
Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Last Hope for Mankind? ntcc's "Us Vs. Them" False Doctrine

Us Four, No More:

It has been shared in conferences, and in many ntcc churches, that the ntcc is "the last hope for mankind in this lost and dying world".  If you happen to be a church member in a ntcc church, and you visit another church, you will be told something like this:  "God saved you in this church.  If all the other churches were right with God, why would God raise up  this church in these last days?"  Then the church 'in question' would be scrutinized by ntcc doctrine.  This could be done in a church service by a practice known as blasting other religions and denominations in a way that humiliates the church member that attended the 'unrighteous' church.

New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc. FALSE DOCTRINES eXposed!
ntcc teaches a false
"Us Vs. Them" doctrine
Using Cult Jargon to
set themselves up as
"The Last Hope for Mankind"

We have all seen this many times.  It takes place in a setting where others can learn the borg way and be admonished to tow the ntcc line or else....  It happens in Bible studies, church services and during fellowship.  It happened more frequently than I care to remember.  This will happen to you if you decide to go to another church.  It has happened to new members and not so new members.  It has happened to tithe paying = "faithful" members and to the unsuspecting Sunday church goers. [1st Time Visitor's Story Click To Read More]

If a person skipped a Sunday service or even a bible study, questions were sure to be asked. As he or she entered the tabernacle to attend this week's church service, the Pastor would be there to shake all of the unsuspecting church goers' hands and ask the most recent absentee the question: "We missed you last Sunday; What happened?" The "Church- Hopping" individual would then be expected to give an explanation in front of others as to why he or she was not in church.  Usually he or she would say something like, "My roommate invited me to his or her church" or "I decided to go to the post chapel."  While you and I know this is fine with God, it violates ntcc rules.  So the witchhunt begins.  More often times than not, the so-called ntcc 'pastor' [blaster] would make a mental note of this and begin to ponder how this might fit into today's 'message from Gawd'.

We all know what's getting ready to happen.  We've seen it many times.  And for some weird reason we've blindly accepted this anti-Christian behavior.  The Bible would open and something like this would be blurted out by the maniac behind the pulpit.

New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc. False Doctrines
Where were you on Sunday?
It's MY way or The Highway!

"I consider them" [Christians
who leave ntcc] "my enemy!"
 snarls ntcc ceo, m.c. kekel 

"I had a message all prepared about the love of God, but at the last minute Gawd changed it.  So now I'm going to speak to you about CHURCH-HOPPING!  *scowl*  *pause for effect*  CHURCH-HOPPING!"  The preacher is getting ready to establish a few things.

  • First he is going to publicly humiliate the person who missed church by blasting him or her for attending another church.
  • Then he is going to dissect the doctrine of the other church by using ntcc man-made doctrine.
  • Finally he is going to instill fear into the hearts of everyone in the congregation so that they will be afraid to attend any other church.

Public humiliation was a tool used by Davis [and other ntcc hirelings] to keep people in line.  Everyone in the ntcc was taught by Olson or their local pastor 

  • that Davis was "the first man up before the throne of God".
  • Others thought Davis was  "The twenty fourth elder"
  • that whatever Davis said came directly from the throne of God!

So public humiliation and 'blasting' people was learned behavior; it was emulated by every ntcc preacher that all of us ever listened to.  To be humiliated in front of your peers would either make you fear to step out of line ever again, or would make you mad enough to leave and never come back.

"The reason you went to another church was because you want a compromising religion that will allow you to live any way that you want."  This was stated more times than I could remember; it implies that the ntcc is right; and the 'other' church 'in question' is wrong.  It implies that if you go to that church it is because you are rejecting God and you want your sin!

