
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Part 2: ntcc Holiness Or Hell: What's the Difference? (The Pork Chop Whiskers Hall Of Fame)

The Gloating Cat

A moment ago, while posting a comment on the previous thread, the word "holiness" came to mind; and I had to write a new thread; because it dawned on me that there is little difference in the "Holier than Thou" attitude projected by the ntcc leadership and that of the Pharisees. It's not really holiness that is in question here; but it is the policies and doctrines of the ntcc that are very hard to swallow. Holiness that is preached to the masses at the ntcc is based on a few scriptures that deal with customs and what was considered to be appropriate attire and hair length: dressing modestly, long hair on women, and short hair on men. These scriptures were given little emphasis compared to many other subjects in the New Testament; but they were mentioned. From these few scriptures the leadership of the ntcc and its founder have created the "davis doctrine" which encompasses a whole lot more than hair length and dresses on women, and loose fitting pants on men. Let's look at the differences in what God says in His word and what the davis doctrine has to say.

For the purpose of this comparison we are going to use New Testament scriptures. For those of you who don't know this, we are living under the New Testament; hence the name new testament christian churches of america, inc.

1. Modest apparel: 1Tim 2:9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array

The subject of modest apparel is mentioned one time in the New Testament and is not kept, nor has it ever been kept by the ntcc leadership. Let's take a look at the ntcc leadership to see how they "lead the way" in this category. Modest apparel....hmmm. How often have we seen tanya kekel looking like jello poured into a ziplock baggy? What's the difference? Okay so maybe she outgrew her clothing at the time and now she's no longer doing that. We'll give her the benefit of doubt. This Scripture is also used by the ntcc to preach against jewelry. Gold and pearls. It's okay to wear diamond wedding rings and for the men to wear pinky rings? What's the difference? Costly array: Should we even go there?  Lets go there. For this segment we have to look at the leadership of the ntcc to find rebellion against God's word; because the lowly members are made to shop at kook stores and other second hand venues such as flea markets and garage sales; where you have to wash you hands at your earliest convenience; because the clothes are so filthy and stink so bad. Just take a look at how the leadership of the ntcc is adorned in costly array. With their tailored white shirts and gold cuff-links, their expensive silk ties and Hart Schaffner and Marx suits that cost more than a set of new tires on the luxury cars they drive. And the women in their get-ups with Alpaca scarves that cost more than dinner for 6 at the Red Lobster. They shop at the expensive stores and buy dresses and outfits made of the best materials that money can buy. While we were shopping at kook stores and garage sales; they were shopping at Nordstroms and Nieman Marcus; and those are the 'lower end' places that they shop, especially with the internet available; where Saks Fifth Avenue or Rodeo Drive choices are available. What's the difference?

2. Hair Length: 1 Cor 11:14,15 Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given to her for a covering.

These two verses are all that can be found in the new testament that specify hair length and cover both men and women on the topic. I know the ntcc just loves to preach about this topic as if it were the most important subject in the bible. Don't ever ask the question, "How short is short?" or "How long is long?"; unless you want to get thoroughly jacked up. If you have to ask that question than your heart must be full of compromise and the desire for sin. Whatever. No where in either of these scriptures is an exact length specified. The ntcc makes that decision for you by jacking you up if you are a man and your hair gets too long. I believe that common sense is implied here; and that if it were an offense that places people in hell that God would have been more specific about it.  Have you ever noticed that the control mechanisms that the ntcc has created are way more restrictive on women than they are on men? Case in point: The scripture says a woman is to have long hair. No where in the bible does it say that it can't be cut. It's supposed to cover her head; and it's a glory to her when it is long. They have to use cult code words like "chopped off" and "bobbed off" to make it seem exceedingly sinful. In vs. 5-7 it speaks about being shaved or shorn but that refers to her being shaved bald. Of course this also is argued by the ntcc; because if they can't convince women to not cut their hair than they lose a control mechanism. What's the difference? If a woman gets her hair trimmed and prays to God is she going to "split hell wide open" faster than the woman who never gets her hair cut? It's also alright for a woman that has short hair that won't grow to wear wigs so they can put on a facade and pretend to be someone they are not. Just ask verna. Sounds like too much emphasis on the outward appearance to me. Mt. 23:5 "They make broad their Phylacteries and enlarge the borders of their garments". What's the difference? "Look at us, we are working our way into heaven." "We are special above all other people of the land." The Pharisees live for the praises of their own people and not that of God. I know that many people are not like this and not doing it for the same reasons; but what's the difference?

