is an easy goldmine for davis' own selfish lust.

    Why do you think the ntcc requires a minister to have "ten faithful tithe paying members" before he is allowed to "go fulltime in the ministry"? Because ntcc knows that minister will work hard to get ten dudes to pay him to stay home all day while they support him and the borg leaders. It's all a big scam.

  12. And those servicemen's homes directors deposit 40% of all the profit after all the bills are paid to the ntcc headquarter's controlled escrow account. They're not getting rich.

    Look at who owns mansions and luxury cars and recreational vehicles and who gets 30 days paid vacation per year in the borg, and you will see where all the money ends up in the organization.

  13. Mobile Users,

    We've been receiving and responding to many comments on other (older) threads. If you'd like to keep up with them, you can view the web version and use the Recent Comments widget (located in the right sidebar) to click into those conversations.

  14. Here's the View Web Version URL address:

    or click here

  15. When myself and others attented ntcc we had no knowledge of a wolf in sheep clothing, that is until the wolf started feeding on our bones. We attented ntcc out of a sincere heart and a genuine love for the brotherhood i never lived in the servicmen home, however i was just as much of a sucker as those sincere brothers are. Living in a servicemen does not make you more spiritual than the brothers or sisters who live in the barracks, neither does going to bible college make you more saved than those who do not attended a bible college, but ntcc trick there members/student in to beliveing that somenhow they are more spiritual. (WHAT A SELLS JOB.) GI's paying to stay in servicemen homes for 150.00 a month when they can stay in the barrack for free, is along the same thread of thinking as "davis i can sell a boat to a GI thousand miles from water" comments.

  16. I was one of those that lived in the home and thought it was a spiritual place. To tell you the truth, I seen more sin and worse sin in the Servicemen's Home than I seen in the barracks. Nobody in my chain of command in the Military required me to give them money. It was against the Law. The ntcc servicemen's homes were basically controlled cult compounds that isolated GI's from the world they lived in, so that their personal lives and finances could be controlled a so called super spiritual pastor that could not be argued with or was never wrong. They would entice you to move in to the home by offering you home cooked meals and a "spiritual atmosphere" and if you did not take them up on this offer, you would be considered a dud and treated like a red headed step child. The so called Spiritual atmosphere was a big hoax. There was a lot of carnal stuff going on in those homes. They are a bunch of hypocrites. They preach about Lasciviousness and require you to dress in a way that is supposed to keep others from lusting, but they encourage a bunch of single GI's to live in celibacy and prevent them from talking to the single sisters in the church. Many people think that most of the adultery problems that occur in the ntcc are a result from the pastors cheating on their wives but there are probably an equal number of preachers wives that have helped themselves to the young soldiers in the servicemen's homes. Nichelle Tieman was one example of a woman that was not satisfied with her husband and sought sexual pleasure from GI's and other bible school Graduates. I have outed her because she tried on multiple occasions to commit adultery with me, and she also was responsible for convincing Ange to go to bible school instead of marrying me. We missed out on twenty years of marriage and having a family, because of this. There also was another woman that I will not name, that was married to a pastor at Fort Bragg that was having an adulterous affair with a brother that lived in the home. Out of 14 pastors that I had, 3 were homosexual, and 2 of their wives were adulterers. That's 5 out of 14 that got caught. All of this took place in servicemen's homes. Looking back on it, there was very little spirituality that took place. We all followed our pastors like idols. We did everything we were told to do and many times to our own dismay, we were cruel and heartless toward the less esteemed members of the body of Christ. We followed our pastor's lead in mocking and making fun of those who were not living in the home. We pressured them to get in or get out. We were encouraged by our pastors to try to talk people into living in the Home, and in the process we pushed them away. Then they would get preached at the following Sunday, so they knew they couldn't trust you or the pastor. If you want to learn how to become greedy and look down on folks, the ntcc servicemen's home is the place to go. If you want to live in an environment where you are praised for your dedication only if it means giving your money to a bunch of lazy preachers that don't want to work for a living, the Servicemen's home is the place to be. If you are looking for a spiritual atmosphere, you would be much better off living in the barracks than living in a Servicemen's home. At least you won't have to pay for the privilege.

  17. I came to God over 30 years ago, because of the vision, and love of Mom and Pop Gaylord, who saw lost G.I.'s at military posts around the world. I heard the stories of the great men, and woman of God, what they were doing, and what they had done, and I wanted to be used by God, too.
    Through out the years, in our ranks, I have been privileged to meet some of the finest people in the World. Men and Women of God, Holy, pure, and real. A holy radiance, once filled our churches.
    I have one question, where did all those people go?

    How many preachers were run off? Cut off, or Given the cold shoulder, Questioned regarding their commitment, their Salvation, or branded with the Scarlet Letter of excommunication?


    I did not forfeit, or loose my Minister's license because of conduct un-becoming of a minister,
    I chose not to renew it, and gave it up by default. Thank God there is no expiration date on my salvation! I refused to beat my children into subjection. I got sick of hearing line upon line of LAW, and rules, instead of the Gospel.

    The droning on, and on of a service, when the preaching was supposed to be limited to 30 minutes. I got sick of being held in suspicion. NTCC leadership encouraging a separation between my wife and I. I wasn't good enough, or hadn't achieved enough, or hadn't done enough, or I didn’t have enough money.

    I threw in the towel, I quit the club, I wanted my name taken off the Graham attendance sheets.
    I am praying for a revolution, a great awakening, an Asuza Street, and Welsh revival that will shake that church to it's foundation, AND POUR OUT THE HOLY POWER OF GOD, and remove the corruption of the current leadership, the Yes men, and the Company men!

    I pray that it returns to it's former glory, before it is too late.

    Pastor Davis, Sir, in bible school, you often warned us of, “THAT MAN” who was on the other side of your desk. I feared him, and thankfully never really met him.
    THAT man, and his cohorts, have taken over the church, and they have enriched themselves at the expense of the people. That man, has forgotten the love of God, and the simplicity of the gospel. He has forgotten the people who were, and are loyal to God, and loyal to him. The people who sacrificed their lives, and their fortunes, for the Gospel, and The NTCC.

    Why don’t you, and the other leaders, repent, and publish a sincere apology to all present, and former members of Our Church, and call for a restructuring, a reassessment, and a re-evaluation of the purpose and direction of The NTCC. Open the books to scrutiny. Give a full accounting, eliminate the financial Malfeasance,
    and personal inurements.

    Call for a open vote on board members, and leaders, We voted you in once before, In St. Louis, MO. at the Holly Hills Church, during a National Convention. Why don’t you trust the real people of God, and find out how the chips fall. You told us in Bible College, most church organizations last 50 years, your time is nearly up.

    Pastor, I wanted you to get this letter before you left this world. There will be a struggle for the direction of the Church once you die, if it continues on its present course, it will continue to falter, and fail.
    I hope that you do something drastic to alter it’s course.

    You once preached about a pilot who was off course by only a degree on his compass. At first all seemed well, but the further he traveled, the more off course he went, until it was too late.

    Call for a open convention, the books and records to be opened. And let the Glory of God come back, to Graham, and to the NTCC.
    If and when the glory returns, I hope that you are all there to let the power of God fall on you.

    Sincerely your brother in Christ,


  18. I came to God over 30 years ago, because of the vision, and love of Mom and Pop Gaylord, who saw lost G.I.'s at military posts around the world. I heard the stories of the great men, and woman of God, what they were doing, and what they had done, and I wanted to be used by God, too.
    Through out the years, in our ranks, I have been privileged to meet some of the finest people in the World. Men and Women of God, Holy, pure, and real. A holy radiance, once filled our churches.
    I have one question, where did all those people go?

    How many preachers were run off? Cut off, or Given the cold shoulder, Questioned regarding their commitment, their Salvation, or branded with the Scarlet Letter of excommunication?


    I did not forfeit, or loose my Minister's license because of conduct un-becoming of a minister,
    I chose not to renew it, and gave it up by default. Thank God there is no expiration date on my salvation! I refused to beat my children into subjection. I got sick of hearing line upon line of LAW, and rules, instead of the Gospel.

    The droning on, and on of a service, when the preaching was supposed to be limited to 30 minutes. I got sick of being held in suspicion. NTCC leadership encouraging a separation between my wife and I. I wasn't good enough, or hadn't achieved enough, or hadn't done enough, or I didn’t have enough money.

    I threw in the towel, I quit the club, I wanted my name taken off the Graham attendance sheets.
    I am praying for a revolution, a great awakening, an Asuza Street, and Welsh revival that will shake that church to it's foundation, AND POUR OUT THE HOLY POWER OF GOD, and remove the corruption of the current leadership, the Yes men, and the Company men!

    I pray that it returns to it's former glory, before it is too late.

    Pastor Davis, Sir, in bible school, you often warned us of, “THAT MAN” who was on the other side of your desk. I feared him, and thankfully never really met him.
    THAT man, and his cohorts, have taken over the church, and they have enriched themselves at the expense of the people. That man, has forgotten the love of God, and the simplicity of the gospel. He has forgotten the people who were, and are loyal to God, and loyal to him. The people who sacrificed their lives, and their fortunes, for the Gospel, and The NTCC.

    Why don’t you, and the other leaders, repent, and publish a sincere apology to all present, and former members of Our Church, and call for a restructuring, a reassessment, and a re-evaluation of the purpose and direction of The NTCC. Open the books to scrutiny. Give a full accounting, eliminate the financial Malfeasance,
    and personal inurements.

    Call for a open vote on board members, and leaders, We voted you in once before, In St. Louis, MO. at the Holly Hills Church, during a National Convention. Why don’t you trust the real people of God, and find out how the chips fall. You told us in Bible College, most church organizations last 50 years, your time is nearly up.

    Pastor, I wanted you to get this letter before you left this world. There will be a struggle for the direction of the Church once you die, if it continues on its present course, it will continue to falter, and fail.
    I hope that you do something drastic to alter it’s course.

    You once preached about a pilot who was off course by only a degree on his compass. At first all seemed well, but the further he traveled, the more off course he went, until it was too late.

    Call for a open convention, the books and records to be opened. And let the Glory of God come back, to Graham, and to the NTCC.
    If and when the glory returns, I hope that you are all there to let the power of God fall on you.

    Sincerely your brother in Christ,


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