Not only are you being singled out and humiliated, but, in many cases, you will be ridiculed and made fun of for attending 'another' church.  Cult jargon will be used:

Cult Jargon To Promote NTCC by Attacking 'Other' Churches:

  • "You want sin; and you know you can't have it in this church."
  • "This is Gawd's church."
  • "We are the last move of Gawd on this earth."
  • "Gawd has raised us up for such a time as this."
  • "If all the other churches were doing right, there would be no need for Gawd to raise up US [the ntcc]."
  • "But you think you know more than Gawd."
  • "You go to another church so you can have your sin."
  • "You're just a church-hopper!"
  • "Gawd saved you here; He wants you to stay here."
  • "If you really love Gawd, you wouldn't want to be anywhere else."
  • "Sure there are 'other' churches out there; but if they were right with Gawd, they would do what we do."

Has anyone heard this stuff before?  I've seen ntcc 'preachers' point their fingers at the 'offenders' and scream at the top of ntcc lungs at them.  Is that how God treats His sheep?  I've seen visitors' and church members' faces get red and people tremble and cry because they are being humiliated in front of a group of people that they either barely know or consider friends and family.  Moreno Tragedy Click To Read More

The 'preacher' that "hides behind the pulpit" and dispenses out fear and rebuke usually gets his followers to do a lot of the ground work for him.  The "soul winner" is expected to get details from the "contact" as to why he or she was not in church.  What church did they attend?  What was the reason they went to that church?

Not Pure Holiness:  But A Man-Made Doctrine of "Us Vs. Them":

For every church there was an ntcc doctrinal explanation to  refute the other church's beliefs, claim they're wrong, and place them in hell for their doctrine.  To do this, ntcc had to create rules and doctrines that made them different than "all of the other churches".  "Holiness" was a term that the ntcc used to describe a movement that came about in the latter part of the 19th century.  This doctrine mandated outward appearance as required evidence of salvation.  I'm not making this up.  If you don't believe me, do some historical research.

The definition of holiness, as it was dictated to us by the ntcc, actually came about in the mid - to - late 1800's.  I guess before that God never required this type of Holiness.

The term 'holiness' was coined by religious groups to describe the way they looked and to distinguish themselves from everyone else, kind of like the Pharisees did!

Although Holiness is a biblical word that means to be set apart, it was the use of this word that was manipulated to create a set of standards that would exclude other groups from heaven by the way they dressed.  The ntcc also used many other man-made rules that governed aspects of their lives that can be found nowhere in the bible. Having to get permission to make everyday decisions that normal people make without consulting another man is an indication that you are in a cult and should send up red flags all over the place. But in the ntcc these rules are used to control you; and they are indicators of your 'faithfulness' to ntcc.

Strict adherence to rules set the ntcc apart from all other churches and caused people to measure themselves against all others and think that they were part of the last move of God on this earth.  But in reality this doctrine of division causes pride to take root, divides the members of the body of Christ,  and creates the "Us Vs. Them" mentality we are discussing here.

The Fear Factor

For a cult to be successful and to accomplish their goal, they must operate in an environment of fear.  Fear is used to keep people in their places; and it is also used to prevent people from ever questioning the so-called 'leaders'.  You know what will happen to you if you question the so-called "man of gawd".  You have seen it too many times.  You will be jacked up just like everyone else.  This fear keeps you in a place where you will never get anywhere.  It is counterproductive to what God wants in the life of a Christian.

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. 1 Jo 4:18

You cannot live in fear and have perfect love in your heart.  But fear is absolutely present in every ntcc church-goer's life.  It is used continually by ntcc to keep you in your place below them, and to keep you from questioning the powers that be.

Guilty or Forgiven?

Another primary function and role that fear plays in the ntcc members' lives is to make them blame themselves for everything that is wrong in their lives.  While we are ultimately responsible for our own decisions, we are manipulated to look inward at all of our defects and to ignore the root [ntcc] causes of them.

We were placed in an environment where we were led to believe that our 'leaders' all had the victory over sin.  But that is a lie; for it is written:

If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 1 Jo 1:8

If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. 1 Jo 1:10

We were also led to believe that if we didn't live the same lie as they did, we would die and go to hell.  As a result, those who leave the borg often blame themselves; when, instead, they are truly forgiven by God and accepted in the beloved:

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 Jo 1:9

To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. Eph 1:6

But some don't know these scriptural truths.  As a result of ntcc false doctrine that teaches them to blame themselves, sometimes for things that aren't even sin, when they leave ntcc, some of them loose every bit of self worth they ever had.  They live in fear and condemnation.  But it doesn't have to be that way.  When we confess our sin, God forgives us and accepts us in Christ.