3. Lasciviousness: Gal 5:19 "Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleaness, lasciviousness

This word that the ntcc uses to preach at men and woman can be found 6 times in the New Testament and is defined in it's original text all six times as: unbridled lust, excess, licentiousness, lasciviousness, wantoness, outrageousness, shamelessness and insolence. Also, wanton acts or manners, filthy words, indecent bodily movements, unchaste handling of males and females.

You have to look up definitions of words used to define lascivious to link it to the way people dress. That's okay, lets go down this road. Although the word describes behavior more than a dress code I believe that if you dress obscenely you can fall into that category. It's listed with some pretty bad sins; so again let's use a little common sense here. If a man wears shorts that don't draw attention to his private region are they still lascivious? If a man (kekel's son) wears football pants that are made out of spandex and conform to every curvature of his anatomy, no matter how small, is that lascivious? What's the difference? You be the judge. Shorts nowadays are not cut like the basketball shorts of the 70's. They are knee length and usually fit loosely not exposing the private parts of a man and woman; although women today tend to wear their clothes tighter than men do. Some men like to wear pants and shorts that fall off their butts and expose themselves in a perverse way. I say common sense has to rule here. If a woman wears a dress that in ntcc makes her look modest but you can still see her calves, what is the difference if a man wears shorts down to his knees that fit right and you can see his calves? If you are lusting after calves and elbows you have issues and need God to perform a miracle in your heart. I say the problem is in the heart and not in the outward appearance. All that being said, I have no problem with people living the ntcc's version of holiness if it's of their own free will. But who cares what I think? It's when they flaunt it and say, "Look at how great we are living in comparison to the rest of the world!". Is this really "holiness" as God intended for it to be in the bible?

4. Facial hair 1 dav 1:1 (dav is short for davis in case you were wondering...) "Thou shalt not have a beard or mustache; or thou shalt surely die and go to hell".
Photo Gallery:
The "Porkchop Whiskers" Hall Of Fame:

Alex Kendrick of Sherwood

Bart Millard of Mercy Me 

Mark Hall of Casting Crowns 

Mac Powell of Third Day 

Would Jesus Wear A Beard? 
Don aka "Porkchop Whiskers" 

Try showing up to conference in a beard or mustache and see how that goes for you. Jesus would not be welcome in the ntcc, unless He was willing to shave it off. I've been referred to as Pork Chop Whiskers by those in the ntcc; because they feel they need something to lash out at. That's okay. I can take it. I have thick skin. I learned how to be an outcast when I was in the ntcc. I learned how to dress like a dork, while I was in the ntcc. Next time you think you are so much holier than all those around you, take a look at the Amish and the Mennonites and the Quakers:
They put you to shame with their outward appearance. If you are going to use the same old mantra that "There is no such thing as being too holy." then have the women wear their dresses down to the ground; and cover your elbows, stop wearing wedding rings, and pinky rings, and Alpaca scarves, and all the other junk you wear.

5. Make-up: 1 dav 1:2 If thou paintest thy face thou shalt surely die and go to hell.

This scripture is found no where in the new testament but only in the book of Davis. He refers only to Jezebel painting her face; but nowhere does it say in the entire bible that women can't use make up. Can we bring common sense into the equation again? It's been shared that board members' wives in the ntcc use foundation and wrinkle cream. What's the difference?

