Unfortunately, I'm sure, there are many faithful and loyal NTCCers who, when they heard this 'sermon', were on the edge of their seats shouting, "Amen!" and "Preach it Sir!". That's what we did for year after wasted year when we were in the borg. And, after all, Kekel's doctrine is only supported by what he thinks others are doing wrong, and not on anything encouraging that people are doing right. The doctrine of fear is used and can only be used to keep its subjects so afraid of hell that they are unable to use their brains to figure out that they are being used to make their leaders rich. That's right; you NTCCers are being misled and lied to so that the men you hold in such high esteem can be eased, while you are burdened; (2 Cor. 8:13 says it should not be so). Just open your eyes and look around you. It's right there out in the open (and then some). So let's get into it.
Kekel misuses 1 Cor. 16:13-14 as the scriptural reference for his "Sermon on the Mount of Dung". All you NTCC dung beetles get ready because you are going to be busy rolling up his pooballs.
"Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. Let all your things be done with charity". 1 Cor 16:13-14
Can you feel the love anywhere in Kekel's 'sermon'? Is there ever any love in any of Kekel's exertions? We are going to examine this 'sermon' to see if we can find any love at all, or anything that even closely resembles love. Kekel entitles his 'sermon', "Quit you like men". According to Strong's this phrase means: "To Make a man of, or make brave". Click here to see how all the versions translate this verse. It doesn't have anything to do with quitting. They speak more of being brave or being a man than of quitting; but Kekel wants to make this about quitting the NTCC; which he wants you to believe is the equivalent of rejecting God. That is nonsense. We will put the words of Kekel in Hot "Girly" Pink, so they stand out.
"Interesting the word quit is found in the bible 13 times; a very unlucky word indeed. In the text, the apostle Paul seemed to think that real men don't quit easily and that a Christian man shouldn't quit in a "girly way". In fact he's saying Don't Quit!"
Now we have words in the bible that are "unlucky" because they are mentioned 13 times? How stupid is that? The NTCC used to preach against superstitions like associating the number thirteen with bad luck. They called that being sTuperstitious. I also remember Davis and his want-to-be preachers used to say: "I don't believe in luck, I believe in the grace and the mercy of Almighty Gawd". But the bible says:
I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race [is] not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. Ecc. 9:11
That "time and chance" sure sounds like luck to me! But really, who cares? Kekel really breaks down this scripture in Corinthians to let you know exactly what he thinks the Apostle Paul is thinking. Kekel says that Paul seemed to think that "real men don't quit easily and that a Christian man shouldn't quit in a "girly way"." I wonder what translation of the bible Kekel was using to come up with these pearls of wisdom. After referencing 16 different versions by hitting the "V" key on the Blue Letter Bible page, click here, it's sad to say that none of the versions even remotely implied Kekel's translation. In fact, Kekel contradicts himself. I guess Kekel knows the mind of Paul so well that he doesn't mind adding to or taking away from the apostle's words or the Word of God. According to Kekel's 'sermon' Paul didn't mean that a man should be brave; but the biblical translations imply that a man should be brave. But Kekel thinks Paul meant "that real men don't quit easily and that a Christian man shouldn't quit in a "girly way". In fact he's saying Don't Quit!" But what is Kekel really saying here? He isn't saying anything about people quitting God, but rather those that quit attending the NTCC, and take their tithe elsewhere! Unlike Kekel, we are going to support this with his own words. We are not going to twist or add to or take away from as Kekel did with Paul's words; but we are going to show you how Kekel lies and misguides his loyal tithe-paying followers. Stay with us and we will show you in Kekel's words how that he implies strongly, and in many cases he comes right out and states, that leaving the NTCC is leaving God.
Quitting due to Weakness:
Paul says should demonstrate strength rather than be a quitter. (What verse is that found in?) To justify such behavior and weakness, the 98 lb. spiritual weakling will declare that he is 'still serving God' just not in a church. If so there would have been no grudge, rude comment, offense, disappointment, let down, bad-experience, no sin that could separate him from the church. There is no 'perfect church,' and if there was, it would be ruined by such weaklings starting to attend it.