Still Silent?

For others, they may not doubt their Christianity.  But years after leaving ntcc, they're afraid to say anything about "the organization" ntcc.  Why?  They were trained to "keep their mouths shut and pray".  They were told not to question the "man of gawd".  They were spiritually abused.  The abuse victim is more often than not, afraid of the abuser.  Guess what?  The ntcc never had the victory over all sin as they try to get you to believe; and if they say that they do, they are liars.  Their sin goes a whole lot deeper than smoking or drinking or cursing.  Their sins are much worse; because in the process of establishing their self-righteousness, and acquiring vast amounts of wealth, they have hurt the very ones that God intended to save!

This ntcc cult thrives; because it receives very little opposition.   Most people are afraid to share true stories of what they went through.  There are so many people out there that have been spiritually molested and taken advantage of while in the ntcc.  If we all spoke out, the ntcc would be out of business.  But many people keep the hurt bottled up inside because of fear.  Fear that if they speak against the ntcc, that they are speaking against God.  That just isn't so.  The Apostles pointed out false doctrines and false prophets and so did Jesus.  We should not fear doing the same!

The ntcc is NOT the last hope for mankind.  Who is?  God has made it clear that JESUS IS the last hope for mankind.  Now, thanks to ntcc religiosity,  many people are so sick to death of religion.  So I'm not going to sit here and try to ram anything down anyone's throat.  I will say that the ntcc is nothing like what God intended for his people.  Sending Jesus to die for our sins was the greatest act of love ever displayed in the history of mankind.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

It's called grace; and it's something that NONE of us deserve.  Compare grace to ntcc doctrine and you will see how flawed they are.  We started this blog not just for the purpose of getting people to leave a cult, but to also let people know that Christianity does exist outside of the ntcc; and it exists in much greater abundance.

New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc. False Doctrine
ntcc says "My Way or Hit  The Highway"
It's time to Get Right or Get Left (Behind)
"You're Gonna Split Hell Wide Open"

You do not have to be a part of a ritual and be a member of some group to be a part of God's family.  Your spiritual choices are yours to make; but God is more than able to lead us and keep us without some abusive jerk dictating a bunch of controlling rules to us and using the fear of hell to keep us in the place that he wants us to be.

I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. 2 Ti 1:12

[There is] therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Rom 8:1

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. Rom 8:2

Notice this scripture says nothing about what church you attend.  It is talking about believing in Christ and what He did for us.  It talks about being led by the Spirit of life in Christ, not condemning ourselves under the law of sin and death or man-made rules made by some hypocrite who sees us as a gravy train.

The single most important step in the right direction for someone living in false condemnation like what ntcc dishes out, is to get as far away as you possibly can from the ntcc or any group that claims or implies that they are the the last hope for mankind!

Remember Jesus IS the last hope for mankind.  Check out this lyric video of a song called "Not Alone" by a group called "Red".

Not Alone by Red Video Click Here

That by two immutable things, in which [it was] impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us: Heb 6:18

Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; Tts 2:13


  1. I remember RWD used to say that the reason God couldn't bless some ministers or their congregations was because there was "sin in the camp" and God can not bless sin. I guess that must be why numbers are down within the entire organization. There must be a lot of sin in the camp. People that think that the ntcc is spotless need to open their eyes. If you pay your tithe to the ntcc, you are wasting God's money and you can be assured that the vast majority of your tithe dollars are being sucked up into a vortex in Graham where very large amounts of your money is going towards excessive and lavish amenities that are being enjoyed by the Davis and Kekel families. You are paying these guys to neglect any true work that is being done elsewhere in the organization. They are lying to you when they tell you that you are giving to help lost and dying souls. They are con artists that brainwash people into giving large amounts of money to them. Have you ever noticed that most of the rules in the ntcc govern how you spend your money? How many times has it been said that your money is God's and that when you are not a good steward with what God has blessed you with, you will never have anything? They play you for fools by making sure that your very first priorities in life are to give to them. If they see you doing something with your (their) money they will respond like Judas did when Mary used the precious ointment to anoint the feet of Jesus. They will mock you openly in church service for spending your money on something that they consider unnecessary, and praise you for being a giver if you contribute to their cause. There are many sins in the ntcc camp. Not just greed and neglect but they are guilty of many sins that you will never find out about because you think that we are just a bunch of devils making things up. That's okay, continue to be blind. Those of you that read these blogs and have left the ntcc with the knowledge of evil doing that has taken place and you witnessed it, but keep it to yourself, you are enablers. You are allowing the continuation of abuse but we know there is fear in your heart. We don't hold it against you, but don't come on here anonymously and tell us that we are just bitter and need to get over it. Don't make us out to be evil hoping that it will score you some points. There are many folks that get out with knowledge of sins that were committed by board members against them. Davis, Kekel their wives and Olson and others will try to convince people to leave their spouses, or bring forth false accusations against them, lying about why they left. Yet they still are afraid to say anything against them, and as a consequence other people will be subjected to the exact same treatment. The ntcc is full of narcissists that know that they can continue to use people and destroy them and lie about them while extorting them for monetary purposes without retribution because they have placed fear in their hearts. You won't go to hell for speaking against the ntcc or it's leaders any more than Jesus would go to hell for speaking against the Pharisees that behaved just like ntcc leaders in their time.

    Hows that for a run-away paragraph?


  2. I was thinking about NTCC and their preaching of "Holiness". I think and consider it amusing now, But the preacher would talk about sin, and go down the list of sins as far as the way perhaps someone would dress etc....But whenever we would go out for fellowship you would think that some of these people were trying to build Mount Rainier on their plate. And then they would go back for seconds. and thirds!!!I actually know of people whenever they left NTCC they lost weight, and started to live and eat healthier.

  3. Yeah Mark,

    Gluttony is definitely not in the NTCC Bible. It can't be, otherwise Senior Pastor Davis wouldn't eat so much at times.

    Because we all know...He never sins (or can't remember), never misses God, and does all by the Holy Ghost.

    You don't even need to ask him, and he'll tell ya.


  4. Everything in the ntcc revolved around eating, especially in a servicemen's home. Eating was a bigger part of Christianity than fasting was. Many times people that fasted would be labeled as being super spiritual.

    The Ramirez's loved to eat a lot, and as members of their church we would not only eat dinner and standard cake or dessert after service for fellowship, but we also had a ritual where we would eat tons of Ramen. We would cook about 10 packs of Shin Ramen (Korean spicy ramen), in a big pot and add lots of cheese and sometimes meat. We would gorge on the stuff. As a GI, I went from about 180 to 220 while in Korea. I was approaching my 30's and my metabolism could not keep up with the large amounts of food we were devouring. We all were pretty gluttonous back in those days and I'm not blaming this on Ramirez but let's just say that there were no sermons being preached on the subject.

    Shortly after leaving Korea I got up to 240 and Davis asked me if I was on the fat boy program. I actually came really close. Back in those days, if you were overweight, and I was, you had to take a tape test and your body fat was calculated in accordance with military guidelines that determined how fat you were. If you raise the balls of your feet up ever so slightly you could take 5 pounds off at the scale. Not sure how or why that works but it does. Then I would suck in my gut as far as I could when they took measurements with the tape. We were allowed a maximum of 24% body fat and my body fat was calculated at 23.98%. I explained this process to Davis who was fatter than I was at the time and he just raised an eyebrow and said nothing.

    Shortly after this I went on a diet and ate just one meal a day for 45 days and got down to about 200 pounds.