What's the difference? This question can be applied to all of the man-made rules and policies of the ntcc. What is the difference in watching tv and listening to audio books with the same stories and language? What's the difference between playing basketball or football with sinners or going over to kekel's house and playing volleyball? What's the difference between staying in touch with family members and letting them know that you love them and are genuinely concerned about them and doing the same for your church contacts? What's the difference in listening to southern gospel and contemporary Christian music? Whose opinions are you going to follow? What's the difference in having a tv or devilvision and watching a good movie and kekel doing the same thing on a computer monitor with a dvd player. Does the ntcc have a monopoly on discretion? What's the difference in kekel going to a dog show and you owning a dog?  What's the difference in kekel going to a bluegrass festival and you going to a country music concert at the park? What's the difference in the ntcc leadership spiritually abusing you over and over again and a wife beater that physically beats his wife over and over again. I think I'd rather receive physical beatings than what I received in the ntcc. What's the difference?

The common denominator between the ntcc and a fiefdom or dictatorship, is that the 'leader' makes harsh rules that others must obey; but that the 'leader' does not follow. In fiefdoms and dictatorships, this double standard and hypocrisy is expected. But such double standards (two sets of rules) and hypocrisy (saying one thing, while living something else) have no place in Christianity. Chirst led by example. He never asks us to do anything that He Himself has not done or is not willing to do. That's the difference between Christ and the ntcc leadership. Frankly, Christ is the One we all need to follow; not the ntcc hypocrites who "say and do not". Jesus walked the walk. ntcc 'leaders' only talk the talk. Let's not be talkers; but walk in the path Jesus laid out for us.


  1. Bingo! If a group will sanction some jewelry, what's wrong with any of it? Why not ban all jewelry if you believe it's bible?
    Costly array, that's a joke. Guess it's all relative. My wife got that $1,000 purse on sale, so its cool.
    Facial hair. That NTCC pastor showed up to conference with a beard a few years ago and was told "we're still holiness brother". Next service it was shaved. What does a beard have to do with holiness?
    All these rules are there because the rulemakers don't trust those they lead. The rulemakers know their own hearts well enough to expect the same behavior from their loyal subjects. Its all about control baby.

    Modesty is not your wife pouring herself into a tight knit skirt or dress outfit with her back fat and every other lump and bump showing. Some women in pants are far less revealing than that.

    Woman's hair, if she is going to be "holy" and not cut it, then she better not burn it with curlers or perm it off either. Duh!

    Lasciviousness is rampant in a "holy" group.

    Tue Apr 26, 03:15:00 PM

  2. Great porkchop whiskers hall of fame. That's one holy bunch of dudes. :-)

    Tue Apr 26, 03:19:00 PM

  3. Anonymous said, "Modesty is not your wife pouring herself into a tight knit skirt or dress outfit with her back fat and every other lump and bump showing. Some women in pants are far less revealing than that."

    Don and Ange say,

    You said it. And that crack about "back fat" is so true and so funny! I'd rather have the Christian lady who wears pants but does not condemn others praying for me and working along side of me in the ministry, than have some holier-than-thou hypocrite in a dress so tight she waddles like a penguin and looks like a water balloon getting ready to burst every time she tries to bend over. That second woman is missing the modesty point blank.

    Anonymous also said,

    "Costly array, that's a joke."

    Don and Ange say,

    Ha, ha, folks. The joke is on you; as you sacrifice and force your kids and wife to wear used clothing so you can 'impress' the 'man of gawd' with your giving; the board members' wives make another trip to the Sea-Tac malls to buy new designer dresses on sale for only $120. Ahem.

    Come on folks. Wake up and smell the coffee. Which, if your last name is kekel, costs only $25/lb. on sale from Gevalia; while you "strong backs but weak minds" are laughed at for drinking "that pine bark" tasting stuff.

    Don and Ange

    Tue Apr 26, 03:47:00 PM

  4. Anonymous said,

    "Great porkchop whiskers hall of fame. That's one holy bunch of dudes. :-)"

    Don and Ange say,

    Thanks, Anonymous, for the compliment. Yes. Those musicians with their "worldly" contemporary Christian music each have reached more souls with only one of their songs, than davis and his disciples have accomplished in their lifetimes.

    Music is an awesome tool for praise and worship. The bible constantly admonishes and teaches us to use music in our worship of Christ. No wonder the devul lashes out against God's children with silly names like pork chop whiskers, or false accusations about the music being "too worldly". The devul can't afford to allow you to feel the presence of God that will accompany praise inspired by the likes of Third Day, Casting Crowns, and Mercy Me. not to mention countless other Christian artists outside the realm of Southern gospel music.

    Music was just another form of control in the ntcc machine. Find out for yourself if God moves and blesses when you listen to it, that's all the approval you need. =D

    Don and Ange

    Tue Apr 26, 03:55:00 PM

  5. That NTCC pastor showed up to conference with a beard a few years ago and was told "we're still holiness brother". Next service it was shaved.

    How many times I heard the phrase
    "we are still holiness". Should that sentence end with a period or a question mark?

    Tue Apr 26, 04:11:00 PM

  6. Don and Ange said "The devul can't afford to allow you to feel the presence of God that will accompany praise inspired by the likes of Third Day, Casting Crowns, and Mercy Me. not to mention countless other Christian artists outside the realm of Southern gospel music."

    Thats the truth.

    Tue Apr 26, 04:13:00 PM

  7. Anonymous asked, "How many times I heard the phrase
    "we are still holiness". Should that sentence end with a period or a question mark?"

    YES. Let's not worry too much about gnats like punctuation. There are exceptions to most of the rules governing the use of the English language. So try not to worry about those gnats; instead let's avoid swallowing the camels of ntcc false doctrine. If it was okay for Jesus to wear a beard, it is okay for Christian men to do so. =D

    Don and Ange

    Tue Apr 26, 04:43:00 PM

  8. Anonymous said, "Thats the truth."

    Don and Ange say,

    Thanks for the agreement. We hope it means you are enjoying the freedom in Christ to worship Him with music of many genres.

    Tue Apr 26, 04:46:00 PM

  9. Anonymous wrote,

    "Facial hair. That NTCC pastor showed up to conference with a beard a few years ago and was told "we're still holiness brother". Next service it was shaved. What does a beard have to do with holiness?"

    Don and Ange say,

    WOW! We are amazed that an ntcc pastor even tried to grow a beard! Those davis facial hair doctrines used to be preached so hard, no one would even attempt to grow a beard.

    And to answer your question, a beard has nothing to do with holiness. Jesus had one until it was plucked out by those who crucified Him.

    Don and Ange

    P.S. Who was the bearded pastor? Is he still with the ntcc today?

    Tue Apr 26, 04:51:00 PM

  10. Anonymous said, "Bingo! If a group will sanction some jewelry, what's wrong with any of it? Why not ban all jewelry if you believe it's bible?"

    Don and Ange say,

    Right. What is the difference if you are wearing a cheap kook store necklace, or an expensive ivory brooch?

    What is the difference if you wear a POW's MIA tin bracelet or an expensive Rolex watch?

    What is the difference if you wear a mood ring from 7-11 or a three thousand dollar pinky ring the poor church members sacrificed to buy you?

    The thing that bothers us about davis doctrine is that he and his are such double standard hypocrites who think it is okay for them to do these things while condemning others for doing the same or less. Often the church members want to wear something to remind them of others; but the ntcc 'leaders' want to wear things to draw undue attention to themselves or their money. Pride.

    Don and Ange

    Tue Apr 26, 05:03:00 PM

  11. Anonymous asked, "What does a beard have to do with holiness?"

    Don and Ange say,

    Nothing. A beard has nothing to do with holiness. But facial hair is a quick and very visible way to see who is loyal to the borg.

    That is why davis makes such a big deal out of these doctrines. davis always has to test you to make sure you are loyal / obedient to him. That's really what his doctrines are all about, not holiness.

    Don and Ange

    Tue Apr 26, 05:07:00 PM

  12. "That NTCC pastor showed up to conference with a beard a few years ago and was told "we're still holiness brother". Next service it was shaved.

    That preacher was put back in his place and probably promised he would be a good boy, surpised he showed up with it at all, what did he expect? Did he think he was going to change the rules? Maybe GK will come back from college with facial hair and then we'll see what happens.

    Tue Apr 26, 05:26:00 PM

  13. Anonymous said, Maybe GK will come back from college with facial hair and then we'll see what happens.

    If he comes back at all.

    Tue Apr 26, 05:43:00 PM

  14. Anonymous noted, "Maybe GK will come back from college with facial hair and then we'll see what happens."

    Don and Ange say,

    That is a valid point, Anonymous. If grant kekel does it, it will be accepted in the ntcc; right? Why say that? Because every other ntcc rule changed to suit the kekel's fancy when it came to spoiling grant.

    No kids on the campground. Oh wait, grant is too big to hide in a motor home. Now kids are okay on the campground.

    No watching the devilvision. Oh wait, grant kekel got caught watching DVD's on his computer monitor. Now it's okay to watch the t.v.

    No using the sinnernet. Oh wait, grant kekel went to a private prep school where he had to use the internet to compete with his classmates. Now it's okay to use the internet.

    blah, blah, blah

    If grant dyes his hair purple, the ntcc would sanction that or any other grant kekel behavior that in the past would have landed your child soundly in hell and you right there with them. In fact, davis taught you would be "utter failures" and you would "split hell wide open" for all the things that grant does and that kekel allows. But remember what tanya (davis) kekel says, "It's different when it's your own kid." giggle, shrug, GAG.

    Don and Ange

    Tue Apr 26, 05:45:00 PM

  15. Anonymous quoted Anonymous saying, "Anonymous said, Maybe GK will come back from college with facial hair and then we'll see what happens." and then added "If he comes back at all."

    Don and Ange say,

    Right on. You took the words right off of our keyboard!

    Will grant kekel attend the ntcs or run ntcc? That remains to be seen.

    Does davis describe his daughter tanya and son in law mike kekel as "utter failures" the way davis described parents whose ntcc children wanted to attend secular college?

    Does davis call grant kekel a "sinner" for not attending the ntc seminary?

    Does a double standard exist in the ntcc? Why stay and promote a group with obvious double standards? Was Christ a hypocrite Who said one thing but lived another? No. Why lead people to Christ and then teach them to follow men who are hypocrites? Do you really want to be a partaker in other men's sins?

    Jesus lived what He taught. If we call ourselves Christians, shouldn't we do the same?

    Don and Ange

    Tue Apr 26, 05:58:00 PM

  16. "Modesty is not your wife pouring herself into a tight knit skirt or dress outfit with her back fat and every other lump and bump showing."

    Dat must be jelly cuz jam don't shake like dat!!!

    Wed Apr 27, 07:43:00 AM

  17. "Modesty is not your wife pouring herself into a tight knit skirt or dress outfit with her back fat and every other lump and bump showing."

    Well, R.Davis always did like fat back

    Wed Apr 27, 07:44:00 AM

  18. Pork chops and fatback, great blog.

    Wed Apr 27, 07:58:00 AM

  19. Fat Back, lol! chicharrones!! Talk about a heart attack in a bag: Deep fat-fried fat off the skin of a filthy hog??? What's the appeal? Eeww! Sounds like some poor slob had nothing else to eat so he did what hungry people everywhere do: fried it, buried it in pepper sauce, held his nose, and took the plunge. But why market that junk??? Think I'd rather have fried chicken lips!

    Wed Apr 27, 08:21:00 AM

  20. Ah yes, hot sauce shall cover the multitude of sins!

    Wed Apr 27, 08:22:00 AM

  21. I recall back in 1974 RW had Bro. Patterson from Denver preach. We were all shocked- he had a mustache. And preached from the pulpit at 2170F. Then also many folks from other denominations preached in BSchool. RW preached in Merced, CA 1975, where they taught it was unholy for a man to show his forearms. Poor me, I was in a military- khaki short sleeve shirt. Yet RW and CO Sensabaugh preached there. I was there - went with Mom and Pop... "Gospel Defenders" Church. Co and RW had no yet split. But we learned anyone who split with RW was lost. No exceptions. They has "compromised"

    Wed Apr 27, 07:56:00 PM

  22. Good info, double-D. It's pretty amazing when you think about it. rwd is the the lost one and the compromiser. Back in the early days you probably seen stuff that would make many people leave the ntcc if they were to witness it. I didn't come along until 83 and during my first conference the ntcc was already in Holly Hills church which according to rumor was the church that ntcc had obtained in answer to rwd's prayer for a million dollars. He was already preaching against all other doctrines and had many control doctrines in place. There are still some old timers around that witnessed the hypocrisy that you have seen but they chose to turn a blind eye to it.