Here Kekel wrongly assumes and implies that those who leave the NTCC are "separated from the church". Leaving the NTCC is equivalent to leaving God - that is exactly what Kekel is suggesting here. Kekel treats members of the NTCC that are supposed to be his brethren, just like Jesus treated the Pharisees. Paul exhorted people to fight for their Christianity and Salvation, while Kekel warns people not to leave the NTCC like all of the 98 lb. spiritual weaklings have. Jesus truly loved his followers and like Paul He encouraged them. Look at the Girly words of Kekel above, and show us where the love is. There is no 'perfect church,' and if there was, it would be ruined by those weaklings who have left the NTCC. Kekel has no clue to how stupid and condescending he comes across to the people that blindly follow him. In the above paragraph we establish that Kekel refers to those who leave the NTCC as 98 lb. spiritual weaklings and that there is no 'perfect church,' and if there was it would be ruined by [the 98 lb.] weaklings [who] declare[d] that [they are] 'still serving God' just not in a church. Does Kekel actually think about what he says, or does he just spew out a bunch of nonsense? Let's delve into this a little deeper.
"It's time to move on"
"I have a difference of opinion"
"I have lost confidence in my leaders"
"I love everyone, and no one has done anything to me, I'm moving in another direction"
"I'm so free now"
After all, who is going to declare "I want to put my wife on a job" or "I don't like paying tithe" or "my family offered me a job and a free house"? What a hypocrite! Whose family offered Kekel an 'administration' job and a custom house, upgraded to a mansion, upgraded to a bigger mansion, etc.? - you can rest assured we will cover this a little later in this post. Doesn't mikey's wifey work on a job as an interior decorator? Hypocrites. Who would be bold enough to say "I hate the pastor" or "I can't forgive the church for not paying my rent"? Or, "I don't like being accountable for the money, I want to spend it the way I want when I want". Well, that is how NTCC operates - unaccountable. Davis for years has spent the money the way he wants when he wants. Now Kekel follows in his shoes and purchases a $250,000 McLaren car. Come on folks. It is what it is. So Kekel is a hypocrite for accusing others of something he and his daddy-in-law davis have been doing for years! Kookel continues: Not many because they already know how hollow such arguments really are."
Unbelievable. Thoroughly and disgustingly unbelievable. Look at this people. You NTCCers take a look at what your respected leader is saying here. If you leave, Kekel wants you to tell him that you hate the Pastor or you can't forgive the church for not paying your rent. To Kekel, who has had everything handed to him on a silver platter, this is considered manly. If you dare say something like "It's time to move on." then you are a coward and a 98 lb. spiritual weakling (according to Kekel). Can you see the contradiction here? The 'manly' quitter (which is a contradiction of terms, an oxymoron) has an explanation and a repentant attitude, while the 'girly' quitter makes polite excuses. LOL. So if you look carefully at Kekel's weasel words, he is saying that Girly (Cowardly) quitters disappear and refuse to say why, while they say polite things like "I have a difference in opinion" or "I love everyone", (God forbid). But if you are manly (and I agree with Kekel to this extent: just go right up to him and say he's a lying hypocrite and that you hate his phony, fake, lying and hypocritical ways; and that you are sick and tired of making him rich with your tithes; and that you no longer want to be accountable to God for Kekel and Davis wasting all of your tithe payers' hard-earned money.
God forgive me for wasting all my time, energy and money on a bunch of egotistical, lying kooks, who are filled with hatred and disdain toward anyone who disagrees with them and fails to support their lavish lifestyles.
How is that for a manly and straight up assessment of Kekel's attitude? How is that for a repentant heart towards God? Really? You want honesty, Kekel? You want the truth? Well here it is: You complain and call people 'weaklings' and 'cowardly' when they politely leave your borganization without making a fuss or with polite statements that don't spell out all your flaws for you. Then you complain and call people rude, bitter, or hateful when they leave and let you know exactly what your faults are. Well here's a surprise for you, kookel, you can't have it both ways. Only egotistical narcissistic hypocrites like you think they are right 100% of the time and constantly condemn Christians who choose to worship God outside your controlling cult. How do you like that truth?
