
Monday, January 7, 2013

Dave Armer's Petition to the White House

Dear friends,

I wanted to let you know about a new petition I created on We the People, a new feature on, and ask for your support. Will you add your name to mine? If this petition gets 25,000 signatures by February 03, 2013, the White House will review it and respond!
We the People allows anyone to create and sign petitions asking the Obama Administration to take action on a range of issues. If a petition gets enough support, the Obama Administration will issue an official response.

You can view and sign the petition here:

Here's some more information about this petition:

We call upon the Whitehouse to:
Eliminate corruption in non profits, by calling upon Congress + IRS to require all Tax Exempt groups file anually, IRS Form 990
Religious institutions were granted Constitutional protections by our founding fathers, without government intrusion.

Tax law that was intended to support the free exercise of religious liberty, has been used by some groups, and individuals, to hide the excessive compensation, nefarious financial activities, and pecuniary gain of the founders, boards of directors, executives, and managers of some of these groups.

In Order to promote transparency, freedom of information, and accountability by public scrutiny, We call upon Congress, and the IRS to change the tax code + require all Tax Exempt Organizations as well as all Not for Profit Corporations, be required to file IRS Form 990 with all schedules, and supporting documentation, and require that these documents be open, and searchable on on the internet, at no cost to the public, beginning in the current tax year, and for the past 10 years. A small fee, based upon gross income of each of these non profits could be levied to pay for this data base, and service, in exchange for the privilege of tax exemption.

A lack of accountability and transparency exists in the statutes of the current tax code, that protect violators of the tax exempt status, at the expense of members, congregations, and donors to these organizations, and groups. These organizations leaders are charged with the fiduciary oversight, and stewardship of resources of these groups that they claim to serve, unfortunately, many do not fulfill this charge by their conduct. We request that the Commissioner of The IRS, and Congress amend these tax statutes in order to close these loopholes.

Thank You.

Luk 16:11 "If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true [riches]?"

An Organization that won't provide financial transparency should not be trusted with your soul.

Should the ntcc and other nonprofits show where the money goes?  You have the power to decide.  Let the government know how you feel by signing the petition @

Sign The Petition!  Stop The Lies.  Video Click Here

Why wouldn't the ntcc want you to know where the money goes and how much real estate they have acquired???

Luke 11:33 No man, when he hath lighted a candle, putteth [it] in a secret place, neither under a bushel, but on a candlestick, that they which come in may see the light.


  1. To sign the petition you will need one active e-mail account for each person who signs. That data remains private - other people who sign won't see your e-mail address. The petition site will also ask for your first and last name; but only your first initial of your first name and your full last name will be published or visible to others who view the petition. The zip code request is optional. So if you don't want people to know your town, just leave that blank. :-)

    1. The name info has been reversed. Now your full first name and only the first initial of your last name appear. Weird but true.

  2. Wonder why any honest church would not want the Gov./public to see there earning statements, records concerning how much they take in, and how much they pay out for church upkeep, salaries, donations, etc. Jesus even paid taxes to ceaser. When i attented NTCC back 1983-1985 it seemed to me to be a different church at that time although i did not and could not fully trust RWD becaue of his racial slurs and other comments, but i did trust my Pastor at the time Rev. Ashmore who i thought was very sincere and true, however when he got promoted and moved to st. louis from wa. i could see the change in him.

  3. To answer your excellent question, Anonymous, any honest church would have no problem with having their financial records reviewed by both the public and the government. I've seen groups who voluntarily report such information to their followers. The fact that ntcc hides their data indicates COVER UP / MISAPPROPRIATION / FRAUD.

  4. Hey........It works!!!!!!!

  5. Wow, this is good Don and Ange. I plan to get on it when get a chance.

  6. We have added a video to this Petition blog post. You can sign the petition by click on the link above this comment.

  7. I just checked the signature page. It is only showing the initials of first and last names. If the person did not put a zip code on the form, their city does not appear. That makes it easy to remain anonymous. The government sees your e-mail, but the public only sees the initials of your name and only sees your city if you fill in the zip code.

  8. Thanks for promoting this petition.I heard that the White house had this option, and I checked it out. Please send it out for your friends, and associates to sign. It seems like the more secretive the finances are, the more corruption there is. Keep up the good work, Don and Ange!


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