    Thu Apr 28, 08:36:00 AM

  23. Yeah, I have all the old sermons on tape, and from listening to them, and reading what the bloggers are reporting- RW preaches today- -and the clones of RW- there's no difference- the same old tired cliches- no more grace no more love- you'd think that a person's teaching would evolve into more gracious- over time- knowing how merciful the Lord has been to them- "Blessed are the merciful for THEY shall receive mercy!

    I just feel blessed (-that I'm out-) when I read- of the woes of the likes of JP Rodrigues and others- belittled for their "lack of success". May I ask what is the true measure of success? Nothing NTCC knows about! by all evidence!

    Thu Apr 28, 08:39:00 PM

  24. If it was numbers we're going by, Billy Graham, Joel Osteen, TD Jakes, Kenneth Copeland, Rick Warren, Chuck Smith, Chuck Colson, Charles Stanley and even gay Eddie Long are more successful. There are many more preachers that reach more people in a week than NTCC has in its ranks.

    Fri Apr 29, 01:44:00 PM

  25. double-D said, "Yeah, I have all the old sermons on tape, and from listening to them, and reading what the bloggers are reporting- RW preaches today- -and the clones of RW- there's no difference- the same old tired cliches- no more grace no more love- you'd think that a person's teaching would evolve into more gracious- over time- knowing how merciful the Lord has been to them-"

    Don and Ange say,

    Very well put! It's like the bible record of the men accusing the woman of adultery, "caught in the very act". When the Lord told them, "...He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. ... And they which heard [it], being convicted by [their own] conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, [even] unto the last:"-John 8

    You get the impression that the eldest had the most to be convicted about. But they needed the Lord to remind them about mercy.

    Great comment, double-D.

    Don and Ange

    Fri Apr 29, 06:57:00 PM

  26. Anonymous said,

    "If it was numbers we're going by"

    Don and Ange say,

    How about the Catholic Church? Or the Methodist? Or the Presbyterian? Or any other mainstream church? All of them would beat davis in a per capita or per year comparison too.

    Peter preached the first time and three thousand souls got saved. Because he preached in the power of the Holy Spirit.

    He wasn't telling them that all Christian's pay tithes and give in offerings.

    He didn't have a song service to hide taking up the offering.

    And he didn't need a watch on a podium to dictate exactly how long his cookiej-cutter service would last!

    He preached what God gave Him to say and allowed God to move.

    There was no building, no pews, no fences, and no p.a. system.

    He never attended a single workshop or put on a single skit.

    Imagine that.

    And he didn't ask or get anyone's permission to do so.

    Imagine that:

    Just a man and God:

    Boom. Success. Souls saved.

    Don and Ange

    Fri Apr 29, 07:07:00 PM

  27. Somebody should tell those guys in the photos that if they want to do something for God, they'd better shave!

  28. Shave? I hope you are using satire. Maybe you should tell Jesus to shave. Or would you rather pluck his beard yourself?

  29. Vic said:

    "Shave? I hope you are using satire. Maybe you should tell Jesus to shave. Or would you rather pluck his beard yourself?"

    DnA said:

    I would have to assume that anonymous was using satire. You know, that's how it is in the ntcc. How could you do something for God with sin in your life. Doesn't matter who defines sin. In the ntcc, Davis defines sin. Kekel defines sin. This is an ntcc definition of sin,

    "He who hath facial hair can not inherit the kingdom of God."

    How can you do anything for God if you don't shave? The ntcc won't let you do anything for God if you don't shave. I know that there are plenty of people with facial hair that put the ntcc to shame; and the facial hair rule is just one rule. There are thousands of rules that the ntcc considers to be sin and if people transgress these rules they will find themselves outside of the ntcc's graces. Get a life. Find a church. Leave your cult and discover real salvation.



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