    You don't have to be a genius to figure out why there was so much emphasis on tithe and no emphasis on gluttony. The ntcc is a money grubbing and greedy organization. If we shortchanged God by not paying our full 10% before Uncle Sam got his, we were God robbers and on our way to hell. If we ate like a bunch of starving hogs and became morbidly obese everything was A Okay. This is why a vast majority of ntcc ministers and long time members are fat. More proof that the ntcc is a cult.


  5. Don and Ange wrote...

    Many times people that fasted would be labeled as being super spiritual.

    Chief said...

    That's because Davis wanted to stay fat and he didn't have the willpower to pull away from the table.

  6. Chief said:

    "That's because Davis wanted to stay fat and he didn't have the willpower to pull away from the table."

    DnA said:

    That's the culture in the ntcc and it is also a good visual aid to define the dynamics that take place within a cult.

    The founder is fat and so are the vast majority of his followers. So logically, all other aspects of "Davis the cult leader" would be emulated also. He's the last hope for mankind so we might as well take his advice on how to eat, how to dress, who to talk to, who not to talk to, who to call, who to visit, who to ride with in our cars, when if ever we can visit our families, what to spend our money on, what not to spend our money on, what days we can work, what days we can not work, what music we can and can not listen to, what social networks we can participate in, what charities we can not give to and we can go on and on all day and all night.

    The point is that cult leaders set themselves up as deities and gods to be worshiped and revered.

    Once they establish that they never missed God, cannot remember the last time they sinned and that everything they do is by the Holy Ghost and they get you to believe this, then they work on getting you to believe that you are not as good as they are. You are not as close to God as they are. You are lucky to be alive and to have escaped the judgment of Gawd and you need to listen to them so you can get to the place where they are at. So you find yourself in a place where you are easily manipulated, because of fear.

    Now they can make you do anything and ignore all of the things that they do. You officially have a mind full of mush. You are like a pet to them. If you continue to do tricks for them and make them happy they will pet you from time to time and give you an occasional scrap, but make sure you keep wagging your tail and don't show your teeth to them or you might get beaten down or even taken to the pound to be disposed of.


  7. RWD is a hypocrite (and he's stated that he's never seen one get saved, too). I remember once when he got concerned about his corpulence and went on a weight-loss regime. Prior to that he had mocked others for "jogging for Jesus," but he and Gandy hit the pavement and he did lose a bunch of weight. He also mocked any kind of working out, but when I went to his house once, I beheld a weight machine and a treadmill set up in his garage. It appears his effort was only for the purpose of mocking others, however, because he gained it all back in short order. But not before he used his newfound fitness to reproach people and tell them that it was simple to lose weight, as he had proven (he also claimed he would learn to play the piano to prove how easy it was to the wives who neglected this essential church skill, but I don't think he ever gave any recitals).

    Fasting was continually mocked, which is interesting in view of the positive treatment it receives in the bible. RW claimed Jesus fasted to defeat the devil, and since he's already defeated, we don't need to. He also maintained that its purpose was to get control of the flesh, so if you attained the level of victory he claimed to have, it was superfluous. Naturally this attitude aligns with the desires of the flesh, and people were glad to jettison fasting as a spiritual practice. My own experiences persuaded me of its value, however, so I was a closet faster in the NTCC. Maybe that helped me eventually see through their BS get-wealthy-off-the-backs-of-others scheme and leave. I recommend fasting to all, for both spiritual and physical health. It's endorsed by Jesus, Moses, Daniel, Elijah, Paul, and others in the bible; decide for yourself if they have more credibility than the "apostle" Davis.

  8. Vic, your comment seems to mirror Clint's attitude at this weight loss meeting, Click blue "you people are fat" link above. I believe it was an old SNL skit and since the ntcc are all into skits these days this seemed appropriate. It is just an audio clip but it sums up RWD's attitude towards others after he lost his weight. The last sentence in this audio clip may seem a little offensive to many Christians but it describes R-dub's attitude that he projects towards others.

  9. You People Are Fat video address copy and paste:
