
Thursday, November 26, 2015

Who Gets Paid While You Get Played?

"All Christians pay tithes and give in offerings".  This is a line that ntcc ministers are taught to say before every offering they take up; and the ntcc REQUIRES them to say it each time.  Why would they teach this in bible school?  And why would they enforce it out in the various works?  It's not biblical; that's for sure.  They reinforce this teaching over and over again so that people will not question their motives; and they will blindly pull out their wallets and pay up.  They use manipulative terminology like, "Paid up, Prayed up, and Ready to go up", which implies that you are not ready for the rapture unless you pay your Christian fees and dues.  This is a false doctrine and is nowhere to be found in the bible.  All Christians in the ntcc are indoctrinated from their rebirth into ntcc-style Christianity to know for certain that if they expect to make heaven their home, it's going to involve paying tithe and giving in offerings.  If they don't pay their tithe, they will be too heavy when the rapture takes place; and God will pass over them.  How is it that people like Ashmore, who's referred to as a walking bible, have never set the record straight?  All of the executive board members of the ntcc know the bible well enough to know that paying tithe is not a Christian requirement.  And the fact that they preach tithe or hell makes them all false prophets and money grubbing hypocrites.  The sad thing is that all ntcc'rs go along with it without questioning their motives.  We have referred to ntcc'rs as brainwashed suckers; because they willfully give large amounts of money to their ntcc cult leaders while they are lied to about where that money goes.  We were in the same boat as many of you ntcc'rs.  We were also brainwashed suckers.  We gave large amounts of money to our ntcc cult leaders while we were a part of this group.

The purpose of this blog post is to bring more awareness to the tithe scam that is being run by your ntcc cult leaders and to let you in on a big secret.  What is the big secret?  Well, it's really not a secret at all.  Your tithe dollars are being spent frivolously right in front of your noses; and it's being flaunted before your very eyes by Kekel himself.  You are being played while your cult leaders are being paid.  Does God really need all that money?  They will feed you a line of absolute garbage by quoting Malachi to you as if you were living under the Old Testament Law and they were Levites that had no possession; but in actuality, they are very wealthy religious hucksters that are playing you for complete fools.  God doesn't need your money, but Kekel wants it badly.  Jesus never preached tithe for his ministry; and Paul was very careful to work with his own hands so that the gospel would not be perceived by others to be used as a vehicle to get a few wicked phony hypocrites rich.

Everyone in the ntcc believes that tithe is required by God and that if they do not pay it, they will spend eternity roasting in the flames of the lake of fire.  Everyone in the ntcc has convinced themselves that God needs their tithe for the furtherance of the Gospel and that their money is going towards reaching lost souls.  Nobody in the ntcc questions their cult leaders and lives another day to tell about it.  Many years ago we were all a part of this group; and we were fed the same lines as you are being fed.  We all fell for this scam; and we faithfully paid our tithe to avoid the flames.  We watched as newcomers would get their fields plowed for disagreeing with tithe or questioning the cult leaders motives; and we bought into the scam just like many of you are still buying into it today.

One thing that many of us didn't realize is where all of our tithe dollars were going.   Now that the sinnernet has been reclassified to the internet and ntcc cult leaders are using it for social networking and to create eyewash for the masses, there is a clear money trail that is completely public; so you can see where your money actually goes.  In spite of the fact that this cyber money trail exist, many refuse to see it; and others ignore the blatant misuse of funds.  People have been conditioned to believe that the tithe scandal is God's way of blessing people like Kekel down here on this earth for their life of dedication and labor.  Meanwhile all of the ntcc cult leaders and board members continue to preach tithe as if your eternal soul hinged on ten percent of your income.  Unless you wish to join those who are being tormented in the flames of hell, you will pay your tithe and it doesn't matter what they spend it on.  That's not biblical.  You cannot purchase salvation or guarantee it with ten percent of your income.  And in the Old Testament, under the law, the tithe was carefully managed after it was taken up.  But ntcc wants you to think they can do whatever they want while they micro-manage you after robbing you blind.

So what do they spend it on?  I'm glad you asked because we have been trying to tell you for years; but you won't listen.  You say God is blessing the man of Gawwwwwwwduh!  Actually God has nothing to do with it.  If you read the bible that you claim to believe you will find that the rich have their rewards and the poor are the ones that are near and dear to God's heart.  If you spent as much time and money trying to help the poor and broken hearted as you did making Kekel rich, you would be a better person and you would actually learn about one of God's greatest valued attributes called charity.  Since many of you refuse to believe our words, we will use pictures once again to tell the story.  We promise that none of the pictures that we share have been photo shopped or manipulated to influence your thinking.  These pictures have been posted before your very eyes by Kekel and others who want you to accept them without questioning their motives.  They flaunt your money before you so that you can see how Gawd is blessing them; but have you ever seen your money actually going towards the lost?  How often to they flaunt that before you?  Never, because it never happens.  So here we go, as the following pictures paint a thousand words, try to imagine how these examples of fraud, waste and abuse are justifiable ways to spend your tithe dollars.

A Very Large Portion of Your Tithe Dollars Have Gone Towards the Private and Public Education of the Sinner Grant Davison Kekel who is Pictured Here Graduating from St. Louis University (Business School)

Before Grant came along, secular education was frowned upon and many ntcc'rs were discouraged from seeking higher education outside of the ntccbwa (Brain Washing Academy).  Many rules were broken by Grant Kekel and later changed to accommodate his lifestyle.  Davis himself has been noted for saying that his grandson Grant was a sinner, but why would ntcc tithe payers be required to pay this sinner's way through secular college?  The ntcc is being pretty tight lipped about where Grant is going to law school or how many of your tithe dollars it is going to cost to support this endeavor.  I suppose that many of you ntcc'rs should be grateful for Grant because he brought you wholesale compromise. Now your children can wear shorts and participate in sporting events at school.  The picture above says it all and it was flaunted before your very eyes on social media.  Grant wearing a lei made out of money at secular college graduation.  I wonder what ntcc mandatory functions the Kekels had to miss to attend this graduation?  Would you be allowed to miss a mandatory function to attend one of your relative's graduation events?  It cost a lot of money for Grant to attend Charles Wright Academy which was a private high school that he attended while learning and participating in sports (proof).  Your mandatory tithe helped finance this endeavor.  Is this why God needs your tithe money, so a sinner can get a business degree and possibly now a law degree?  Where are all the pictures of money being spent to save lost souls with your tithe dollars?  Your money is going into a bag with holes, as Vic stated in a recent comment, quoting Habakkuk.

The Kekels Plastered a Bunch of Pictures of Their Recent Vacation to Italy, Greece and Turkey on Kekel's Smog Blog to Rub in Your Faces. While You Struggle to Keep Your Oil Puking Junker Running to Pick up More Potential Tithe Payers for him to bilk at the Next Cult Meeting 
Here we find your tithe dollars hard at work as the Kekels take yet another all expense paid vacation to Europe.  This picture was taken at Ephesus at what is left of the temple of the goddess Diana.  Why would God send you to hell for not giving people like the Kekels your tithe?  Why would you feel condemned for not enabling these hucksters to travel around the world at your expense?  Do you actually feel like you are robbing God if you do not contribute to this waste of "God's money"?

This Vacationing Huckster Wearing Jeans While Presenting a Smug Grin as More of Your Tithe Dollars are Spent Frivolously On His Vacation in Greece.  Meanwhile souls are lost and dying and on their way to hell as missionaries struggle to make ends meet, pay the rent, and feed their families 

You Better Keep Paying Tithe if You Want to Make it to Heaven.  God Needs Your Tithe so He Can Send the Kekels on More All Expense Paid Vacations.  Another Picture of Your Tithe Dollars at Work Flaunted Before the Cult Masses.  Keep Bringing your Tithes to The "Storehouse" so They can Live Large.

A Bolo Wearing a Bolo Hat

Do you still think that you would be hell bound if you didn't pay tithe to these false prophets? Recently Kekel left a Facebook post that stated: "During last evening's fellowship, the "Graham Team" surprised me and Rev. Kinson with offerings for Pastor Appreciation, and we were taken totally by surprise!"

A Rolex Presidential Watch that Davis Pouted About Wanting Because He Wasn't Happy with the Multi Thousand Dollar Rolex that was Purchased for Him

Davis Had Matt Reed Take up an Offering for a Henry Rifle for Davis' Collection

A Fleet of Expensive Recreational Vehicles Purchased with Your Tithe Dollars.  How Many Souls have been Won to Christ From these Rolling Cathedrals of Self Wealth?

Is this really what Christianity is all about?  Can you find examples of excess like this anywhere in the New Testament?  Is this what Jesus died for?  This is a big time scam and money making scheme. There is no justification for all of the money that has been spent and yet the tithe dollars continue to roll in.  People are being played for fools.  None of this wasteful spending has been hidden, but it's been on display for everyone to see.  The next time that your tithe is due, you ought to put it in the bank and save it so one day you can help your aging mother or that widow down the block.  Maybe you could donate some to a homeless shelter or orphanage, practicing what the bible calls "pure religion".  These crooks don't need your money; but they want it.  As long as you continue to enable them, they will keep playing you.  Please turn on your brains and think about this for a moment.  Is this what God wants for your lives?  Please think about this while you are being thankful for all the blessings of God on this Thanksgiving day.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Unchurched

Recently we received an anonymous comment which brought to light some very interesting observations.  The comment was submitted on Veteran's Day and is worthy of a further look:

Anonymous said:

"I recall somebody preaching about how that :
"the grave has the doctors mistakes but hell claims the preacher's mistakes"

Every guy that stands in that pulpit will have to give an account for the people they ridiculed, belittled, found fault , etc. etc.
What is a Christian you asked?
Such a sobering thought. I've experienced love and understanding and help from the rotgut sinner next door who drank everyday but helped us load our stuff to move to yet another city.
I got help from the unchurched, those we were taught to reach out because they were on their way to hell and yet they, those "sinners" were kind to me and family to get us on our feet again!
What is a Christian ?
Is it the way you dress or attend church or tithe or soulwin?
You may post pictures of how many people attend your church or how many events you do in your church.
Post pictures of holding babies showing love & smiles, celebrating birthdays but in the back of my mind is the thousands of people that were left behind because of our inability to really be a Christian to them.
What about those that were the preacher's mistakes? Can a post on facebook or a positive thought on your twitter bring them back?"

Another Day of Life in an NTCC Church

There are some very good points made in this comment. The ntcc has definitely created their own definition of what Christianity should be; and their doctrine is constantly being upgraded like the Windows operating system on your personal computer. I'm sure all of those who use MACs suffer in their own way; but I'm a PC; so you'll have to bear with me on this illustration. Windows came into being many years ago. I remember when Windows 3 and 3.1 were being used back in the early 90's. Since then there have been upgrades like Windows 95 and 98. Now we are up to Windows 10.0. With each upgrade there was a promise to make things easier and give the customer more options and features. What wasn't advertised was how that Windows would become more intrusive and integrated into your private life. Technology, to include the platforms for mobile phones and social media, is taking away your freedom and privacy. When windows 8 came out, we bought a new laptop for Ange at Walmart with all the bells and whistles. $500 bucks' worth of technology. It had a DVD player on it that would not play DVDs unless you paid for a program that would allow you to watch your DVDs, or figured out how to circumvent or uninstall this bloatware program. The touch screen technology was and still is maddening to me. So is the text to voice technology on my cell phone. Many of our cell phones with the exception of iPhones (MAC products) are running Google based platforms. Many 'free' apps that you run on Android phones require permissions that allow the providers to control your camera and microphone and grant access to much of your personal information, such as all your contacts. The same is true with your PC. When you download and install new programs, you give the owners of those programs access to other areas of your private life. Now all of the advertising that you see on Google, Facebook, and Android is all targeted toward you; because they have integrated your personal information into their advertising campaigns. Cell phones are now getting rid of SD cards and removable batteries so that everything you do can be stored in the 'cloud'; and all of your history can never be fully deleted. Reportedly, next gen phones won't even offer an on-board gallery on your device; instead all your pictures and videos will automatically be uploaded to the 'Cloud'! Google wants to integrate your Facebook accounts, your contact lists, friends' phone numbers and addresses, your photos and videos, your blogs and other social media and a whole lot of other stuff into a nice friendly public format, supposedly for your 'convenience'. Ahem! They have promised you more features and more capabilities while taking away much of your freedom and intruding deeply into your privacy.

Ntcc Aeronautical Soul Winning Program Gone Awry!

The ntcc has much in common with today's technology. Their doctrine keeps getting upgraded and rules are changed to accommodate their exposure on the internet. Before the internet exposed them for their double standards they could pretty much preach anything they wanted; and nobody would know any better. They could influence men to get vasectomies and discourage grown adults from bettering themselves through education and career opportunities. They could take up offerings for diamond pinky rings and Rolex watches to give to Davis, while blasting visiting women for wearing 'devil stirrups'. They could get away with placing strict requirements on others while they broke the rules themselves and used people to get what they wanted. Now that it's plastered all over the internet, their hypocrisy and double standards have a damaging and lasting effect on their bottom line. To stop the bleeding they have to change the rules frequently to deceive the religious masses who follow them and support them financially. If you are in the ntcc, they are doing this right under your noses; and they are playing you for absolute fools.

This Confused Ntcc Church Member Wonders if He is Really a Christian. He thought the blood of Christ and God's grace was sufficient to save and keep him; but his ntcc preacher has sown doubt through doctrines of devils and traditions of men that make the commandment of God of none effect. Mat 15:1-20, Mark 7:1-23, Rom 4:14, 1 Tim 4:1 (all here)

So, with all this confusion, how do you know what is right and what is wrong? People are gullible and that is why their freedoms are being taken away. In the ntcc, you are being promised eternal life while they take your money and your freedom away. You are promised that one day you will judge the world; but you have to ask your ntcc pastor for permission to go to another believer's house and have dinner. You are going to rule and reign with Jesus forever in glory; but you can't talk to a member of the opposite sex without permission from your ntcc hirelings. They have lorded over you and will continue to lord over you as long as you allow them.

Unsuspecting ntcc Church Members Mindlessly 
Participate in Spiritual Target Practice.  

We can learn much from the "unchurched". There just might be something wrong with your religion when you are supposed to be an ambassador for Christ but your fellow rotgut sinner shows more compassion towards others than the ntcc leaders that you try to emulate. Who was a Christian to the the man who went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among thieves and was left for dead? Was it the priest or Levite who saw his suffering but crossed the street to walk by him while pretending not to see his anguish? No, it was the Samaritan who the religious leaders considered to be dogs and devils. See Luke 10:30-37 (here). The unchurched have put the ntcc to much shame. The ntcc claims to be the last hope for mankind; but they will not even give a dime to a homeless man, let alone allow him into their churches. The homeless have nothing to tithe, so their souls are not important to the ntcc hirelings; while the 'unchurched' are out there running soup kitchens and homeless shelters and sharing the gospel with them. When you see more kindness coming from a sinner than a saint, you have to wonder if that saint is really a saint and if that sinner is really a sinner. (Rom 2:26-27; Rom 3:30 here

Kekel Gives the Boot to Some More ntcc'rs who have Outlived Their Usefulness.  Earlier He and Kinson were Standing at the Front Door Shaking Hands, Chuckling and Welcoming Them to Church.

Why does the ntcc find it so important to label people? Why is there a caste system of tiers - 'just a' church member, 'faithful' church member (tithe payer), 'good' brother (a real sycophant), minister's wife, minister, Pastor? Why does everyone of another denomination have to be demonized by the ntcc leadership? They have rundown every organization and every other religious group under the sun while saying that they believe they are not the only ones going to heaven. They are talking out of both sides of their mouths! They ride in on their high horses, blasting people for attending other churches as if the ntcc has a monopoly on the truth. They act as if they hold all of the copyrights to the bible and anyone who opposes them is opposing God. Meanwhile the actions of a sinner, to be a 'neighbor' to a homeless person by handing him a ten dollar bill, are condemned as contributing to their sin. I'd rather give a homeless person a hundred dollar bill than to give an ntcc pastor a ten dollar bill. ;At least you know that the hundred dollar bill might bring someone without a roof over his or her head some comfort as opposed to what happens to your ten dollar bill in the ntcc. For all you know, the money that you give to your ntcc pastor might be going towards a visit to the whore house! You'll never know where your money is going because the ntcc hides their financial records from you. How do you think someone like Kekel who had nothing when he came into the ntcc, now is a multimillionaire in a 'non profit' organization? He plays you for a bunch of fools. He uses psychology to play you and then he reels you in like a big sucker fish and you continue to give your money and your future to him; because you think you need to do that in order to be saved.

Not Welcome In the ntcc!

