NTCC Tithe Doctrine Fattens up its Leaders, While the Rest of the Schlubs Live Well Below the Poverty Level |
We often refer to the Scriptures not to be super spiritual, but it's these very scriptures that are being misused by the ntcc leadership. They love to use Hebrews 13:17 that says to: "Obey them that have the rule over you". But they ignore the the warnings of 2 Peter 2, Jude 1:4-24 and Christ who speaks of them more often than all others in Mat. 7:15, 24:11, 24:24, Mark 13:22, Luke 6:26. How do you tell the difference? In most cases there is a lot of greed involved as Peter and Jude warn people that the False Teachers who have crept in unaware, love to run greedily after the error of Balaam for reward.
For next few weeks we are going to use the comment section to compare ntcc doctrine to sound scripture that is found in the Bible, (God's Word). Many in the ntcc will not change or even pay attention because they have seared their conscience with a hot iron. We will show how that the ntcc rules by fear while Jesus ruled with love. We will show you scriptures that prove that God wants you to love your neighbor as yourselves, while the ntcc will tell you not to invite your neighbor out to church unless they are able to pay tithe. It's true. Many people are considered a waste of time in the ntcc. It's often been shared, don't waste your time on this one or that one. They can't pay tithe or they are going to do what they want to do. The problem is that we all know the bible. The ntcc can only forgive you if you continue to pay your tithe, but Jesus never collected a dime, and none of the apostles or authors of the New Testament ever carried tithe forward from the old testament to make it a mandate for NT Christians to pay tithe with an attached ultimatum of hell for those who disobey. What is the difference between a New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc. member and a real Christian? We all know the bible but so many of the ntcc members refuse to believe it in it's entirety.
We will be commenting on this post several times through out the next weeks and months with scriptures that we believe are inspired words from God, and we will share these scriptures along with the ntcc beliefs that contradict them. We will leave it up to you to decide. We recommend that if you were brainwashed by the ntcc, that you use the bible to filter out what was true and what was and is a lie. If you think that we are wrong, please let us know what scriptures you are using to come to that conclusion. The ntcc claims to be a bible believing organization, so we want to know why they have chosen to tear certain scriptures out of the bible. Has God changed? Has the Word of God changed? Let us know what you think.