But here's the truth anyway, Kekel: You are contradicting yourself over and over with this self-serving 'sermon' about quitting. It's a bunch of psychobabble designed to keep people in the place that you want them to be; which is stagnant, and calloused in their hearts toward anyone that exposes you NTCC 'leaders' for the hypocrites and liars that you are. Your doctrine is full of hate and shows no empathy towards the ones for whom Jesus suffered and died. You don't care about the homeless, the poor, the weak or the suffering, widows, and fatherless children. You care about money and numbers, period. How's that for straight up? You stinkin' hypocrite Kekel. Do you respect this? Is this really how you want people to treat you when they leave your cult? Is that not how you treated them? Calling them names, like cowardly weaklings; because they politely want to leave your sleazy organization without insulting you or treating you like you treated them? We should check the dates and see who left the organization at this time to learn who are the fish in the barrel at whom Kekel is taking pot-shots and lobbing character-assassination grenades! Whoever they are, our hat is off to them; because Kekel is clearly afraid of the impact their departure will have on his numbers! That's why he wrote this so-called 'sermon'! LOL.
Let's discuss women on the job for the gazillionth time. Here Kekel states that the excuse of quitters that are leaving the NTCC is that they want to put their wife on a job. Really? What's the difference between that and the women in the organization who babysit for others, do laundry and ironing for others, or clean houses for others, all for pay? What's the difference between that and tanya Kekel working as an interior decorator or teaching bible school classes for pay? Many exers have wives that work; because they have realized that the NTCC has lied and flip-flopped on this issue for their own financial gain. Like a bunch of cowardly hypocrites the NTCC has upbraided and blasted people for allowing their wives to work a job; while at the very same time NTCC urged overseas ministers to commit the same 'sin' of putting their wives on the job; all because the NTCC 'leaders' did not want to financially support the NTCC overseas works even though they promised in writing to do so. That, folks, is called a "breach of contract" and a lie.
HYPOCRITE ALERT!!!!!!!! WARNING!!!! YOU ARE ABOUT TO ENTER THE NTCC HYPOCRITE ZONE!!!!!! Do you see what the NTCC is all about? HELLO?????? It's about your money. WAKE UP!!!!!
Do you see the double standard? It's only a sin if you want your wife to work, or if your family gives you a job, or your family gives you a new house. But when Kekel's daddy-in-law gives him the hook-up, it's suddenly and hypocritically: Praise Gawd brother, Gawd has blessed you with a new house! I would be rejoicing and thanking God if any real Christian brother or sister were given a new house by their parents or anyone else for that matter.
Kekel got new houses and mansions and a job [hypocrite]; but guess who paid for it all? Ding ding ding. That's right! YOU DID! Your cash on the barrel head tithe and offerings, that went to Graham, paid for Kekel's mansions so he could preach to you weaklings, about how cowardly you are for leaving the NTCC cesspool; allegedly because you were given a house by your parents. Can you see Kekel's hypocrisy? What's the difference? He stayed because he was given a cushy job from which he will never be fired, a cushy house that got upgraded to two different huge cushy mansions, a cushy wifey who has her daddy's ear and can keep kushy Kekel there in Washington with a cushy schedule and tons of eager bible school students and sycophant ministers to do the leg work and grease the wheels and keep the tithe money rolling in to his cushy coffers. What a hypocrite! Somebody buy that fella a koosh ball and throw it in the offering basket to remind him of the cushy ride he's had since he got ahold of tanya's TA-TAs when she was 14-15 years old and he was 23-24 years old. Ahem!!! Seriously, folks, is that the fella you think you need to listen to or impress? You don't need him. But he desperately needs your money so he can continue his cushy existence! To quote old davis, "HELLO!" KOOSH! KOOSH! KOOSH! Better yet, somebody buy a bushel basket full of those things, and stand at Kekel's gated driveway entrance, tossing them at his basketball hoop. When the goons come to inquire what you are doing, tell them you are practicing your three-point shots, since Kekel reversed old man davis' doctrine on basketball being a sin. Ahem. But getting back to the whole cushy topic at hand, that Kekel has had everything handed to him on a silver platter:
Continued in our next post:
Part 2 Tour NTCC 5: Kekel's Mansions Inspired by "Quit Like a Man" Another Blathering Contribution from the Blackened Heart of Kekel to You
Other Related posts / videos:
Kekel's $250,000 Car
Originally published on 8/12/13, we have re-published to provide continuity in the series.