While the ntcc excludes people from heaven the unchurched are out there bringing people hope. I don't know who is actually going to heaven and who isn't. I'm not God; and only God knows. I think that the ones who actually practice what Jesus practiced have a much better chance than the ones who are in it for the money. The ones who quote a bunch of positive thinkers on their Facebook pages while bragging about how many prayed for salvation and the Holy Ghost often look down their noses at the common folks. Their outreach is only to those that have the ability to pay tithe. Much of that tithe money goes towards building up the ntcc's real estate empire and lining the Kekels' pockets with cash. The unchurched probably have a much better chance of shouting on the streets of gold; because many of them actually do things out of compassion and love that is not influenced by religious hypocrisy.

 A Girl's Message To ALL Christians on YouTube

If you are trying to be a better Christian and looking for a way to live in constant victory, don't join yourself to a church that has to constantly upgrade their doctrine to control the damage that is caused by their double standards. You don't need to get rid of your Galaxy S-3 or S-4 in exchange for the S-5 note or the S-6 Edge that has a non-removable battery and forces you to store all your personal data in a Cloud. Your S-3 and S-4 are working just fine. You don't need some religious hypocrite to take away your freedom and your money. All you need is Jesus. Try practicing love. You won't go wrong. Don't love someone just because they are praised by others, try loving someone who nobody else cares about. Don't join a group just because they have a program that appears to reach the lost, when in reality it only reaches people who can give them enough money to make them wealthier. You are much better off without the likes of the ntcc religious hypocrites and leeches on the body of Christ. You are much better off with the unchurched. Being in a church doesn't make you a Christian any more than being in a barn makes you a horse or being in a garage makes you a mechanic.

While kekel and kinson try to reinvent ntcc by denying the truth about its past, people elsewhere are enjoying God's free gift of salvation without man's interference.

It Is Finished!
Eventually, we'll all have to upgrade our phones and go along with the technological hoax; but you'll never have to upgrade your salvation or your Christianity. There are no new improved versions of God's plan for salvation out there. It always was and always will be a simple plan, with no activation fees for you to pay. Christ paid it all for you. Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. These are the two most important commandments in the bible and you don't have to join a group of money grubbing hypocrites to be a part of God's church - the body of Christ. You don't have to frequent a building or pay anything to anyone. You don't have to subject yourself to a bunch of man-made rules and outward standards either. If it were that important, Jesus would have mentioned it. You don't have to sign any documents or put your name on any church rolls, not even the ntcc tithe payers' record sheet or weekly report! You don't have to dress a certain way or eat your french fries with a fork. How stupid!  Do you think God really cares about all that stuff?   Ecc 12:13 "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man." 1 John 5:3 "For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous."

Sunday, November 1, 2015

What's a Christian?

Happy Jesus stands with a joyful smile and hand raised in triumph.

There are hundreds of millions of people around the world that claim to be Christians.  There are also thousands of religions and denominations that claim faith in Christ.  There are also thousands upon thousands of conflicting doctrines that are preached and taught around the world.  Con artists and religious hucksters have seized upon this opportunity to make a fortune off of the spiritually starved and blind masses who are convinced to follow them.  In the midst of all of this confusion the truth is staring everyone in the face in all of its simplicity.  It doesn't have to be broken down by a theologian.  The world has spawned endless versions of the truth and many people go from church to church looking for someone to break it all down for them.  Is there such a thing as a healthy church? Is anyone sincerely sharing the truth without using the gospel and the people of God to get rich? How is a person supposed to find God when every church has their own way, their own path, their own doctrine and their own agenda?  It may seem like a daunting task to sort out truth in the midst of a church world that is laced with hypocrisy and legalism, but don't let this overwhelm you.

The ntcc and many cults like them imply that they are the only ones on planet earth that know the truth; but they have deceived thousands upon thousands of people, infecting them with their toxic and venomous doctrines that exclude many sincere seekers of God.  They will tell you that a Christian is someone who is Christlike.  But what do they really know about being Christlike?  Did Christ ever tell people that if they didn't pay their tithe to him that they were God robbers?  Did Christ ever gather the people that were following him together and take up offerings?  Did Jesus ever tell people not to bring the poor and homeless to hear him preach or to be healed of their infirmities? Did Jesus ever tell people to dress a certain way if they wanted to be a Christian?

