Trading Spouses - ntcc's way; but NOT God's Way! |
A. St. Louis, MO to be matched up with a recycled spouse.
B. Graham, WA to be matched up with a recycled spouse.
C. Phoenix, AZ to be matched up with a recycled spouse.
D. On the "revival" circuit to find a new spouse [ahem].
I know there are many in the ntcc that will not receive this; after all, in their eyes, we are just "negative and bitter X-ers that have an aXe to grind". While pondering all this, I couldn't help but think about
the complete disregard for the institution of marriage that is exhibited by the ntcc. The vows that a man and woman take are supposed to be for life; and God has much to say about the commitment of marriage.
It's plain to see that divorce and the breaking up of families is a huge problem in the ntcc. There are wives and husbands that are in the ntcc that have put away their spouses and are now on their 2nd, 3rd and 4th marriages in what obviously is commonplace in the ntcc.
This is nothing more than spouse swapping! The men and women of the ntcc might as well throw their car keys in a big bowl and have a drawing; whoever pulls out your keys is the one you drive home with!
In ntcc if you get tired of your spouse, not to worry; the ntcc leadership can (and will) match-make you with a recycled spouse; everything will be okay! I have to wonder if folks in the ntcc even read their bibles; or do they just refuse to believe in the scriptures that deal with divorce and adultery? Instead they listen to false doctrines of men that make them adulterers and adulteresses. They buy into the li(n)e that if Pastor says it's okay, it's okay. I wouldn't want to get marriage counsel from an adulterer.
A little over a year ago, I came to God just as I was. I didn't prepare my life or try to change what I was; but in the realization of my spiritual condition, I asked for forgiveness and experienced salvation. Prior to this, I had forsaken God and chose to live a life contrary to that which I knew to be true. God had mercy on me and not only forgave me but also gave me a wife.
I saw many in the ntcc treat their wives like a dog that peed on their carpet or like property or even worse, but few that really lived an example of love for one another. I love my wife. She is the most important person on this earth to me. I have no desire to control her or to manipulate her. I was serious about the vows that we took; and I plan on spending the rest of my life with her. By the grace of God our marriage will be a biblical one; and we will not disregard God's word and become dissatisfied with what God has put together.
In the ntcc men have found their vows to be meaningless and chosen to dump the wives that they were joined together with so that they could move on to a different situation.
I think the CULTure in the ntcc creates an environment that makes women slaves to preachers that have been taught to believe that they are a god to their wives. They are taught to treat their women with little or no respect.
When a woman is abused sexually, physically, mentally or spiritually and she tries to get help from the ntcc leadership, more often than not, she is not believed; and she is expected to continue allowing that man to abuse her.
When women try to seek help at a time when they have been betrayed by their husbands, the ntcc leadership will often blame them for being "too fat and undesirable" to please their husbands; which are, in many cases, also "fat and undesirable" themselves.
This type of behavior is not what you would find displayed in a Christian church! Why do ntcc'ers have such a hard time believing that they are in a cult? Why are we made out to be "the devil" and "haters of God", when all we do is point to the sad truth of what the ntcc is all about?
To those that are in the ntcc that read this blog, please think really hard before you allow someone to influence and destroy your relationship with your family! Love and cherish the wife or husband that God gave you and seek not another. Honor your vows. If the unbelieving wife (or husband) is pleased to dwell with you, don't put them away and marry another spouse. The unbeliever is sanctified by the believer.
Don't allow the ntcc to decide for you that your spouse is an unbeliever and needs to be put away! Just because someone wants to serve God in a church other than ntcc, that does not mean they have departed from the faith. There is no biblical grounds for the ntcc spouse to divorce them.
Beware of the Pharisees. Beware of the wedges that they try to drive in between families, recommending divorce simply because one person wants to serve God in a different church! As the bond of marriage is destroyed so also is the family destroyed. Once the family is destroyed there is very little that can be done to restore it, especially when a man DX's* his wife for a newer model; or the wife does the same.
*[DX is military jargon for Direct eXchange, substituting one like thing for another. That's fine for a jacket that doesn't fit but inappropriate treatment of a life partner as God intended your spouse to be.]
Before deciding to allow ntcc to destroy your family, do yourself a favor. Get to a movie theater and watch "Courageous". Those vows are meant to be sacred! If you can't afford to go to a theater, the DVD will be released soon. In the mean time check the local library or at least pick up a copy of "Fireproof" and watch it. Never leave your partner behind.
Courageous Movie Trailer: Video Link
Salt and Pepper - Video Link
Please note:
A marriage as God intends does not include any form of abuse.
If two are one, how can one abuse oneself? Will you yell at yourself or punch yourself? That is not natural. If you are in an abusive relationship, please remove yourself to a safe environment and seek help, preferably OUTSIDE the ntcc. Too many people have sought help from the ntcc leaders and have been further abused by their poor counsel to "stay and obey" even when physical abuse was present. That is not God's plan for you, His Beloved.
What if you are guilty of adultery as defined by the gospels?
Matthew 5:32
Matthew 19:9
Mark 10:11-12
Luke 16:18
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9
Your families are counting on you. Choose life.
you promised
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