I was wrong - thought my son hadn't seen the car . . . . he had. It is Black - he personally saw it at the church himself, with his own eyes, with Kekel....when he was showing it to him. YES, the car does exist. It has been seen.
ReplyDeleteThanks for confirming this Kat. We did however, believe you the first time and your son. The ntcc has always been very secretive about their finances and we know that Kekel is all about materialism. We don't need a sworn affidavit or video evidence to confirm that Kekel is a filthy rich sleaze-bag with a 1/4 million dollar car.
ReplyDeleteThe ntcc leaders would always say that you needed 2 or 3 witnesses to bring an accusation against one of them, but they only used that to discredit people who came forth with accusations against them. Guess what, I could care less about maintaining their standards or following their rules. If Kekel would like to deny this, he is welcome to post a comment on this blog. We'll be glad to hear his version, but guess what? He won't say a word because he knows it's true. Just like Kinson could not and would not say he didn't visit a whore house. In a Clintonesque fashion Kinson said, my wife is the only woman I have ever slept with. Well, Phil, you don't go to a whore house to sleep, now do you?
The sad thing about all this is that these narcissists don't see anything wrong with what they do. All I can say is that no more of my tithe money is going to go towards a 250 thousand dollar car or to a preacher so he can get off with a prostitute in an oriental Brothel and then get promoted.
Thanks, I didn't doubt you did - I did want to confirm it though . . . . you never know.
ReplyDeleteLove the post - it's just amazing, the first mansion just wasn't enough. I remembered seeing the first one and the one they moved to. Wow - just WOW
And Amen to your comment - You know, I'd like to encourage money grub bags too - I'd LOVE to see a financial statement from them. A real church should never deny showing one. In fact, it's the legit churches who make them public information. What's their to hide . . . . . besides cars, mansions, and Brothels, all inclusive trips, and on and on and on and on and on.
Kat said:
ReplyDelete"Love the post - it's just amazing, the first mansion just wasn't enough."
DnA said:
First of all, we are glad you enjoyed this post. I feel like we were all over the place and that much of what we wrote is hard to follow and probably should have been condensed a little bit. I have a tendency to be lengthy and I know that a lot of folks probably don't have the time or attention span to follow all of what we are saying. We will try to work on this in the future.
Kat said:
ReplyDelete"I'd LOVE to see a financial statement from them. A real church should never deny showing one."
DnA said:
I would love to see this also but there are a few obvious reasons that this will never happen.
1. On the grounds that it would legally incriminate them. For a non-profit church organization that has made it's leaders filthy rich, an honest financial statement would only prove how they have misappropriated money and implicate them in financial scandal.
2. When you have things to hide, transparency reveals your secrets.
3. Documents and paper trails lead to financial accountability and when you get rich by lying to people about where their money actually goes, you run the risk of someone getting really mad and seeking justice through physical aggressive negotiations.
4. Can you imagine how mad people would be if the ntcc were honest about what they have really done with everyone's hard earned money? "We told you that all of your tithes, offerings and world missions pledges were going towards the work of the Lord but here is a financial statement that proves where your money really has gone. We needed to send Grant to private school, and we thought it would be nice to have a quarter million dollar car to cruise around in." I'm sure that would go over very well with the tithe paying masses.
After reading some of the comments here, I think that I will read what has been said in it's entirety before commenting.
ReplyDeleteI will say this. RW Davis does look a lot like George Herman "Babe" Ruth. Take a look at some of Babes pictures on you-tube. I know. It's off subject. But I couldn't help but notice it.