The ntcc knows little to nothing about following God. The only thing worthwhile that they can teach you is how NOT to be a Christian; and that lesson is often learned over the span of several years - not by listening to their words, but by observing their lives.   If you want to know what a Christian is you would be much better off going to the source.  The bible is broken down into two testaments. The Old Testament gives us a history of how God dealt with people prior to sending His son to die for our sins.  The New Testament tells us how Jesus lived and died for us, and what we must do to be a Christian.  The New Testament is a guide that explains what Christianity is all about and is rooted in simplicity and common sense.  You will not find thousands of different ways to be a Christian in the bible.  The most popular and quoted scripture in the bible, John 3:16 and its partner Romans 10:9, are simple and easy to understand:

 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.  [Jhn 3:16 KJV]

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.  [Rom 10:9 KJV]

So why are there thousands of denominations all of which claim to follow the truth?  People have added to and taken away from the simple and plain truth; so that they could profit off of people that want to be Christians. Why does this happen?  Because people feel like they need someone else to teach them Christianity. Because they don't know about Christianity, they consider anyone that stands behind a pulpit to be an expert in all Christian matters.  People feel that the only way to know God is to follow someone else and to attend their meetings and support their programs.  It's all about money and commercializing the church.  The ntcc and its splinter groups, to include Ashmore and Denis, all have an agenda; and they are very secretive about their true motives and their financial aspirations.  If you ask them where the money goes, they get offended and defensive; because the money is their god.  They make their living off of their ability to con people out of their money; so it doesn't matter how much they preach Christ crucified, how many pray at the altar, or how many lives are changed. To these religious hucksters true 'success' in the ntcc and other cults and 'churches' is measured by how many tithe payers they have. "Period!"

It's no wonder why people are so messed up.  Many people leave the ntcc; but they seldom learn from their mistakes.  Many who leave ntcc end up hating God and religion altogether; because they were forced into a demanded and required obedience to man-made rules that never got them any closer to God.  Others find it necessary to go out and find another group of controlling and manipulative hucksters to join.  People feel the need to follow others; and they trust very little in their own ability to discern the truth.  They will join another cult or phony religious group; because they want to replace the ntcc who kicked them to the curb.  While we believe that there are actually people who love God and worship together making up the church, we also realize that finding such a group of people is like trying to find a tribe of Eskimos living in frozen igloos in Death Valley, California. Salvation is personal; and if you are depending on someone else to feed and nurture you so that you can be a better Christian, good luck with that!  You and you alone are responsible for your own salvation.  People say they are set free; but they subject themselves to people that are in it for the money and power.

Apparently there are some in the ntcc that are openly talking about how they were at one time caught up in the rules of man.  Over on Chief's blog there is a comment that references how Hunt is saying this and how that the attitude seems to be, "We've made mistakes; but can't we all just get along? Can't we forget about the people we've run off and the children whose lives we've ruined?  Can't we just pretend that we never caused any misery in anyone's life?"  They want you to think that as long as you forget the past and look the other way and continue to pay tithe and be a part of their program that everything will be alright.  They might have a few thousand people fooled; but they aren't fooling God.  These crooks are admitting that they did things wrong and that they are changing; but they are not attempting to make anything right with the ones that got kicked to the curb.  So you want to know what a Christian is?  Take a good look at the ntcc and you will find what a Christian is NOT.

Jones and his wife were seen several times in the Columbus area; and they were asked if they lived down there now.   When asked this question, Jones' wife didn't answer, but looked at her husband; and he said no.  Later it was found out that Jones bought a house in that area; and that he was using semantics in an all too familiar ntcc-way to be deceptive.  Perhaps he doesn't live in Columbus, GA, but he lives in Phenix City, AL, across the river.  Why are they afraid to be truthful?  What are they trying to hide?  When Kekel was asked by Bruce Smith about inappropriate premarital behavior with Tanya, he answered, "We never went there."  Why do they use these types of weasel words when asked a simple question?  When Kinson was confronted about leaving his wallet in a whore house, he didn't deny it.  He didn't say, "No, absolutely not.  I never stepped foot in a whore house and never left my wallet in one."  Kinson in a weaselly way, responded:  "It's not fornication if you use a condom." and "I've never slept with anyone other than my wife."  What? We aren't talking about a snooze.

The ntcc leadership are masters of manipulation and deception.  They are liars; and they are also thieves who cheat people out of their money by condemning them with twisted scriptures about Old Testament tithe.  I watched a little bit of the Benghazi hearings where Hillary Clinton was being asked about the four Americans (the U.S. ambassador, the U.S. Information Officer, and the two former Navy Seals who died trying to defend the Americans and the Embassy, but were all killed while Hillary watched on T.V. and did nothing to help them).  Several times Hillary was asked yes or no questions; but she refused to respond with simple yes or no answers.  She would try to insert something to try and make herself look good rather than answering truthfully; and she did so several times, in a very slick and sleazy way.  Some on the investigating committee wouldn't allow her to get away with her weasel words.  Bush Sr. once said, "Read my lips, No new taxes!" and compromised by raising taxes. This kind of behavior is commonplace among politicians and religious leaders.  They feel they are above the law or untouchable.

So what is a Christian?  Open the yellow pages and find the section that lists all of the churches in your area.  Close your eyes and point to any one of the hundreds if not thousands of churches that are listed.  Go to that church and there is a 99% chance that they will treat you nice; and they will eventually try to get you to be a part of their program; which often includes you opening your wallet and giving large amounts of money to them.  They will teach you why their denomination is right and why all others are wrong.  If you are unlucky enough to find a manipulative cult they will try to convince you that they are the only ones on earth who are preaching the truth and that if you want to make it to heaven, you will have to obey all their rules.  In a cult like the ntcc you will find greed, you will find child molestation, you will find rape, you will find abuse, you will find lies, you will find cheating, you will find hate and you will find yourself broke and destitute of a normal life.

Or you could just read your bible which will tells you that a Christian is one who lives for Christ.  A Christian is one who loves his brother, loves his neighbor, loves the poor, loves the blacks, whites, Puerto Ricans, sinners and saints, and that loves the Lord with all their heart and soul.  The just shall live by faith.  Open your bible to Mathew, Mark, Luke and John and you will find out how Jesus lived; and if you try to emulate the life of Christ, and live by His words, you can't go wrong.  You don't need some preacher to introduce you to his program and try to tell you that you have to do things his way to make it to heaven.  I don't care if you are a woman that wears pants and make up. If you love God and love your neighbor as yourself, you will fulfill the definition of a Christian.  Jesus never took up offerings.  Salvation is a free gift. The Pharisees were all about money and outward appearance while Jesus set the example of love by preaching and living a life of love. Jesus wants you just as you are, not as some preacher wants you to be.  If you want to know what a Christian is and if you want to be one, don't trust some snake oil salesman with your salvation.  Don't trust a religious hypocrite.  Don't trust some religious nut case that wants you to get a vasectomy.  Don't trust in a doctrine or a denomination. Don't even trust me. I'm not trying to get anyone to follow me or give to my cause.  I would love to see you find freedom from religion.  Trust in God and you will not be led astray.  David was being hunted down by Saul about 17 years after he was promised to be the King of Israel.  He and his men had their city burned and their wives and children were carried away by the Amalekites.  He was greatly distressed and the people were talking about stoning him.  David didn't run to Davis or Kekel to find the answers; but he encouraged himself in the Lord, got his family back and received God's promise a few days later.  At the end of the day, you are responsible for your life; and to some degree you are also responsible for the life of your family.  Your Christian walk is yours to deal with and so are the blessings and the consequences.

We are not saying that you should or should not attend church anywhere, but we are saying that you can't rely on someone else for your salvation.  We believe that the bible is correct in Mathew 24:24, where Jesus said:  "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."  We also believe Mark 7:7 to be true:  "Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men."  David was too busy running for his life to attend church on every Sunday; but he was not too busy to worship the Lord and pray.  While God's plan is simple, some make it hard by enforcing the letter of the law on others.  Jesus died to free us from the ordinances of the Law and the Old Testament.  He paid the price.  You can't tithe your way into heaven.  He died so you wouldn't have to.  Jesus doesn't demand perfection, in fact he is our perfection.  Jesus doesn't expect us to be like someone else, he wants us to be ourselves.  People have made salvation and Christianity much harder than it has to be.  When people add to or take away from God's word, they do it because they want you to be a part of their program which is designed to benefit them.  They wouldn't have to add anything or take away anything if their interest was in pleasing God and being a Christian.  You can make Christianity simple as it is written or you can make it more difficult.  People make it more difficult because they don't want to follow God's simple plan.  Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself.  Everything else will fall into place if you keep these two simple commandments.  And if you mess that up you can still go to the cross and ask for forgiveness; because that is also part of being a Christian.  Jesus did everything else for you; so all you have to do is Love Him; and if you do this you are a Christian.

Welcome Home - Jesus embraces a disciple, welcoming him to heaven.